Goodbyes Aren't Forever

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"Yuna!" San dashed to her side unsteadily the moment all of the men had left the room, the sound of the lock clicking into place splitting the heavy silence. His arms, toned from the years of dancing, encircled her and she unleashed the sobs that she'd been holding in.

"San, San, San.." She repeated his name over and over into his shoulder like a prayer, breathing him in deeply and clutching to him. He felt solid beneath her hands, and soon his own body shook with quiet sobs, his arms tightening almost painfully around her aching body. But it didn't matter.

"I shouldn't have let you go for that walk." He said angrily, rocking their bodies together on the spot. She pulled away slightly, grabbing his face between her shaking fingers. Tears wet his cheeks and his eyes were somehow even more swollen now than they had been earlier. Regret and pain lashed around in his onyx gaze and she sighed.

"This is not your fault. Whatever this is, was going to happen at some point no matter whether I went for that walk or not."

"I'm going to get us out of here. I'm going to get you out." He said fervently, eyes shining with more tears and she shook my head.

"No. No you can't. You need to get yourself out of here, not me. They'll just keep coming for me, San. They'll eventually leave you alone." She knew it was useless before she even opened her mouth, she knew that he would rather die than leave her alone here, the same way that she knew that she'd rather die than let him stay.

He said nothing.

"Are you awake baby?" Warm breath stirred the shorter hairs curled around her ears and she lifted her head from San's lap, fingers reaching for his automatically. The last few hours had been a cycle of this, her falling asleep in his lap and waking only to reach for him before she could process being awake.

"Hey." His fingers wrapped easily around hers, squeezing gently and his lips ghosted over her forehead in a loving kiss. Her heart clenched.

Was this the last time she would feel his kiss?

Was it the last time she would be able to feel his slender but strong fingers holding onto hers?

"Hey." She croaked back, glad that there wasn't enough light in the room for him to see the tears once again sliding down her cheeks.

"I'm going to get you out of here." He whispered, hands disentangling from hers for his thumb to sweep across her cheek, dispersing the salty tears. She didn't reply straight away, not entirely trusting her voice.

For whatever reason, his words gave her a dull sense of comfort, maybe just because hearing him speak meant he was still here.

"Alright." She whispered finally, curling further into him. She could feel his heart beating, strong and steady, below her ear pressed to his chest.

Her own heart clenched again.

Outside P.O.V

Outside the room time was still passing, every minute ticking past another for Ateez's worry over their missing member and his girlfriend to grow.

Inside the room time didn't feel like it was passing at all, or that it was passing too quickly. Yuna remained curled against San for the remainder of time between their last conversation and the time when the door finally swung open to reveal her original captor.

San didn't fight as his upper arm was grabbed with unforgiving force and he was shoved to his feet, disloging the hardly awake Yuna onto the cold concrete. He grit his teeth and forced a smile at her, though his heart was unsteady with fear.

She stared, wide eyed and paralysed from her position on the floor.

"Please don't." She begged hoarsely. Youngmin, the name of the man whom she had referred to as Scar, simply shook his head in disgust.

"I love you." San said to her quietly from his captive stance below Youngmin's unbudging grip. He longed to grab her face one last time, to kiss her lips one last time as he said it.

But the situation didn't allow for that and he would need all his strength if he was going to get her out of here before he was killed.

Shining tears once again wet Yuna's face as she struggled to her feet, attempting once to reach for him and finding a hard force knocking her backwards to the ground again.

Stay down, don't get hurt. San begged to her with his eyes as she stared desperately at him from the ground. Briefly she jutted her jaw stubbornly and San felt a brief flare of fear for her until the fight in her eyes disappeared and she slumped against the ground with a soft whimper.

The sound split his heart into a thousand pieces.

But he was going to get her out.

Even if it was the last thing he did.

A/N - Sorry its a short and slightly random chapter. I also apologise that this story has escalated so quickly sksksk but that was just my writing style at the time of writing this. I didn't want this story to drag on and on and the best way for that to happen is for it to escalate quickly.

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