Chapter 13

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Fuyuhiko ended up leaving after the movie last night. It felt cold a lonely after he left, but I managed to fall asleep after a while. I don't really remember what day or the week it is anymore, or how long we've been here for. It all sorta feels like a bad dream still, but some good parts in it as well. The morning announcement just went off about 10 minutes ago, and of course I'm still in bed.

About 30 minutes from the announcement

-=Fuyuhiko's POV=-
I went up to the restaurant and noticed that y/n wasn't there yet. *She's normally here already, I wonder where she is*. I walked down to her cottage and knocked to see if she was still in there.

-=Y/n's POV=-
*knock knock*
The sound of knocking on my door woke me up, I took my time getting out of bed, then opened it.

"Oh hi Fuyuhiko" I said before yawning, I was still pretty tired.

"Hey, did you just wake up?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yea, I'm pretty tired still" I sighed, but then decided to let him in. He sat on my bed, and I gathered my clothing.

"I'll be right back" I walked into the wash room, closed the door, and got changed. I also brushed my hair and teeth, trying to look at least a little presentable. I walked out to see Fuyuhiko still sitting in the bed in the same place.

"Did you eat yet?" I asked him since I was still hungry.

"Nope, not yet" he responded.

"Perfect let's go" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the restaurant, I was pretty hungry anyways, I just hope Akane didn't eat all the food. When we walked in, people were still looking at us, I hope they would of dropped it by now...but nope. We got some stuff to eat, then sat down at the normal table. We both ate in compete silence, which was a little odd, and uncomfortable.

"So any plans for today?" I asked him trying to break the silence. He just shook his head, still chewing on food.

"Your too cute!" I joked knowing he wouldn't like it. He finished chewing his food then responded.

"I am not cute.." he tried to look at tough. I just laughed at him, then grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the restaurant.

"Where are you taking me??" He questioned, almost running behind me.

"I honestly don't know, somewhere I guess" I really didn't know where I was going, just away from people really. I ended up bringing him to the beach, I sat down on the sand, and he did the same.

"And why are we here?" He questioned again. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I dunno..just to talk away from people" he just nodded, and I proceeded to play in the sand.

"Last night was fun wasn't it" I asked him after getting bored of the silence.

"Yeah I guess so" he agreed, but didn't sound like he was in a good mood.

"Are you okkayyy?" I asked the boy next to me.

"Yeah sorry I'm fine" I didn't want to push anything on him, so I left it there. I continued to draw in the sand, and he just watched he water. I didn't really know what to talk about, so it stayed silent for a little.

" y/n?" He finally looked over at me.

"Mhm?" I mumbled also looking up.

"Well..I wanna talk to you about something, I wouldn't normally say this to someone cause it's lame, but still." He continued to ramble on about how lame it was and whatever.

"No it's fine, just tell me" I laughed and then he looked down at his hands.

"I think I like you.... more than a friend." He talked quietly at the last part, I almost couldn't hear him.

"That's alright!" He's eyes brightened up a little. "That's alright cause I like you as well" I smile over at him, and he grins back. This might not be the best thing to feel in a killing game, but at least I could enjoy the moment, and hopefully escape with him by my side. The rest of the day we just walked around, talked about whatever really, and hung out, nothing too special.
Published: May 14 2019
Words: 727

Author note:
I'm sorry, I know this one is quite small, but I have some things to do, and I wanted to post since I've been so inactive. I'm really trying to post more, and I hope you've been enjoying this! Anyways thank you for reading!! I'm gonna start working on the next chapter soon!

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