343 13 0

August 14, 2019

543-123-4567: I broke up with her

678-987-6543: um who is this

543-123-4567: Mikey stop playing around

678-987-6543: I think you got the wrong number

543-123-4567: oh I'm so sorry I just got a new phone  I thought this was my friends number

678-987-6543: its fine,if you don't mind me asking,who did you break up with?

543-123-4567: I broke up with my girlfriend Nicole

678-987-6543:sorry to hear that,what's your name

543-123-4567: my name is Ryan but you can call me rye

( 678-987-6543 Changed 543-123-4567 to rye🐝)

Rye🐝: what's your name

692-543-1528: I'm not gonna tell you my name but you can call me fovvs

(Rye🐝 changed 678-987-6543 to Fovvs🌵)

Rye🐝: Ok then fovvs I got to go, but maybe we can talk again soon?

Fovvs🌵: yeah sure bye rye (:

Rye🐝: bye fovvs (:
Read at 6:57pm

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