Hitsugaya Toshiro x sick! reader (modern)

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This was hereby requested of my bestfriend

When i mean modern i mean no supernatural stuff like shinigami etc.

(Y/n) POV

"Achoo!!!" I sneezed after i get out of my bed, and followed by a several coughs..... before went to my closet to change on my working clothes,then i walk down the stairs and saw my brother shuhei nii-san preparing our breakfast,

"Hey, nii-san" i said, i swear my voice seems different..

"Oh hey, (y/n) ... Are u ok?" He said..

"Ye-" i was cut off by another cough, my brother came to me and check my temperature,

"You don't feel well, u better stay at home for now, I'll tell your boyfriend a.k.a my boss that you're sick and maybe he'll give you a day off" nii san said, i don't want to stay home do nothing, i want to work...

"Nii-san! Please im not si- ACHOO!!"

"See told you, stay here, it's my order eat your soup before taking a medicine then back to bed gotta go" he said walking to the door before closing it, i slightly pout because i can't go to work and the worst thing is my brother will tell my boyfriend that im sick, im sure he'll treat me like a princess again, i silently went to the table ate my soup then back to my room changing back my normal clothes before laying back to my bed, i hate drinking Medicine it taste disgusting....then i started to sneeze and cough nonstop before i slowly drifted to sleep,

Shuhei POV

I started to get worry on my sister being left alone doing nothing but i know she can be so stubborn and not following my orders and this makes me more nervous, so i rush to the hitsugaya company to inform my boss about my sister her girlfriend, i started to doubt their relationship at first because i don't want my sister (y/n) getting hurt even her boyfriend is my boss,  but i know (y/n) is happy to be with him, i learned to let her explore the world a little...

I arrived at the company door, i rushed to the private elevator that my boss allow me to use in case of emergency, and he almost fire his assistant rangiku, to give me her position just because he's dating my sister, and I'm not the type of person taking advantage of the situation, i arrived at the top floor where the boss office obviously...

I knock three time and i hear a faint 'come in' i opened the door before closing it behind me, "bos-" "i told you forget the formality call me hitsugaya if we're alone"

"Right sorry, i came here because i want to ask a day off for my sister becauae she is sick" as soon as i say that, he bolted up slamming his hands on the table, "what!? Shuhei pls take care the things for me and can i have you're permission to visit your sister?" He said, a tint of desperation on his voice, now that it confirmed he really loved my sister, i nod then in a blink of an eye he's gone...

Toshiro POV

I rushed down to my basement, grabbing my limo keys getting inside the car and driving the whole way to the (l/n) residence, i arrived at the door slowly opening it before closing it behind me and i went straight to (y/n) room opening it having a small peek i saw her having trouble sleeping and coughing so much, i went inside her eyes widen when she saw me....

"What are u doing here?" She asked

"Came to visit u, obviously" i said walking up to her sitting in the edge of the bed..she quickly cover herself with the blanket, does she hate me seeing her being vulnerable?

"Have you already take your medicine?" I ask, she humm saying she did but i can see she's lying because i looked at the kitchen tray that was on top of her desk there was a medicine that was unmoved nor touched...

"No you didn't are you" i asked again, this time she stayed silent "im gonna take that a yes"

"No i already take my medicine!" She yelled reveling herself from the blanket, her nose were red, eyes little puffy, By the look of her face the answer is obvious she didn't.....

(Y/n) POV

This is the worst time now, Toshiro caught me lying as he point the unmoved medicine on my kitchen tray, and i don't want him to tickle me until i lost my breath because of my laugh, so my only option is to tell him the truth, that i didn't take one, then he started to force me to take one and as a stubborn person as i am i refused all the time...

*time skip*

"For the last time, take your medicine!" He yelled

"For the 30th time, i hate taking medicine, it's taste disgusting!" I yelled in reply, finally covering myself on the blankets, i didn't hear him yelled back again, so i think I'm safe but not. I didn't know he put the medicine and the water to his mouth before lifting the blanket grabbing my chin to face him meeting his lips on mine before closing his eye, i can feel the water with the medicine entering my mouth, as much as i hate to take it, i used my tounge to push it out of my mouth but he pushed it back inside, it's hard to fight him cause damm! He's a pretty good kisser making me lose the fight between taking the medicine or not, in the end he win, we parted away because the lack of oxygen, then i deeply blushed scarlet red using my fingertips holding my lips, in the corner of my eye i saw Toshiro smirking, maybe proud that he make me take the medicine and making me blush 50  shades of red? I hate to admit it!

"We're you embarrassed baby?" He said not removing the prideful smirk on his face, the word baby he mention on his question, only make me blush more than last time if it was possible,

"No i didn't!"

"Really? Want a second kiss?"

"No! Never!"

"So will you take your medicine next time?"

"Fine! I will!"

"You sure?"


"You'll never disobey me?"


"Do you love me?"


"Love you too"

"Ye- huh?" I said looking at him, he just look at me with a seductive smile, i look away but he grabbed my chin making me look at him, he gave me a long passionate kiss before parting away, "i love you so much" he whispered, gosh he's so hot...can't take it anymore i sat there shock because he became more seductive, I'm gonna faint from the heat he's giving me...'(y/n)! I'm warning you! Don't faint, don't faint, don't faint!' I keep chanting these words but too late i already fainted,

Toshiro POV

When she fainted, i slightly chuckled, well she being sick i became the dominating one...i kissed her forehead before i went out of her room, down the stairs i had to go back to my work cause im not a lazy boss, taking all of my members credit for their hard work even that i didn't even do much, as i reached down the stairs I saw her brother smirking at me,

"Have enough lovey dovey?" He said...i blushed 50 shades of red before clearing my throat "never mind that, what happen in my office?" He shrugged his shoulder saying it was normal as usual.....I say my goodbye before going back to my company.... At least i had time to take care (y/n)...

Author note

I can't stop fangirling and rolling on my bed while writing this chapter, just imagining it, it always make me jump from my thing called "kinikilig" hahaha anyway thank you for reading,

New request pls!!

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