Toshiro Hitsugaya x Momo's sister

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This was hereby requested of

(This is maybe an angst for momo take note 'maybe' sorry requester if you like momo)

Momo POV

    "Finally done!!" I said pumping my fist in the air after finishing my papers, before dashing out of the office and down to the squad 5 gate 'This is it! I can finally meet my sister (y/n) after 8 years' i thought excitedly going to our meeting place which is at our squad gate.


(Y/n) POV should i put this? Let's just say i'm critically lost. A minute ago i met a pink haired kid on my way and asked her for direction to the squad 5 barracks, she did gave me direction but....ended up me being lost to who know where i am how did i get lost!? I'm pretty sure i followed all the direction she gave me,' i thought, walking further up ahead not looking forward as i 'still' search for my way. As i take a turn in the corner and a very bad luck for me i accidentally bumped into someone...

"Ah! I'm so sorry!!" I said as i look at the person i bumped into who was almost about to fall, it was a white haired kid? But handsome "It's ok, i'm not paying attention either" he said, dusting his shihakūsho before facing me. I silently cleared my throat "This may be rude for asking someone i accidentally bumped into but, may i ask which way is to the squad 5 barracks?" I said hoping he would know the way. He blinked twice and looked at me in surprise like i forgot something or i missed something important but then he shrugged it off as he reply "It's ok, don't worry I'm also headed there" he said, slightly smiling which i found 'so...cute' i thought i disregard it and sigh in relief that i won't be lost again. Then soon we started a conversation while walking there...

Momo POV

    "Did she lost inside the seretei?" I said practically to no one. It's been 20 minute pass our meeting time, i started to get worried cause she's bot very familiar inside the seretei even she became a shinigami like me but 2 years ago....she always on a mission outside the Soul Society and this is the day of her break, but due to the years she's wasn't here there's a big possibility she may get lost.

    I started to walk back and forth in front of the squad 5 gate thinking if i should start to look for her or just wait for here, 'i made up my mind! I'll look for her!' I thought turning behind my back and saw a glimpse of 2 talking people walking to where i am now. My face lit up as i recognized them.

"(Y/n)-chan!!!, shiro-chan!!!"

(Y/n) POV

  Talking to this person i just net a while ago seems comforting by the way i didn't even catch his name and yet we feel like we're so close

"(Y/n)-chan!!!, shiro-chan!!!"

   Someone yelled my name, i look at the source of the voice in front of us like 6 meter away i saw my sister waving her hands. I immediately ran at her leaving the person behind me.

"Momo-chan!!" I yelled tackling her into a hug, both squealing of course! 8 years not seeing each other. I mean come on! Who wouldn't miss your sister? (Unless you hold a grudge) we started to rant about how long it's been until we met(duh) completely forgetting about the other person with us until we heard a cough..

"*cough* sorry to interrupt the both of you but may i ask momo who's she?"

"Ah! Shiro-chan I'm sorry i completely forgot about you, (y/n) this is Toshiro Hitsugaya captain of squad 10 I'm sure you know that cause yo-" my eyes widened from the mention "A CAPTAIN!?" I yelled cutting her off. Momo was shocked of my yelling but then nodded this cause my (skin color) to pale like a ghost as i face the captain of squad 10 Toshiro Hitsugaya...

Toshiro x reader one shot (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now