The first Dream -1-

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 Pov Virgil 

 Together we turned in a circle. I was amazed that I could Dance that well. We smiled at each other >> Thanks again for the invitation, Your Highness. << I said with a grin >> No problem ... Oh come on ... << he answers and pulls me off one side. He looked at me with a smile. >>You are not as Bad as you tell yourself Virgil.<< He stroked my hair. >>Stop that ... Thank you. << I laughed briefly. Then it was quiet for a moment. He put his hands on my shoulder and leaned in front of me. I closed my eyes.

 >>Virgil, come have breakfast.<<My dad called to wake me ... Why now? I thought again about what I just dreamed. I was dancing with someone on a ball, probably it was one of the balls in the castle. I and the person almost kissed us. But then I was awakened. Someone is knocked on the Door. >> Come in << The door opened and Logan came into the room. >> Alright, you're awake. Patton wanted me to look after you. <<With that Dad meant, that we should talk with each other and spend Time together. Because Dad want that I like him. Logan don't know what he meant. He is smart, but not Smart enough to know what People want,without saying it. >> Sure, I'll be right there, I'll just change my clothes. << I replied and Logan left. I ran to my closet, in addition to the normal everyday clothes was also a black and purple suit.  I also wore in the dream. My father had sewn it for special occasions. Quickly I got dressed and went down to Logan and my dad >> Waffles. << I called when I smelled what it was for breakfast.I sat down to the adults. >> So Logan what are your qualifications and why do you want to apply as a Boyfriend of my father? << Silence, Logan looked I was confused and I tried to stay serious. >> Excuse What? << I kept asking >> I want a cool, funny dad. << >> One more? <<My dad interrupted me jokingly, then I continued.>> Could you see yourself as a father or do you disappear after a few years like my "Mother"? << >> Virgil it's enough << I looked at my dad.>> I'm just kidding Pad,Besides, you would also question my friends like that . << I call him Pad a mix of dad and his name Patton >> Just eat your waffles<<I started eating and added to the conversation just quietly >> You were sad When Mom was gone ... I just want to be careful that this does not happen again. << I saw how Logan looked at me but I could not see what he was thinking. I spoke too softly so dad did not really hear what i said. My thoughts drifted back to this dream, this cute elegant boy seems somehow familiar ... He was >> The Prince. << I said out of reflex loud. My dad smiled. >> Now I'm curious. << I rolled my eyes. >> I dreamed I danced with somebody on the ball, I realized it was the prince. << About the kiss, or almost kiss, I didn't told him now >> Is my little Boy in love.<<He ruffles my hair. >> No, I do not know the prince at all. Not even his name otherwise I would say Prince XY ... That was just a dream. << I felt the heat shoot into my face and I hoped I wouldn't turn red >>of cause << my father grinned and sat next to Logan, after he finished the waffles. >> We did not even hear how you said, "I love you, Your Highness," said Logan, if my face was not red before, it's now. >> What's that? ? when did that happen?<< I did not try to stutter which was very difficult >>It didn't, I only did want to see your reaction, << he replies. Okay, it's clear. >> I hate you Logan. << I looked at my plate. >> That means he likes you. << My dad said.

 Soo first chapter of this book.  What do you think.

My Mother Language isn't English so I hope it is okay. 

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