Chapter 10: Face to Face

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In Mexico, the Bride visits the courtly retired pimp Esteban Vihaio, Bill's old mentor, and asks him to tell her where Bill is. He finally agrees because he thinks Bill would surely like to see her.

She enters Bill's hacienda carefully, a gun in her hand, but is shocked to the point of tears when Bill and their small daughter B.B., who she didn't even know was alive, both play-shoot at her with toy guns. She spends good time with her daughter, who falls asleep. The Bride goes to speak to Bill.

Bill's warning shot pins Beatrix down in her seat, then he shoots her with a truth-serum dart. She explains why she left him: because she wanted to keep their child safe, not wanting her to grow up to be assassins like them.

Flashback to a hotel room: the Bride, who's been sent on an assassination assignment to Japan, discovers that she is pregnant. Another assassin, Karen Kim (Helen Kim), shoots a hole in the door with a shotgun. The Bride, pointing her gun at Karen, convinces her that she is pregnant and persuades her to walk away, promising that she will do the same. As she leaves, Karen congratulates the Bride.

Back in the present, Bill is puzzled because he believes that Beatrix is a natural born killer and could not change. He asks if she enjoyed killing the other people on her revenge list, and the truth serum forces her to admit that she did. Bill explains himself and how he "Overreacted" after seeing Beatrix getting married. Beatrix states that they have unfinished buisness and after a short fight, she strikes him with the five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique. She tells Bill that she did not mention that Pai Mei taught her the technique because she is a bad person. Bill disputes that, and states that she is his favourite person. They share an affectionate farewell before he takes five steps and finally falls down dead.

At the end, Beatrix takes her daughter away to start a new life.

"The lioness has rejoined her cub, and all is right in the jungle."


Death list five :

1. O-Ren Ishii

aka Cottonmouth

2. Vernita Green

aka Copperhead

3. Budd

aka Sidewinder

4. Elle Driver

aka California mountain snake


-I dont own this movie or any of its characters. Thanks for reading :)

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