It was now winter, and Saphire and Sapphira were talking about how they needed to go in a human territory, to ask for help. Sapphira was strongly against it, as was Kapu. Saphire, though, had kept bugging Sapphira and finally she agreed. But Sapphira made Saphire agree that no one would shift unless they were in the woods. Saphire had agreed and now, they were cutting through the forest, getting closer to the humans, with every minute.
"Saphire, remember, when they ask us how we survived in the woods-" Sapphira begins, but Saphire cuts her off. "We hunted small animals and lived off of them for years until we heard/saw other people," Saphire says, making Sapphira smile. "Good. Let's go," Sapphira says, leading the pack out of the woods.
Saphire smiles as they step out of the woods. They instantly run into someone, that looked ironically like a sheriff. "Ladies... well people... ok who's the leader of this renegade?" the name says. Sapphira had gone silent. She was scared of humans. Saphire sighs. "I am... my name's Saphire and we need help," Saphire says. "Well, Saphire... I'm Sheriff Browns... also known as Adam," he says, smiling. Saphire laughs. "Nice to meet you, Adam," Saphire says. "Likewise... Now, what can I do for you?" Adam asks. "We need a place to stay. Just for a while," Saphire says. "Ok um... well the only place y'all could stay, is either in the wolf sanctuary or y'all could stay in the shelters around town. But if you want to stay together, I suggest the sanctuary," Adam says. "We will stay there then," Saphire says. "Ok. On the way there, you can tell me why you were in the woods," Adam says.
Saphire told Adam they were experienced with wolves. She also told him they all grew up in the woods, where their parents abandoned them, so she made this group of people, who either ran away or got kicked out. Adam believed it and got them set up in the sanctuary. The wolves instantly liked the pack. Adam asked if they needed anything, but Saphire only replied with all they needed was sleep. Adam left them, going to his home.
Saphire sighs, looking at her sister, who seemed to just snap back into reality. "We can't stay here," Sapphira says. "Sister, we will be fine," Saphire says. "No we won't! You are falling for a human!" Sapphira yells. "No I am not!" Saphire says. "I'm just trying to protect the pack," Saphire says. "I understand, just stay safe," Sapphira says, sighing. "Let's just shift and sleep with the wolves," Saphire says. "Fine... just make sure you shift before he comes back," Sapphira says, laying down, near her kids and falling asleep. Saphire sighs, changing into a black crop top and short, shorts. She slips on some boots with heels. She grabs a purse, walking out. She wanted to experience the human life. She pulls out her phone texting Adam.
-"Take me out for my first drink?"
-"Alright. Meet me at the park. I will take you to my favorite place."
-"Ok. be there soon."
Saphire closes her phone and goes to the park, sitting on the park bench, thinking. She wasn't falling for him. She loved Sparrow and nothing could change that. Adam soon arrives, and walks to Saphire. "Ready?" Adam asks. "More than," Saphire says, going with Adam to his car.
They go to the bar and start drinking and talking about their lives. "My parents always wanted me to be a sheriff, but I always wanted to be a writer," Adam says, drinking. "You make an amazing sheriff.. Do you have anything written?" Saphire says. "Yes I do," Adam says. "I want to read it," Saphire says, drunkenly. "Then let's go. It's at my place," Adam says. Saphire nids, smiling and leaning against him. "Let's go," she says as they walk to his car, going to his house.
When they get to his house, they go inside and end up making love. Saphire falls asleep next to Adam... she was definitely drunk.

The Lost Moon (Joined Forces Series #2)
WerewolfWe are back with the sisters' story. Saphire and Sapphira are back and in even more danger. When they are forced to leave their home they run across HUMANS!!!! They must interact with them until they are able to find a home of their own. Will they f...