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A bugle sounded as I was putting on my orange jumpsuit. The warden had given it to me when I went into her cabin to brush my teeth and shower. The guys finally woke up a few minutes later. I was dressed and sitting on my cot. I smirked as they looked up in shock to see me already awake.

"Whoa, girl, how long you been awake?" X-ray said.

"An hour. You didn't think I was gonna shower in the stalls, did you?" I chuckled.


I rolled my eyes at him. "C'mon. Don't wanna dig during the hot parts of the day."

Now I had them really surprised. "How'd you know about that?" Squid asked.

I just smirked again and walked out. Pendanski was waiting outside by a shack with library painted at the top. He scowled at me but falsely smiled again when he saw D-tent behind me. "Well. Here are the shovels," he shoved one at me, "and since you're a girl-"

I growled. "Do not finish that sentence."

As I stalked off to where he said to dig, I could feel his glare on my back. Oh, joy.

The rest of the guys caught up with me after getting their shovels, and then there was a shout of, "HEY! Who has my shovel?"

It was X-ray. I turned and furrowed my brow. What was the difference between a bunch of shovels?

He was fuming. I smirked as someone called "Oh shit. McKenna has it." X-ray looked my way at that. I went back to what I was about to do; dig. I planted the cold metal into the ground. I lifted it out and flicked the dirt carelessly into a pile. Someone cast a shadow over my little spot. I turned. And smirked for about the fiftieth time in a row. "Hey, X."

"That's my shovel."

"Good to know."

"Give it."

"Naw, I'm good."

"Girl, listen-"

I leapt out of my hole. Grabbing him by the front of his shirt, I leaned in threateningly. "No, you listen. You do not call me girl. You do not boss me around. I do not follow your rules. I do not follow rules in general, or I wouldn't be here. Got it?"

We had a glare-down for about three more heated moments before he gave me a almost imperceptible nod. I released his shirt and went back to digging. I knew the guys were shocked; how could they not be? A girl had beaten their leader. They didn't expect that from a guy, let alone any girl. But I was not any girl; and he was not my leader.

My shovel bit the hard dirt.

This was gonna be a long two years.

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