Chapter 7: The lonely grave of Paula Scultz

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Budd goes to work. He works as a bouncer in a strip club. He arrives 20 minutes late and sees that there are no customers in the club. He talks briefly with the bartender, Jay, before he is called into the office by his hot-tempered, coke-snorting boss Larry Gomez. In the office, Larry argues with Budd over being late again, and Budd talks back, saying that there is nobody in the bar and there was no need for him to be there. Larry takes away all Budd's scheduled hours and tells him in a rude tone not to come back to work until he hears from him. In the bar, Budd agrees to clean up after a broken toilet that a stripper named Rocket says is overflowing.

Budd returns to his trailer but standing in front of it suddenly freezes. He enters the trailer but looks out the window. The Bride, who was hiding under the trailer, sticks to the wall so he does not see her. When she opens the door Budd shoots her in the chest with a shotgun loaded with rock salt. While she lies wounded on the ground, Budd is very pleased with himself and injects her with a sedative. He phones Elle Driver and offers to sell her the Bride's Hattori Hanzo sword for a million dollars. Elle agrees to bring the money in the morning. Her condition is that the Bride must suffer to her last breath.

At a cemetery, Budd and an accomplice dig a large hole in the ground in which they plan to bury the wounded Bride alive. When the grave has been dug, the Bride is given a choice: if she does not resist, she'll be given a flashlight; if she does, Budd will burn out her eyes with mace and leave her buried alive in darkness. She chooses the flashlight, is put in a coffin and the lid is nailed down. "This is for breaking my brother's heart," says Budd. Budd and his accomplice lower the coffin into the ground and cover it with soil. The Bride panics for a short time and recalls her training under Pai Mei.

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