He wakes up frightened from a nightmare at four o'clock, his parents don't hear his call, but the servant dozing out side of the door hears and calls for some warm milk. He retrieves the milk and goes in and calms the boy. He hushes him and he goes back to sleep.
He is woken up at 8 o'clock in the morning as 2 servants walks in with a piping hot breakfast of toast, eggs, and ham. The other servant has a clean chamber pot and sets it next to the bed. He takes the old chamber pot and he carries it out of the room to the gong pits. The prince eats the food at a leisurely pace and then he calls in his servant after he has finished the meal. He whisks his breakfast away and the palace tailor chooses some lavishly decorated clothes for him.
He walks out of his room and into an adjacent men's room. He fixes his hair and uses some pre-mixed gel-like stuff to make his hair stand still. He dons his crown and goes out into the courtyard to wander the gardens and admire the insects. He finds some slugs and snails. He lays down and observes them for a while. He then hears the call of one of his servants.
He follows the call out of the garden and into a room for some lessons form one of the hired instructors. He was studying athrimatics that morning and he enjoyed athrimatics most days. He then went to the palace carpenter and stone mason to learn how to work with stone and wood.
He is then dismissed from classes and goes to the dining hall.