YES/At The Harbor

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"You sure you're not just being paranoid cuzzo? I mean maybe after Kari put word out he was looking for his ass...he dipped...shit if he knows how we know he would have." Lex told me while smacking on her chicken box from the corner store near her place.

I raised a brow at her weak attempt at easing my worries about the whole situation. She barely looked up at me from her chicken and fries that was covered in mambo sauce when she spoke with a mouth full of food.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my round stomach. I had less than a month left before I pushed this little boy out and into the world. Even though I should be stressed free and over the moon with joy...I was stressed and looking over my shoulder even though I no longer had a reason to...

That's what stressed me.

It's been a few months since Monica and her little dealing boyfriend have been mentioned in our home or circle. After that night I confessed my worries to Michael and he promised me he'll never leave me and that he would take care of it...that was it. 

However it was some nights I would wake up and see he was sitting on his windowsill; looking out into the night life while flexing his arm. Without him knowing I would just lay their with Mya snuggled up to me and watch him...some times his phone would buzz and when he looked at it he would either sigh in relief or his jaw would clench. 

For a few weeks he, Sterling or Corey would dropped me off at work and one, two or all three would pick me up...I felt like I was in some mafia movie some times. 

But one day everything stopped. It became just Michael dropping me off, but it was due to how pregnant I was and he didn't want me driving anymore. I asked what happened and all I got was "It was handled", that was all I needed to know.

Or so I thought...

Everything damn near went back to normal for us. Michael slept through the night most of the time. He was smiling and joking like normal's like Jerome (Fats) never even existed to us anymore.

"Like I said babes...if Kari says let it go...let it go." I jumped out of my thoughts and looked over at Lex sipping her jumbo half-n-half before burping and rubbing her big belly. I sighed while leaning back into the couch and shook my head. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it...but I just can't help it...something didn't feel right.

"I guess...I haven't heard anything from Monica ass either...have you?" I asked while eating a western fry. Lex put her big cup down and shrugged.

"I'm sure she heard through the streets about what happened and is laying low too. I saw her little sister and she looked spooked. She know she fucked up...oh well...fuck 'em!" I squint my eyes at Lex before shaking my head at her.

"I guess-" I started to mumble, but Lex held up half a wing and pointed at me.

"Listen! We are about to pop and you know those Jordan boys are irky as fuck...just relax some girl! Shit...enjoy them pampering us and going out to get our shit-" Lex shook her chicken at me and I rolled my eyes at her dumb ass.

"Shut the hell up...pass me the sauce." I cut her off so she would shut her damn mouth. Her talking was only making shit worse and I was done with it. I held my hand out to catch the bottle she tossed my way and started coating my chicken with it...I'm glad I got a new bottle of Tums before coming here.

"I can't believe we both about to be mom's the same time. Like our boys real life gonna grow up tight like we are." I looked up from my chicken when I head Lex voice shake at the end...this nigga was crying. I froze and just stared at her before rolling my eyes and the tears rolling down her chubby cheeks.

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