Sapphira hit the ground hard, Kapu following close behind. There were so many different emotions going through her head at that moment. She saw him and suddenly felt angry. "What just happened?! Where's Saphire?! Why didn't you help her?!" Sapphira was yelling at him. He looked at her, confused and irritated. "You think this was MY fault?!" he snapped back at her. "Well YOU were the last one out! You could've grabbed her!" she said. "She didn't want to come back!! I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway!" he yelled. "You should've tried!" she yelled. Suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. She turned around quickly, seeing a bright light. Then Saphire showed up, holding her baby. Sapphira quickly ran over to her, hugging her tight. "Saphire! You're here! Are you ok?! What happened?!" she rambled on. Saphire laughed. "I'm fine I'm fine! Let's just go home... I don't want to be here in the open," she said, looking around. Sapphira laughed too. "I agree. Let's go and be careful with Aatto, Saphire," she said, shifting. "Don't worry, Sapphira. He'll be fine," Saphire said, smiling. They took off towards home, the snow beginning to come down heavier.
When they finally arrived, something felt different. Sapphira felt something was off, but couldn't tell exactly what. They walked in and immediately everyone was swarming around them. Then Xavier came running up to them. "Where have you guys been?!" he asked, breathing heavily from running. "That's not important right now... what's going on?" Sapphira questioned him. He looked at her as if she had two heads. "You guys have been gone for a week!! What happened?!" he asked. She stared at him, then looked at the others. "Um.... what did you just say, Xavier?" she asked slowly. "You guys have been gone for a week?" he said. "A WEEK?!" Kapu and Saphire said at the same time. She stared at them in shock. "Uh... thank you, Xavier... Kapu? Saphire? Let's go in my house..." she said, leading them inside. Once inside, Sapphira shut the door and turned to them. "WE'VE BEEN GONE FOR A WEEK?!?!" she yelled. "Apparently!" Saphire said. "WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING SINCE WE WERE GONE?!" Sapphira said, starting to freak out a bit and pacing. "Sapphira calm down. It's fine! We're back now and that's all that matters!" Kapu said, trying to calm her down. "I know... but still... wait where are the kids?" she asked, looking around. "Xavier has them," Kapu said, making Sapphira and Saphire calm down.
Another week had gone by and everything seemed to be the same as it was, except that they imprisoned Daniel. There was something inside her that didn't want to kill him just yet... but that didn't mean she didn't want him to suffer for what he did. She had so much anger in her towards him it almost completely consumed her when she was around him. It took everything she had to not strangle him right then and there. Instead, she just kept him in chains in their dungeon. In that week, Saphire also told her about everything that had happened when she was still there with Cade. Everything. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It only made her hatred for Daniel grow. But she didn't let it control her. It had been 2 weeks apparently since they first left, and something felt off. She had a feeling of what it was, but was hoping it wasn't true. She went home and took out a box she had gotten at the store a bit ago. It contained pregnancy tests. She took a deep breath and went into the bathroom. 5 minutes later it was ready. "Ok deep breaths... deep breaths... it's only a test," she thought to herself. With one more deep breath, she looked at it. She dropped it and stared. "Oh my god..." she said in disbelief. "How could this have happened?" she thought to herself.
She was pregnant.

The Lost Moon (Joined Forces Series #2)
Manusia SerigalaWe are back with the sisters' story. Saphire and Sapphira are back and in even more danger. When they are forced to leave their home they run across HUMANS!!!! They must interact with them until they are able to find a home of their own. Will they f...