Atrues and Y-n V.s. The Stranger

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Atreus opens the door and tells Calliope with his daughters to go inside, and as they enter the cabin Atreus walks to Faye's pyre, kneels down, Y-n takes out a light brown bag with golden designs and puts a few handfuls of Faye's ashes in the bag. Atreus holds the bag for a few seconds, looking at it for a while accepting that Faye is gone and now it's his turn to carry his mother's doppelganger throughout the whole journey and ever since the children met the giantess Faye 3 years ago they became really good friends. Seeing that when she was very sick, Atreus told her the truth about what happened in his and this timeline about who they were and why they were here in this land. It made Mama Faye really happy knowing that Calliope, Atreu, Y-n, and their families will be the ones to scatter her ashes in Jotunheim so that her spirit can live on in her home with giants to be with her kind. Atreus looks up at the sky and smiles knowing that Norse Kratos, his living mother Faye, Mimir, Lysandra, Greek Kratos, and Pandora are still watching over them in Mount Olympus.

Atreus ties the bag on the left side of the rope that's hanging from his waist along with his father's old loincloth, and walking back in the cabin with his wife's hand in his own, closes the door and sees the girls sitting silently on the floor with Leo. They used to have eight beds but now that Tyr and Faye aregone they decided to put those two aside, Atreus walks to Calliope making sure that she's alright.

"Did you get Faye's ashes?"

"Yeah. And by the time we get to Jotunheim I'll let you carry her."


"I'm being serious. Would I ever lie to you?"

"No you would not and thank you, Atreus. It really means alot to me. So who will we meet on our long journey?"

"Well we will meet..."

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud dragon roar, they hear wings flapping as the noise fades away. Someone knocks on the door a little hard but not too hard and says, "Come on out, there's no use hiding anyone, I know who you are. More importantly I know what you are."

"Not him again, Calliope get yourself and the kids to hide beneath the house now."

Y-n walks and kneels to a white carpet and removes it to reveal that there is hatch, opening it and what you see inside was a really small place like a panic room only with dirt and rocks. They wanted to make sure that the kids and Calliope are safe, they know that the younger ones are ready for the journey they will take but not ready yet to face an enemy like this and Atreus knew that vioce, a voice he has not heard in a long time and he knows that he can't let this stranger know exactly who they are .

"Okay. But who is that?"

"We'll explain everything later. Go."

The five and a babe enter the small panic room, once that was done Y-n closes the panel, puts the carpet back on top and walks to the door not opening the door yet.

"Just tell me what I want to know. No need for to get bloody."

Once the stranger' sentence was finished, Atreus opened the door with y-n at his side and sees a tattooed man with Norse runic symbols on his all over his body. Atreus walks out and y-n closes the door behind her and face the stranger but they knows exactly who this is. The stranger was not expecting a sight like this and it surprised him as well but this guy has no idea about this pair's true identities of who they used to be back in Greece.

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