271 12 6

August 17, 2019

fovvs🌵: hey rye are you up
read at 2:24 am
fovvs🌵: are u ignoring me?
read at 2:26 am
fovvs🌵: well I guess I go then🙄☹

rye🐝: no don't go Ryan is in the bathroom

fovvs🌵: um who are u?

rye🐝: I'm his brother sammie

fovvs🌵: oh hey I'm fovvs

rye🐝: yeah I know rye talks about you all the time

fovvs🌵: really?

rye🐝: yeah he was saying he's glad he has a friend like you even though he just met you :)

fovvs🌵: aw that sweet of him I think the same of him also

rye 🐝: please don't stop being friends with him all his friends left him and one of his oldest friends Harvey and Mikey decided not to be friends with him anymore so please don't do the same

fovvs🌵: Don't worry I won't I promise

rye🐝: thanks I gtg I hear him coming back bye fovvs 😊💕

fovvs🌵: bye sammie 😁💞
read at 2:31 am

rye🐝: sorry bout that fovvs I was doing my business

fovvs🌵: it's fine your bother is very sweet

rye🐝: can't believe he texted you 🙄

fovvs🌵: lol he didn't want me to leave 

rye🐝: well I guess that's sweet

rye🐝: so what's up why'd you text me so late at night

fovvs🌵: I was bored and couldn't fall asleep

rye🐝: same...so wanna get to know each other better

fovvs🌵: sure, how old are u?

rye🐝: 17 almost 18 wbu?

fovvs🌵: 16 almost 17

rye🐝: do you have any siblings and if so how many?

fovvs🌵: yeah kind of I have a stepbrother named Brooklynn hbu?

rye🐝: I have three brothers, sammie, Shaun, and Robbie

fovvs🌵: are u straight?

rye🐝: no I'm gay that's why I broke up with my girlfriend and because she cheated on me wbu?

fovvs🌵: well...she an asshole and I'm gay also

rye🐝: lol great 😁

rye🐝: what's your dick size? 😏🤤

fovvs🌵: RYAN!

rye🐝: I'm kidding 😂😂

fovvs🌵: you better be😡

rye🐝: I am I'm sorry

fovvs🌵: okay I forgive you

fovvs🌵: rye where do you live
fovvs🌵: ryeeeeeee

fovvs🌵: Ryannnnnnnnn

fovvs🌵: RYANNNNN

fovvs🌵: I'm guessing you fell asleep
fovvs🌵: well...goodnight rye 🙂
sent at 3:01 am

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