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 west is an asshole.
a very hot one, at that.
he sits on the edge of my window
for an hour and five minutes,
singing and writing new song lyrics.

he asks for a piece of paper and started writing a song,
about how being heartbroken hurts.
i can't do anything  but observe him,

he is magnificent in a boyish way.
oh god, will I end up falling for him?


lotus is a weirdo,
a very bizarre one at that.
as i write my song, she doesn't speak.
only occasionally saying she likes my lyrics.

fed up, I say: "why won't you say anything?"
"why would I?" she answers, "what is there to say?"
"more than i like that, you look bored, lotus."
"maybe i am bored, north."

i gape at her and she blushes, "it was a joke."
"it wasn't a good one."
she narrows her eyes at me and
 takes the lyric paper from my hands.
"play," she commands in a small voice.
i open my mouth to protest,
but curiosity wins me over and i play.

"haven't you heard, she broke his heart.
stepped on it and walked away,
talking her embrace from him.
she was his home, he is homeless.
he walks around aimlessly,
getting told to "man the fuck up" and forget.

is this what life has come to?
being heartbroken is a sin?
having feelings is a crime?

oh baby, then he's losing his mind,
running out of hopeless time."

her voice is low and soft to my ears,
"i think this is how it should be sang," she says.
she scribbles a few lyrical changes and smiles.

"well lotus, you're not the greatest singer," i lie, "but thanks."
her nose twitches at the insult and points to the window:
"get out. you're rude, i was tryna help."

"god, lotus. t'was a joke."
"it wasn't a good one."

ouch, sassy.

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