Chapter 3

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*Brittany POV*

I woke up to the sound of camera's clicking and the guys talking. I open my eyes to see all the guys surrounding me and Jack. I look at Jack who is still sleeping.he looks so cute sleeping. He finally wakes up and sees me with the covers over my head. He brought me into his chest and told the guys...Guys can y'all leave y'all are making Brittany uncomfortable, he said as he brought me closer to his chest. After they left it was just Jack and I. Hey I'm sorry are you ok?he asked me. Yeah I'm ok and thank you for getting them out,I said snuggling deeper into him. Anything for you,he said as he kissed my head. After 10 minutes of Jack and I talking about everything we got up,showered,and dressed. Then we headed down to the lobby to get breakfast with the guys. As Jack and I were walking our hands would brush each other but he wouldn't hold my hand. I wish he would just do it and stop being scared. We finally get to the lobby to see the guys looking at Jack and I with grins on there faces. Hey BB, Sam said giving me a hug. What's up?I said as I started to walk away from Jack. Nothing much but Aaron and I were wondering if you wanted to go to Starbucks with us and a couple of the other guys?he said as he grabbed my hand. Sure let's go,I said as we started leaving the lobby. Sam and I are like family, we may act like a couple but we both know that we don't like each other like that,I hope..... We made it to Starbucks with Sam,Aaron,Nash. Luckily we didn't run into our fans. I mean we love them but sometimes we just want to be us not vine or youtubers. We get in,order,and wait. Hey Britt can I talk to you?Nash asked. Sure let's go outside,I said as we started walking to the door with nash's hand on my lower back. So what's up?I asked as we sat down at a table. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me,he said as he grabbed my hand and held it tight. Nash I don't I just forgave you after everything,I said looking at him in the eyes. I know Brittany but please give me a chance to show you that I'm different,he said rubbing his thumb on my hand. Ok, I said with a smile. Really!!!! Thank you Brittany,he said giving me a bear hug. We walked in just in time to get our drinks and head back to the hotel. On our way back Nash sat by me and he would whisper sweet things about me in my ear.he is really sweet but what happens if we break up will he treat me the same as he did in high school? We made it back to the hotel to see the guys in the same place as we left them. As we walked in Nash grabbed my hand.all I could do was blush. All the guys looked at us and Cameron and Jack would give Nash evil glances. Matt was about to say something but Bart came in. Ok guys we leave in 2 hours to go to Dallas, so hurry get packed then we leave,Bart said in a rush. We all rushed to get our stuff packed then we were off to the airport. We got there waited 45 to an hour for it plane. Of course I was by Cameron and Jack.great. But luckily Nash was texting me. I put my earphones in and passed out on Cameron's shoulder. A couple of hours later I was awaken by Jack shaking me. Hey it's time to wake up,he said as he grabbed his bags and left. I grabbed mine and started to leave when Nash stopped me. Hey are you ok,he asked me in a sweet way. Yeah I'm just really tired,you said in a yawn. I can tell.... here come on,he said as he grabbed my hand and walked me out. We finally get to the limo after signing the fans stuff. After 30 minutes of driving and talking we get to the hotel and of course it's covered in girls. Its ok I'm right here nothing will happen to you,Nash said as he grabbed my hand and walked out of the limo with me by his side. I got some dirty looks from girls and some of the girls were screaming our ship name. I like the girls who are yelling our ship name,Nash said in my ear so i only could hear. We get in, get our rooms and lucky me I'm with Nash,hayes,and Cameron, that's not that bad. We walk into our room and I hit the first bed I see. Are you tired,Nash asked me laying next to me. I shock my head yes. Ok then let's go to bed,he said handing me some shorts and a tee shirt. I go change in the bathroom and walk out to see Cameron on his phone,hayes and Nash already asleep. I get in bed with Nash, snuggle close but before I sleep I say. Goodnight cam. Goodnight beautiful, he said before he turns his phone off and sleeps. I could tell Nash heard because his grip on me got tighter. So just to make him happy I wrapped my arms around him.

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