𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11

451 22 4


I was still sitting in the attic and I heard someone leave the house, I got up and looked outside and it was a woman. Are you kidding me, all that shit he be talking and he got a whole woman over here. I rolled my eyes and sat down over at the bed and then I heard him come upstairs, he opened the door and I looked at him. "who was she?" I asked. "That was my mom, she came to check up on me and to make sure I was ok, she thinks I've been acting weird around her," he explained and I rolled my eyes at him. "What's the problem?" He asked. "I feel like you're lying to me" I stated. "What? I'm dead serious, why the fuck would I be lying to you if I've been telling you nothing but the truth this whole time?" He asked and I didn't respond. "You can act like that all you want, remember you're the one sleeping in the locked up attic, not me," he stated.

I immediately shot my head at him and just looked at this crazy ass man. "WOW!" I shouted. "FUCK YOU JAHSEH!" I shouted as tears started to stream down my eyes. "Why the fuck do I want to stay here with you so bad? Why?" I asked myself and he didn't say anything he just stood there and looked at me. I guess he is expecting me to get up and run, but I'm not. This man took me away from my life and my dumb ass want to stay with him.

He pushed me and I was laying down while he was on top of me and he started kissing me and I couldn't help but to give in.


I opened my eyes and it was pitch black, but there was little light. I tried to sit up but I couldn't, and it made a lite bump, and I heard cars honking... am I in the fucking trunk of a car. I started banging on the hood, screaming and shouting the car came to a stop.

"Carmen we're finally in Wisconsin!" I over heard Jack shout. "Wisconsin?" I whispered to myself. It got quiet for 3 seconds then I heard footsteps and someone opened up the trunk and it was just Jack standing there alongside with the guy that snitched on me while I was trying to escape.

"Hey baby girl, I have a friend I want you to meet." He spoke as he picked me up out of the trunk and started walking towards an abandoned house. "We're gonna stay here for a few days then we are leaving back to Florida," he spoke as he walked in the house and sat me down in a corner.

I looked around myself and there was a girl laying across from me. "What happened to her?" I asked. "Oh she's just sleeping... I think." The guy spoke.

"You think?" I asked. "Oh, she's breathing, She just never woken up, but she will," he added. "By the way my name is Devin, and thats my ex girlfriend Cinthia," he introduced.

I scrunched my face at him, did this nigga just say his ex girlfriend? "Yea I know, crazy right" he laughed and I just rolled my eyes at him.


I sat up and I was in my bed, but Jahseh was laying beside me. I looked to my right and somebody was just standing there looking at us. I tapped on Jahseh's shoulder to wake him up. "What," he groaned. "Um, you have a guest," I spoke lowly. His eyes shot open and he sat up quick as fuck. "Stokeley?" Jahseh spoke. "Vro what the fuck is this shit?" He asked him.

"Ahhh fuck!" He shouted. "Turn around," he told him, the guy did as told and Jahseh got up from the bed put his clothes back on. "Aight follow me back downstairs, vro you can't tell a soul," he spoke as the guy walked out and Jahseh slammed the door shut and locked the doors.

I guess I'm stuck up here AGAIN!


"Vro it's hard to explain," I spoke. "Don't tell me that's that girl, that's been missing for years," he spoke. "Ok, I'm not," I shrugged. "Fuck man, what the fuck were you thinking?" He asked me. "Do you know how much trouble you would get into for some shit like this. Every fucking time, I was so curious on why you've been acting so fucking weird, now I see why," he stated.

"Vro, you can't tell nobody." I told him. "Jah this is sick and you know it," he stated. "I tried to let her go, but she refused. She's in love with me, I can't let her leave. Plus if I let her leave, I won't ever see her again," I spoke. "Please don't tell nobody," I begged.

"You my vro, but I don't know. This shit is sick. I hope you not responsible for the other girls that are missing as well. Carmen, Deyjah, and Cinthia?" He asked. I scratched the back of my head, "I know about Carmen, but not the other 2," I spoke and Stokeley shook his head. "So where is she?" He asked me. "I can't tell you that information," I told him.

"Then this ain't no secret to me Jah," he spoke as he was heading for the door. "Wait!" I spoke out and he turned around and looked at me, "I swear I don't know shit about the other 2 girls, but Carmen is with a friend of mines. The other 2 girls may be with my other friends but I don't know much of it," I explained and Stokeley started laughing me. "Friends huh?" He questioned.

"Do I know these so called 'friends' of yours?" He asked. "Yes," I spoke as I nodded. "Give me names," he added. I sat down on the couch and put my face in my hands. "Uhh Jack, Devin, and Johnathan," I spoke. They gonna kill me for telling him, but it shouldn't be a big deal, I only told him. Stokes my vro, his hard to keep shit from him. I always tell him everything.

"And you up there sleeping with her. Are you raping her or she's allowing it?" He asked. "She's allowing it, I would never physically hurt her, I may have once but that was different." I explained. "How is it different? Just admit that you have abused her before," he stated. "I'm not abusing her," I spat. "Well, I don't know what you see. But I see abuse, she's basically taken away from her own family and your her kidnapper whom taken her virginity away from her. You even took her away from her own boyfriend," he explained and I ignored him. "Thats abuse Jah. And I don't understand how you do see it," he added.

"Now that I know about it, you gotta do better by her since your sleeping with her, but just know when you get caught, you'll never see or be able to touch her ever again... but vro, I got you. I ain't no snitch, I can see that you actually care for her, but I wish you did things differently to make this work for the both of you," he explained as he got up and left.

After he left, I went back up to the attic, to check up on Mallory. She was still laying down, and I laid down beside her.

Um do any of y'all know or like Rome Flynn?

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