Chapter 12

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---The Day After That---

*your phone rings*

You: Hello?

Greyson: Hey. Good morning!

You: Oh! Good morning!

Greyson: Uhmm… I’ve told my parents.

You: Me too.

Greyson: And they’re happy for us.

You: *smiles* Same.

Greyson: *smiles too* So, can you come over my place? Lee Anne is here. She has some dress samples that might suite you.

You: Oh. Okay.

(So, after eating your breakfast, you took a bath and went on your way to Greyson’s house)

---In Greyson’s House---

You: *attempts to ring the door bell but the door already opened before you could ring the door bell*

Greyson: Hey!

You: Oh!

Greyson: Come in! *escorts you into the living room*

You: *sees Lee Anne* Hey Lee Anne! Good morning!

Lee Anne: Good morning. So, here are 3 dress samples that might suite you. Try on one and let me see.

Greyson: You can dress yourself in my bedroom. *turns to Lee Anne* Lee Anne, please help her out.

Lee Anne: Sure Grey. *turns to you* So, let’s go!

---After 15 Minutes You Finally Finished the Trying-On Part---

Greyson: Is that the normal time range when a girl tries on 3 clothes?

Lee Anne: *raises an eyebrow* Greyson, you don’t know how girls are like when it comes to fashion.

Greyson: *smirks* So, how was it?

Lee Anne: All dresses suit her perfectly. But we have to pick only one.

Greyson: Only one?

Lee Anne: Why? Do you expect [your name] to wear all those three dresses all in one?

Greyson: *laughs* No. Of course not. So, what dress did she picked.

Lee Anne: She picked the-…

You: It’s a secret. Right Lee Anne?

Lee Anne: *looks at you then nods* Oh, yeah. It’s a secret.

Greyson: Right… ( -_-)

You: So, after that contest, what’ll happen?

Greyson: I don’t know.

Lee Anne: (O.o) You’re joining a contest that you don’t know? Are you two mad? In every contest like that Ms. and Mr. Campus, in the end, the winners will, of course, dance.

You & Greyson: DANCE?!!!!!

Lee Anne: *laughs* Don’t tell me both of you are left-footed?

You & Greyson: *silent*

Lee Anne: *sighs* So I think the job is up to me again?

(So Lee Anne teaches you and Greyson every Saturday how to dance until the last session, where both of you ALMOST had it perfect.)

Lee Anne: Mission accomplished.

Greyson: Thanks a lot couz. Will you watch the contest?

Lee Anne: What do you think?

You: *smiles* Thanks Lee Anne.

Lee Anne: It’s my pleasure.

---On The Day Of The Contest---

(Lee Anne went to your house to help you on your clothes, and she told you to just wear flats, cause you mentioned her that you can’t walk on heels. And for the dress, you wore a white ruffled, sleeveless dress with gold, silver, and red glitters all around, and when you came down, you saw Greyson waiting for you at the living room.)

Greyson: *open-mouthed*

You: Why?

Greyson: You’re, you’re…..

Lee Anne: Yeah. She’s beautiful. Let’s go! You’ll be late!

(So off you go….)

---In The Contest---

(The emcee presented the candidates and the judges, and started the contest with the talent portion.)

(Talent Portion)

(You and Greyson had a duet singing “Stranded”, and the other contestants also did their job very well, except from the fact that Chelsea slipped on the stage.)

(Question & Answer Portion)

Judge: *asks you* What is the word “Love” means to you?

You: *smiles* Thank you for the beautiful question ma’am. For me, love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects, preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. *bows*

Judges: *gives out a round of applause and a standing ovation*

(The next question was asked to Greyson.)

Judge 2: If you have a girlfriend, why did you chose her?

Greyson: *looks at you then face the faces the judges again* Because she has this love that only she can give, a smile that only her lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in her eyes and my life that only she can complete. Thank you. *bows*

Judges: *looks at each other then nods and gives another standing ovation*

(The other contestants quite disappointed the judges, and after the deliberation, the winners are finally announced.)

Emcee: So, the Ms. & Mr. Campus are……… *drum roll* Ms. [your name] and Mr. Greyson Chance!

(The whole crowd jeered as you and Greyson were being awarded. And after that, here the music comes.)

Greyson: *holds your hand and brings you into the center of the floor*

You: *soooooo nervous*

Greyson: Don’t be nervous.

You: *smiles*

(So there you go, dancing round and round with Greyson. You don’t even mind if anyone was watching, and you totally don’t care how furious Chelsea was at you, all you care about is that you love Greyson very much, and that will never EVER change.)

---after 10 mins.---

Greyson: *pulls you closer to him*

You: *blushes*

(Your head is just an inch away from his. It was too close. You can even see your eyes’ reflection on his eyes. It was getting nearer…… And BAM! He kissed you! Oh yes he did! Everything froze, and you wished that that night would never had to last…….)

~~~~THE END~~~~

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