All I Want Is You Chapter 1

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(You were watching the Oklahoma City Thunders and Los Angeles Lakers playoffs with your bestfriend)

Your Bestie: I don’t think I can see a nice view here, I think we should take a seat on the lower rows.

You: Oh, okay.

(You found 4 unoccupied seats on the 2nd to the lowest rows and you and your BFF sat there. After 10 minutes, two boys came and was about to sit beside you. Boy 1 was holding a can of soda and the boy 2 was ripping open a bag of chips.)

Boy 1: Hey, are these seats free?

You: Why? Do you want to pay for it?

Boy 1: *whispers to Boy 2* You heard that?!

Boy 2: Don’t mind her. Go on, ask!

Boy 1: What I mean is, are these seats unoccupied?

You: Yeah.

Boy 1: *whispers to boy 2* This is the first basketball game nightmare I’ve ever watched.

Boy 2: Ahah. Let’s just sit down. Just don’t mind her.

(The first quarter of the game ended, and you are really annoyed of the two boys beside you cause they’re sooooo noisy)

You: Can you two put your voices down please? *and you snobbed them*

Boy 1: *repeats what you said in a baby toned voice to his friend then starts to laugh*


Boy 1: Why are you so mad at us? You started snobbing us when we sat here.

You: If I tell you why, will you shut up?

Boy 1: *pretends to think* Uhmmm…. No.

You: *sighs loudly and closes your hands into fists*

Boy 2: *whispers to the other to the other boy* She’s cute, why don’t you ask her name?

Boy 1: No way! She’ll just snob me!

Boy 2: Just try. Make this a favor for me.

Boy 1: Oh fine.

(Then suddenly, Kevin Durrant scores a three-point-shot which made boy 1 clap his hands, totally forgetting that he was holding a can of soda, which flew directly on your head, making you take a bath in no time)

You: Wha-… How… Pl-…. ARGHH!!!!

(And you walk away to the bathroom with you BFF to wash your sticky and wet hair.)

Boy 2: Man, I think you should follow her.

Boy 1: *Sat still on his seat, completely thunderstruck*

(When you got back, you changed your seats.)

---the game was over---

(You stood up then suddenly, a hooded guy bumped you and stole your wallet. You tried to chase the boy, but he was too fast. So you went out with your bestie, totally frustrated. Then a black car stopped in front of you.)

Boy 1: *rolls the window down* Uhm, hi. I’m sorry about what happened back there. I never meant to do that.

You: *snobs* Yeah right.

Boy 1: So, uhm… we can take you a ride home. If your house is not that far. Just take this as a peace offering.

You: Oh sorry, but we live in Mars.

Your bestie: *whispers at you* That doesn’t sound bad [your name]. And we don’t have money for a taxi, you don’t expect us to walk home!

You: Oh fine!

(You and your bestfriend entered the car, where you saw the boy’s bestfriend who was driving the car. You gave your address and started on your way home.)

Boy 1: *looks at the back seat* uhm, by the way, I’m Greyson, and this one driving my car is Cody. You?

Your bestie: I’m [your BFF’s name] and this is [your name]. Thanks for the ride.

Greyson: Don’t mention it. *smiles and looks at you* You look frustrated. Why?

You: Someone stole my wallet.

Greyson: *smirks* Oh…

---after 8 minutes---

Cody: We’re here. *looks at you and smiles*

(Your bestie went out and you were about to enter your house when….)

Greyson: Hey!

You: What? Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Thanks.

Greyson: No, it’s not that. Can-… can-… can I get your number?

You: Oh fine. *gives your number to him then turns away*

Greyson: Wait!

You: What now?!!!

Greyson: Here’s your wallet. *smirks and throws your wallet in your mailbox , winks at you, and the car sped away*

You: Wha-… He tricked me! ARGH!

(Then you get your wallet and walks toward the door while stomping your feet.)

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