𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 10

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At the Grand Beach Hotel

We walked in the hotel, Jack went to go check us in and I was too busy looking around. It just looks so beautiful, then I noticed something that caught my eye. It was a missing flyer with me on it.

 It was a missing flyer with me on it

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Then someone walked up next to me. "Its so sad that two beautiful young girls have gone missing within one year." The guy said and I nodded my head. "Babe!" Jack mid shouted, I quickly turned around and walked off, I looked back and the guy was looking at me weird. "Help me," I mouthed, I then put my index finger to my lips to signal him to keep quiet. He looked back and forth at the flyer and at me and his eyes were widened.

I turned around and continued to walk with Jack into the elevator. We were on the top floor. We walked out of the elevator and went to our suite. "Stay here, I'll be right back," he ordered as he dropped our luggage off and walked out of the suite.

"Are you sure she's on this floor!" Some man mid shouted. "Of course I am, I just checked them in, I had no idea that the girl he was with was missing!" The other guy shouted, Jack immediately shut the door and turned towards me. "What the fuck did you do?" He shouted, he pulled out his gun. "Get in the fucking cabinet," he ordered as I flinched at his voice and did as told.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "I'm sorry sir, I'm gonna have to check your room," a man spoke. "For what?" Jack asked. "A man claims that this missing girl is with you," he spoke. Someone started to laugh, it must've been Jack. "I'm sorry sir, but I haven't seen anyone that looks like that," Jack responded, "you can check if you want," Jack added.

I'm contemplating in my head whether if I should make a run for it or stay. It may be best to run, but if I end up seeing Mallory again, I want to help her out too. I guess I'll deal with Jack for now.

"You can come out now," Jack spoke. I crawled out of the cabinet and it was just me and Jack in the suite. I looked around for Jack and he came up behind me putting a cloth over my face and I passed out.

3 hours later

I woke up laying in a bed, I couldn't get out because I was handcuffed to the bed same for my feet and I was laying in my bra and underwear. "Oh you're awake," he said when he walked in the room and came over to the bed. "Want to explain to me why the cops are questioning me whether if I have you or not?" He asked, I didn't respond, I just turned my head away from him.

He got on the bed straddled me, he leaned down to my ear. "You're so fucking sexy," he whispered in my ear, the touch of his breath gave me chills.

He then kissed my neck, to my chest, to my stomach and he stopped at my panty line. "Don't worry baby, I'm not gonna hurt you," he spoke. He kissed my the iner part of my left thigh and I jumped from the touch of his lips against my skin. "Relax," he laughed. He got up and walked away. "I'm sorry," I spoke, he walked back in the room and looked at me and he smiled, this nigga looks like the joker.

He grabbed a blanket and threw it over my body. Then he took off his shirt, turned the light out leaving the tv on. He came in the bed and rested his head on my chest. "You had a chance to run away, a good chance. Actually 2 good chances and I don't know why you still wouldn't try, I'm not gonna hurt you babe," he said in his deep British accent. He turned his head and looked up at me.

"I'm gonna set your hands free," he stated as he sat up, reached over to my hands and took them out of the cuffs, then he laid back down on my chest, leaving my feet to be cuffed still. "Hold me," he softly ordered. I hesitated a little bit, he looked up at me and I wrapped my arms around him and he turned his head back to the tv.

"Remember my mom, well technically she's not my mom." Jack spoke. "I know me and Carlos found an article about you and some other people, why are you doing this," I asked. "Just having some fun," he answered.

I rolled my eyes at his response. He rolled off of me and I'm he went straight to sleep, that was a hell of a snore. I slowly sat up, I'll try to help Mallory another way. I need to get out of here. I looked around the room and found my clothes sitting on the literally next to me. I carefully got out of the bed, quickly and silently got dressed. After I finished getting dressed, I quietly ran out of the room, as soon as I ran out there was someone sitting on the couch watching tv.

I stopped and started panicking, I'm never getting home. I guess the person felt me staring at them, their head turned and looked in my direction and it was some little boy, he looks 16 or something. He furrowed his eyes at me, then he turned his attention back to the tv and paused his program. "Jack your little friend is escaping!" The guy shouted.

I turned around and saw that Jack sat up, I turned around and quickly ran for the door, I tried to quickly unlock both of the locks but Jack got to me before I could even open the door. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!" He shouted, "LET ME GO!" I shouted and the other guy was just watching us.

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