Part 30

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 24, afternoon

I was seated down on the couch in their small living room with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around me. I snuggled tighter to the blanket loving the feeling on my skin.

"Ok, are you ready to tell us what happened?" Ana says handing me another plate of food. This was my third plate and I was still hungry. I just finished my sixth glass of water and sat down the glass.

I looked up at them and swallowed hard. "W-well you see..." I started and felt tears again. I can't ever get this information out if I keep crying. I won't get any help if I continue to act like this. So swallowing my pride, I sucked up all the courage I had left and told my story.


When I finished I finally looked up from my lap to see their eyes. I expected them to be judging eyes, but they were soft and shows how much they understood. "This sounds so... familiar," Ana said quietly tapping her chin.

"I'm so sorry for intruding in your home like this. But understandably, I should really go see a hospital as well as go to the police. I need to send out a search party for my friends who are still out there!" I exclaimed getting worried by the minute.

Darren and Ana then looked at each other worried. Then they looked back at me. "I'm sorry but we can't let you leave," Ana said slowly before looking away from me embarrassed. Confused, I looked over at Darren to see him looking away angrily.

"Why can't you let me leave? I have every right to leave. And I need to see a hospital, I'm sure I have internal damage going on after what I just told you both." I said holding back my frustration.

Ana glanced at me again before attempting to speak. "Look—" she started but was cut off with a door slamming. We all snapped our heads to the direction of the sound to see a tall girl with curly jet black hair and pale skin come in smoking a cigarette. She looked to be somewhat older than me but only by a few years. "Rosa," Darren said standing up and stepping in front of Ana in a protective stance. Ana quickly went over to me and led me out of the room. I was beyond confused at this point.

She brought me back to my room and sat me down. "What is going on? Why can't I leave? Why did you look so scared when the girl—Rosa— entered the room?" I asked shaking my head in annoyance. I was beyond thankful that they were helping me but really they weren't if they won't let me go to the police or a hospital when I desperately needed to.

"Look I'll explain everything but you need to tell me more first. You never told us your name anyways." She said looking back at the door occasionally. "My name is Meghan Polinsky, my friends Lucas, Darcy and Michael are still out there and I need to find them! Edmond too but he's not my friend." I said wincing at Edmond's name coming from my mouth and raising my voice slightly. I only told her what happened on the plane, to the raft to the island before Rosa came in, I never got a chance to tell her my name.

Her eyes grew wider than saucers. "Your name is Meghan Polinsky?!" She said standing up at lightning speed.

"Yeah?" I said watching her movements carefully.

Ana ran to the door and out into the hallway. "Darren!!" She screamed. Ana turned back to me still wide-eyed and shell shocked.

What is happening? I thought crossing my arms over my chest. Darren entered the room quickly with Ana behind him. "Ana, What is it? I still need to talk to Rosa." Darren said.

"She's Meghan Polinsky," Ana said pointing to me. Darren's eyes widened like Ana's did and he looked even more shocked than her. "What is going on!!" I yelled my voice hoarse.

"Y-you should be dead!" Darren said. I frowned.

"Well Darren that's very rude and I—" I started but stopped talking when Darren turned on the TV. "What are you doing?" I asked but quickly swallowed my words at what I saw next.

"Flight 4234 was hijacked on May 14, of this year." The news reporter stated seriously before continuing. "The plane crashed resulting in many deaths along with the hijacker, the plane crash is still unidentified and as to who survived. Search planes are out now and we have contacted all family members involved. Rick is interviewing some close family members right now. Back to you Rick." the reporter finished before the screen changed and my eyes grew even wider. There stood Taylor, right there on the screen. Her hair was a mess, her shoulders were hung low and so was her head. Her face held no life in it anymore and her eyes looked as if they were robbed of their happiness. She looked up into the camera and began speaking. "Meghan Jane Polinsky was on that plane, my best friend, I can't even imagine her in that situation— god I'm a mess!" Taylor exclaimed with a sob while blowing her nose into a tissue. "She doesn't deserve this! No one does." She cried out while Rick acted with the best solemn look on his face. "I'm so sorry to hear, now back to you Jen." He said turning away from a sobbing Taylor. Then the TV cut and turned off.

I sat on the bed in complete and utter shock. I felt my eyes well up with tears. Fuck. My. Life.

I looked back and forth from Darren and Ana. "Well, why the fuck are we not telling anyone I'm alive! Lucas is alive too many others I assume! There is no way I will let you all not do anything!!" I screamed.

"We already told you, you can't leave," Ana said sounding harsh. She usually had a soft tone in her voice but now, it was just raw anger. I don't even know where it was coming from.

"Why not? I need a hospital." I asked my teeth grinding together.

"Look, if we let you leave the police will—" Darren started but Ana jumped to her feet and stopped him. "Darren stop talking!" She yelled. I rose up to my feet and wobbled around. "Look, I appreciate your very kind hospitality for my current situation but I should take my leave," I said my mind swimming all over the place. I felt my stomach clench and shut my eyes tightly to stop the pain.

"You can't leave!" Ana yelled running in front of me and putting a hand on my arm firmly. "Ana enough," Darren said pulling me away from her. "She is still hurt. You need to be gentle." Darren looked at me with a sad look in his eye and mouthed 'I'm sorry' when Ana looked away. Why did he have to stay silent? Somethings wrong, why can't I leave! I gave Darren pleading eyes.

"Someone just let me go—" I yelled but clutched my mouth still in Darren's arms. I pushed him away with so much force he fell back on the bed. But I didn't check if he was okay, I was too busy running to a joined bathroom and straight to the toilet, where I threw up from the stress.

I felt someone grab my hair and hold it away from my face. I expected Ana but when I looked up I saw Darren. Just as I was about to apologize I aimed back into the toilet and spewed again. He rubbed my back in slow circles to comfort me. But I didn't give a damn donkeys ass the stress is eating me alive.

"Meghan, I'm sorry," Darren said.

"N-no Darren don't be—" I started my faithful apology but turned back to the toilet. You can just guess what I did there...

I heard the door open and Ana stood by the frame holding a glass of water. Once I stopped my somersaulting stomach I sat up and drank the water slowly. Ana looked at Darren. "I talked Rosa into getting some supplies for Meghan. She'll be back in an hour." Ana said.

Before Darren could reply I blurted out my next question of many. "Whose Rosa?" I said not minding my own business.

They snapped there eyes to gaze at me and stared blankly. "It doesn't matter," Darren said standing up and leaving me on the ground. I hadn't realized his hand was on my back the whole time because when it left was when I noticed it.

Ana and Darren starred down at me. I leaned my back up against the wall and looked up at them. Their towering heights from my angle scared me. All three of us looking at one another we all had a facial expression of uncertainty. I don't know if I trust them or not. I can't help but think they are doing wrong for not letting me leave. But they are doing right for helping me. I've so confused.

"Now what," I said mindlessly. But really, now what do we do.


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