The Guy in the Darkness -3-

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Pov Virgil 

 >> Pad I take a break. << I said and left the house to go shopping in the city. In order to get to the store I had to go through a dark alley, I had to be very careful to do so. Because old Friendof mine, could be here. I nearly got to the end when I heard a voice behind me. >> The Purple Tornado. << I turned around, the guy who was talking to me, It was Remy. A very incompetent boy who lived somewhere near this alley to ambush people. But that's the only way I come to the store to which I had to go >> Purple Storm Cloud, It was Purple Storm Cloud. Could not you tell the different between a Storm Cloud and a tornado? .<< Remy laughed and walked over to me. >> Good ... Storm Cloud, Where. Is.My.Money << I owed Remy a lot of money for many  reasons. >> I still do not have it ... << He boxed me in the stomach so I had to cough up. Then he grabbed me by the collar and pushes me against the wall >> You little midget tell me that since 2 years. I'm tired of your shit, if the money is not there soon Will you work for me again. And you can take over the Bloody Jobs. << Then he let me know. >> 6000 € Purple Storm Cloud. 6000. << Then he disappeared again. I called myself Purple Storm Cloud so as not to have to tell him my real name. I did not know if he knows it or if he knows where I lived. He always met me in this alley, but only so that he can pretend that he does not know where, who lived. Remy was not stupid. On the contrary, he was dangerous and only those knew who had to work with him before. I went on to a landing where I bought things for a cake. A little later I was back home. >> Hey dad I'm back. << My dad looked at me worriedly, He could read the words "I met Remy."in my Face >> Do not you want to tell me what happened? << he asked me, but I avoided. The only secret I had in front of my dad was what happened between me and Remy. Nobody knew it except us. Nobody should know, and my father, if he knew that, it would destroy him. >> Okay, if you do not want to talk, we do not have to. Sit down on the sofa, choose a movie, I'll be back with hot chocolate and biscuits. << So he went to the kitchen. >> Is Logan there? << I asked. >> Yes, he'll come soon on the sofa. << my called out of the kitchen. >> Hey. << came from behind me, it was Logan >> Hey are you living here now? << I asked him and he sat next to me >> Ne only sleep here often. what do you want to watch? << I picked out a Disney movie. Mulan. The movie starts and my dad sits next to me. I was sitting between Dad and Logan now.According to the motto. "You're sitting next to Logan so you can talk to him during the movie." My dad wants me to find his, soon, new boyfriend cool. Because he's maybe becoming my stepfather, . >> I like Mulan because she's not as boring as the other Disney princesses. << I started a conversation, for my papstar >> Yes, I mean, who can tell from themself. I spend to be a Boyand save China. Can not many<< he said. >> And she's not even a princess. She's neither a noble ancestry nor did marry a prince. "So we talked all the way through the movie while we ate biscuits. After the movie, I became tired and got up on >>Good night Dear.<< Said my dad >> Good night. Oh, and Logan, please do not be too loud later when you guys  go to bed. << His face blushed when he realized what I meant, just a little revenge for this morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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