Good Girl Chapter Twelve

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Good Girl Chapter Twelve:

The next morning I stumbled down the stairs as I put my hair up in a messy bun. I rubbed my eyes and could barely think straight becuase of that fucking dream. It was me... with Calum... "GAAAH" I huffed slamming the milk down onto the conter top. 

"What's wrong with you?" Lily huffed.

"Um. Nothing. Why do you care anyway?" I asked.

"Who said I cared?" 

"Fuck off.." I mumbled

"What!?" she exclaimed.

"Nothing. Now move please." I said shoving her so I could get to the Frosted Flakes.

"What has gotten into you?" she asked.


"Really? Because I'm pretty sure Michael got in you the other night." she said sarcastically.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!" I cried.

"Well neither do mom and dad. And if you want to keep it that way I suggest you treat me with a little more respect." she smirked.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I've covered for you since you were in 9th grade! You and Jacob have literally been fucking every weekend since 9th grade and I have to cover for you! No matter what! And you can't cover for me just this once? I love Michael and if mom and dad found out I was dating him they would flip out! They wouldn't let me see him! Ok? So just think of someone other than yourself for once in your life Lily!" I said storming out of the kitchen. I went upstaris and texted Michael:

Me: Hey.. can you pick me up a little earlier? 

Michael: Sure babe.. When? xx

Me: umm.. now..?

Michael: I'll be right over. Whats wrong?

Me: Nothing.. just want to see you.. xx

Michael: I love you

Me: I love you too

About ten minutes later Michael picked me up. 

"You okay babe?" he asked.

"Yeah. My sister's just.. being a bitch.." I replied as he took my hand. We pulled up to Michael's house. It was very nice. It was a white, two story house. "Wow. Your house its beautiful." I smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you." he laughed.

"Thanks.. but that was a little cheesy.." I giggled.

"I know.." Michael laughed kissing my forehead. We walked inside and it was even prettier inside. 

"Wow.." I mumbled. I followed Michael into his room. It was great. The walls were covered with Green Day and Blink 182 posters. His guitars were propped up in the corner. I sat down on his bed and looked around. He shut the door and sat next to me. He ran his hands through my hair and kissed my lips. Not breaking this kiss, he pulled me up into his lap and put his hands onto my hips. Just then I thought of how Calum had kissed me. I thought about that dream.. I pulled away and looked at Michael. "Michael I have to tell you something." I said

"What is it?" he asked with a smirk.

"The other day.. When I was over at Calum's... He um.." I started. Michael's smile started to fade. "He.. kissed me.." 

"What?" he asked sternly. Tears streamed down my face. "Its not your fault babe." he said sweetly, but he still had a very angry facial expression. He then stood up, fist clenched, and started walking put of his room. 

"Michael.. What are you going to do?" I asked..

"I'm going to go have a little talk with Calum.." he replied as we walked out to his car. He drove angrily on our way to Calum's we pulled up and he hopped out of the car. He ran up to the door and kocked loudly. 

"Michael you okay?" Ashton asked opening the door. 

"Where the fuck is Calum?" he asked. Ashton's eyes widened then he looked over at me. 

"You told him?" he asked.

"You knew!?" Michael exclaimed. He huffed and pushed past Ash. 

"He's literally going to kill Calum!" Ashton cried as we ran after Michael.

"What's going on?" Luke asked.

"Michael knows what Calum did." Ash said.

"Shit.. Calum is going to die." Luke said.

"Michael!! What the hell!?" We heard Calum exclaim. We ran up to his room and saw Michael had shoved him against the wall.

"You know how much Ellie means to me! And you kissed her! I can't beieve you! And all be cause of that bitch Sarah! How many times do I have to tell you she kissed me!! I don't understand what your problem is Cal! You're one of my best friends, but you need to let this go! I never stole her from you and you need to understand that! I would never do that to you!" Michael yelled. Calum said nothing. His eyes were wide and he looked terrified. 

"Look... Michael... I'm sorry..." Calum mumbled. Michael just looked at him. He let go and Calum fell to the ground. 

"Guys. You okay?" Ashton asked. Michael turned to look at us. 

"Yeah. We're great. Just needed to get that out that's all.." Michael huffed. He still sounded angry, but he didn't look it. He reached his hand down to help Calum up. It was weird, how that worked out. Its like nothing had happened. If I yelled at Kat like that she wouldn't talk to me for a week. I guess thats how their friendship worked. Michael walked out of Cal's room and grabbed my hand as we walked down the stairs. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah. I'm great. I told you, I just wanted to talk to him." he replied pulling me close. He gently kissed my lips. The others walked down stairs.

"You guys want to go get something to eat?"  Luke asked.

"Nah... we're gonna go back to my place.." Michael smirked putting his arm around me. 

"Ooh.. alright.." Ashton giggled. 

I laughed as we walked out to Michael's car. We got to Michael's house and we walked inside. We spent the rest of the day playing video games, eating pizza, and listening to music. 

Later that night we were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. Whenever Michael would laugh his hot breath would tickle my neck. I rolled over to face him. He smiled and kissed me. 

"I love you Ellie." he said.

"I love you too.." I said as he kissed my neck. Just then, the front door opened. 

"Shit. My dad's back." Michael whispered turning off the TV. "Come on. Let's go to my room." He said stadning up. We walked into his room and he quietly shut the door. 

"Fuck. Its late." I said looking at the clock.

"You want to go to bed?" Michael asked.

"Kinda." I said as he hugged me. 

"I love you so much." Michael whispered. 

"I love you too." I said as I kissed him. He picked me up and carried me to his bed. He laid me down and I pulled the covers over my body. Michael pulled off his shirt and put on his pajama pants then climbed into bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. He sent chills down my spine as he continued kissing my neck. 

"Goodnight baby." he mumbled.

"Goodnight." I replied as we drifted off to sleep.

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