Toshiro Hitsugaya x Blind! reader

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Im back!!!! Ok for the requested story!!

This was hereby requested of

(Toshiro may be a little possessive, can't blame me the idea just popped on my brain😶)

(some words may be wrong, sorry if you spotted a lot wrong grammars, let me know so i can correct it)

(F/c) - favorite scent

Now to the story~

(Y/n) POV

    I sigh as i was laying down on the bed of our shared room with Toshiro. A minute pass i heard a knock, "(y/n)-chan? Dinner's ready"  i heard Inoue voice behind the door, i slowly sat up in the bed before facing where i assume i heard the knock and voice came.

"Oh, ok, thanks i'm coming"

"Do you need help?"

"It's ok i can manage it"

"Ok then," she said, before i heard a fading footstep. I went to the edge of the bed landing on my feet to the cold floor, wearing for my footwear then standing up from the bed. I took 2 step forward waving my hands in front of me until it came contact with the wall. I leaned on it for a guide to the door way but, someone seems to snake their arms on my waist without me noticing and lifting me up to the ground. I let out a yelp as i was completely lifted from the ground.


"It's just me (y/n)"

     A husky voice that was very familiar to me was i heard whispered in my ear. I sigh in relief as i feel something on my face, a heat rush up to my cheeks and i feel something soft brushing on my lips 'OMG!! Is he gonna kiss me!?' I thought, and as i predicted his lips came contact on mine, sealing it. I swear there's a visible steam coming out of my ear right now.

After the long passionate kiss we both pulled away, catching our breath but, with that sudden kiss i was still stunned, because even we're been together for a longer time, i'm still not used to his sudden affection.

After gaining my composure i can finally speak, "w-w-where d-did y-yo-ou c-come f-from?" I said but, i stutter. "From the window, i just finished my paperwork and i want to see my soon to be wife" was his reply. My face explode into a dark scarlet upon mentioning the soon to be wife, then he set me down back to the ground before holding my hand and guiding me out of the room.

"(Y/- ah! Toshiro-san" i hear Inoue's voice so i presume we're in the kitchen, i forgot to mention that Inoue is actually my sister
(an: just go with the flow, i think i had so much sister related one shot hehe😅) "(y/n)-chan, Toshiro-san sit down dinner's ready" Inoue nee-san said, i feel a soft tug on my arms, i know it was Toshiro as he guide me into a chair.

    Once i sat down, i carefully rummage my hand in the table looking for the utensils like; chopsticks, bowl/plate, cup but, i was stopped with a soft hand on top of mine...

"I'll just feed you" Toshiro voice was i heard, a heat rising to my cheek from embarrassment, i also hear my sister giggling watching us. "Say ahh..." Toshiro said, that add into my embarrassment, i hesitantly open my mouth he already treating me as a baby and Inoue is watching us fan girling on how cute we we're. My embarrassment soon ended as a thought came to my mind and i stay silent hearing them talking to each other.

*time skip*

  "(Y/n)? Why are you so quiet all of the sudden?" Toshiro said as he guide me to our shared room, *hm? Oh, it's nothing" i replied, i heard him sigh before he lead me into the edge of the bed i presume. Removing my foot wear i fully lay down on the bed facing sideways, i felt the mattress beside me sink so i presume Toshiro lay down beside me, and i felt an arm snake on my waist pulling me close to him. My back was pushed against his chest as he lay his head on the back of my neck breathing my (f/c).    (An: ah!! I feel myself blushing writing that part😍)

   "(Y/n) i know you, tell me what's bothering you" Toshiro asked, urging me to tell him, i deeply sigh shifting my position so i was facing him "toshi? Are you sure about marrying me?" I said digging my head to his chest.

Toshiro POV

         "toshi? Are you sure about marrying me?"(y/n) said, i was caught off guard, in all if the thought she can think, she thought that out of blue. I can't believed on what i just heard from her , i slowly grabbed her chin lifting it up so i can see her face.

"Why do you think of that?"

"W-w *sigh* well a-am i just a burden? Well i-i mean i can't do anything if i can't see"

"You're not a burden, and it's not true that you can't do anything, despite that you can't see you helped tons of people even in your state"

"Then let me ask you. What did you see in a blind lady like me? And you even chose to love and marry me"

"For that, the first time i laid my eyes on you, i fell in love, you melt my cold heart even your blind you can sense a ghost soul like me when your focus. Even you're in that state you still show love and care to others, *cough* i even lower my pride to ask Uryu for help to confess my feelings to you" i finished my sentence while blushing from embarrassment glad that (y/n) and i are the only one in this room if someone heard what i say, it will be hella blackmail i'm sure of it. Nevertheless i'm glad that i was the first one who fell in love at (y/n) and i'm also grateful that head captain didn't forbid about a shinigami falling in love to a human.

  "Hm? Have you already become soft? I didn't even know a captain of squad 10 will lower his pride for a low human like me" she said teasingly before hugging me tightly, i hug her back kissing her forehead before leaning to hear ear and whisper "you're not a low human, i may be different but we're equal"

(Y/n) POV

   With that being said, i hugged Toshiro little too tight as i feel heat rushing up toy cheeks as i hear his sentence, even i can't see his expression i knew he's saying it with  determined, seriousness and it was from his heart.

"Hehe, you're sweet words really leave me embarrassed" i said before frowning negative thought filling my mind but, was interrupted by Toshiro speaking. "I hope you won't ask about it again, I'll love you even you have such state of being blind" he said, "beside, " sentence trailed of while i feel my chin being lifted "even your blind physically, " he paused his sentence, and my breath hitch as i slowly feel his hot breath hit my skin and a light feeling of something soft brushing my lips, "you're not blind enough to see my true feelings to you" he said and not waiting for my reply as he collided our lips together turning it into a make out session for a second.

(An: that's not my idea!! Ahh! Prepare my burial!! Oh my gosh! Im out of that part! Technically I'm screaming at that part aaaahhh)

   After a short minutes we both pulled away panting, heat rushing up to my cheeks from the sudden event we did. Digging my head to his chest as i try to hide my face that's probably a scarlet red right now he really know how to make me blush so much. I heard a light chuckle and i feel him kissed my forehead.

"I love you Toshiro"

"I love you too, (y/n)"

Then we cuddle each other into sleep.....

The end!!!


Aaaaahhhhh!!!! There's a lot of (a/n) in the story plot, i actually never thought i gone too far on the kiss part!!

What did i just write!?

Anyways bye!! Stay tune!!😜

Toshiro x reader one shot (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now