Chapter 15 - Past reveals

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In this way no one is gonna stop the car ,Avni thought while once again an idea popped up in her mind.
and once again Aditya heard Avni's thoughts ..
"Darling no wa.."
But she didn't let her complete and said while sighing ,.

"Remove your jeans too !"


"No way ! " Aditya shouted at her.
A car passed by ignoring them , she chuckled a little and he annoyingly looked at her.
"No no no " Aditya stomped his foot and tried to wear his muddied shirts .
"I was joking Aditya"
Aditya glared at her but he looked cute .
"NO" He turned his head by crossing hands over his bare chest and looked away cutely.
"You are an are not even using your magical power to get us a lift"
"Thanks to you... my that powers are going on a vacation one by one''
"What I did hun?" Avni asked him while keeping her hands on his hips.
"What... say it.. what i did ?"
"Darling.. Dont let me open the truth.." He warned her .

While they were having quarrel in the middle of the mini truck stopped and honked at them.Aditya and Avni jerked hearing the honk and looked at the mini truck.Both realized they are standing in the Middle of the road and walked to the side.
The mini truck came ahead and halt near them.The driver looked out of window and stared at Aditya from head to toe.While Aditya looked at him ,bare chested ,standing only in his jeans.
The driver whistles .
"Do you need any help baby?" The driver asked Aditya.Aditya suddenly felt awkward.but he tried to be cool.Avni quickly ran at driver .
"Yes we need a lift .. will you please drop us "
"Yea sure..Get inside guys.." The driver said.Avni ran towards the mini truck.
"Wait seat behind " Driver said to Avni while looking at the carrier. behind his car."Baby will seat here " then he looked at Aditya.
Avni looked at him confusingly and Aditya raised his eyebrows "Oookaai" Aditya said and got inside the passenger seat.While Avni climbed up behind and sat in the carrier.Driver opened the small window between carrier "You can talk with us from here " Avni peeked out from the small window.She noticed driver staring at Aditya
"Do you have extra shirt Mr??" Adi asked the driver.
" name..but you can call me Albie" Driver said.
"Oh hello Albert .I'm Aditya" Driver looked at him
"and I'm Avni" Driver smiled at her
"Its albie for you" Driver winked at Aditya.
"O...kay Albie do you have any extra shirt" Adi asked him.
"Why?" Albert asked him.
"To cover myself " Adi raised his eyebrows at Albert.
"You don't need to cover me" Albert said it while staring at him lovingly.
"well.. Albieee please" Aditya said.Avni was looking intently at them.
"Okay okay .Don't do like that..take this" Albert picked out a tee from his handbag and passed to Aditya
Aditya wore it .It was tight fitted skinny tee.Aditya's biceps were popping out from it and his six packs were clearly visible through the shirt .
"all good?" Adi asked.
" were looking much better before. .but never mind" Driver sighed
"Why we are not moving yet?"Aditya asked.
"oops I forgot to start the engine !" Albert chuckled.
Albert started his mini truck and drives ahead."So guys where are you going ?"
"We are going to Kolkata" Avni said
"oh wow me too me too" Albie excitingly looked at Aditya and Avni .
"What do you both do for living?" Albert asked
Avni and Aditya looked at each other.Avni saw a mischievous glint in Aditya's eyes.
"Well ,this girl ,behind you ,do nothing but only knows to cry in front of god and ask for help."

"You know this guy.." Avni pointed at Aditya "This guy invades to anyone's house anytime "

"Wow ..I don't mind if you invade my house baby" Albert looked at Aditya.

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