Chapter Five

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I woke up the next day and saw tommy had gone, I pulled some clothes on and made my way down the hall. I could hear the hushed voices of Adam talking to tommy, I waited round the corner and listened. "We'll have to use the girl, brady wont make contact with us" Adam said. "But that isn't fair on aurora" tommy replied his voice was soft but with an edge at the moment it was gorgeous I could listen to it all day. "Who cares what is fair, the girl wasn't part of the bargain. We wanted her parents, nobody else was meant to be in the house shes nothing but another problem to us" Adam answered. Tommy remained silent, "now we have her we can use her to get to the snakes and then to the top guy this snakebite guy. This brady clearly knows more than hes letting on. Use the girl to find out more" Adam instructed.

"She doesn't want to be part of this boss, she said so herself" Tommy answered. "Tough shit, shes part of it now whether she likes it or not. Don't tell me you care for the girl" Adam answered. Again silence, I had heard enough I went the other way and grabbed daisy's lead. Clipping it on I quietly shut the door behind us and took the back path to the beach, I let daisy off as she trotted a few metres in front of me sniffing the grass. I stood at the edge of the water deep in thought, I closed my eyes and listened to the waves a breeze ruffling my hair as daisy wandered behind me.

How did I get myself into this mess, I remember when gangs and undercover cops were just stories in books or on the tv. Somehow Ive been dragged into a type of life I never thought I would be, a cold blooded killer watching me like a hawk. But he stuck up for me didn't he, hes obviously not as heartless as I had first thought. As for this brady guy hes shifty as they come, but if hes tied in with this green snake gang than hes just as dangerous as they are. Yet im being used as a bargaining chip to get information.

I still cant get my head around the fact my parents were helping undercover with the most dangerous gang in London before they vanished. But the name snakebite seems to ring a bell,  but maybe im just thinking of the drink. I chuckled quietly to myself a rare sound these past few days, trust me to think of the drink. Still better than thinking of tommy kissing me with those luscious lips his strong hands on my body, god stop aurora hes a gangster he has no place in his world for people like you. 

I shook my head my hand going to the silver locket round my neck, my last present from my parents before they went away. Oh mum what do I do I thought, I bent down and picked up a handful of stones and began absent mindedly throwing them into the sea. I heard someone clear their throat behind me as I turned ready to hit someone as I met Tommys gaze. "Adam is looking for you" he said carefully as if trying to judge my mood, "like I care hes a jerk" I snapped angrily throwing the rest of the stones in the water. Tommy looked slightly confused at my anger, "you should really come back inside" he replied. 

"I think I'll pass, just leave me alone" I retorted, on cue Adam came down the path. "Great, what do you want" I said glaring at him. "You should come inside" he answered not even bothered at my response, "oh should I? Is that an order sir?" I said standing in front of him. "Don't push me" he replied darkly, "or you'll what kill me? Sure go for it, knock yourself out. Here let me help" I said grabbing Tommys gun with one swift movement and throwing it to him. "Go on then I wont move I promise, that's what you want isn't it a good little problem who does what you say and lets you use her as a chess pawn in your fucked up little game otherwise you just kill them. What are you waiting for DO IT!" I shouted holding my hands up.

He didn't move, "yeah didn't think so if you kill me you'll loose your bargaining chip" I said shoving past him and marching up the pathway. I could feel their eyes burning into the back of my head as I carried on going, I wasn't even going to give them the satisfaction of looking back. I went back inside shutting the door with a bang as Aimee and Sam came out of the games room. "Aurora youre back" Sam said, I ignored him as Aimee ran to catch up with me she placed a hand on my shoulder turning me to look at her. "Get off me" I said shrugging it off and turning to look at Adam. "Oh yeah just thought youd like to know my parents the ones youre all so desperately looking for?" I started as he looked at me. "Yeah about that, they're dead so you have no more use for me sorry and all that" I snapped turning my back on them and heading for my room, I shut the door behind me and shoved the chair against the door.

I went over to the bed and buried my face in the pillow screaming loudly into it. You know what I hate about this place? There's nothing to throw. 

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