157 13 2

September 3, 2019

Rye🐝: andyyyyyyyy wuttt up

Fovvs🌵: are you okay?

Rye🐝: Immm a bit drunkkkk

Fovvs🌵: how you'd get drunk?

Rye🐝: mee and sonnyyyyyy went to the clubbbbb

Fovvs🌵: where are you?

Rye🐝: idkkkkkk sonnnyyyy left meeeeeee

Fovvs🌵: I'm gonna send a taxi to pick you up send me your location

Rye🐝:  okaiedokieeeee *************

Fovvs🌵: okay the taxis is on its way

Rye🐝: I cantt go home myy mom will kill meeeeeeee

Fovvs🌵: okay tell the taxi driver sonny Address his parents are on vacation still right?

Rye🐝: yupppp and I knowieee where heees keep hisss spareee keyssss

Fovvs🌵: okay Facetime me when you get to his house

Rye🐝: okaie Bye Fovvssssss 😘😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕

Fovvs🌵: Bye Ryepie ❤ be safe

                15 minutes later

*Rye🐝 is recessing a facetime call to     Fovvs🌵*

A: "Hey Ryan are you in sonny's house?"

R: "yupp me in sonnys houseeee"

A: "okay go lay down somewhere"

Ryan then walked over to the couch and layed down

A: "okay you rest up I'm gonna go"

R: "Nooooo! pleaseeee don't gooooo Andyyyyy"

A: "*giggles* okay I'll stay"

R: "you're hot you knowwww"

A: "*Chuckles* well did you know you are hotter? *wink*


A: "I know you like it *smirk*"

R: "heyyy stop trying to be meee I may be drunk buttt yourrr stillll my hotstuffffff"

A: " *smiles* I like the sound of that"

R: "ohhh really I hoppppe I remember  this when I'm soberrrrrrrr!"

A: "your crazy Beaumont"

R: "Andyyyy no one loves me I'm gonna be a singleeee pringle foreverrrrrrrr!"

A: "well what if I tell you someone likes you?"

R: "I'd be happy"

A: "well someone likes you!"

R: "Realllly whoooooo?!"

A: "A person who Hope's you like him back"

R: "Oooo it's a boyyy"

A: "yea *giggles* "

R: " well I haveee my Eye on someoneeee"

A: "hmmm is that so?"

R: "yuppp and he's hotttt as fuckkkkk"

A: "*Chuckles* sounds like he's good for you"

R: "Hopeeefullyy he likesss me backkk"

A: "your perfect, of course, he'll like you back"

R: "you're the best andyyy!"

A: "Nah your the best"

R: *smiles* mmm gettingggg sleepyyy"

A: "rest then rye I'll text you in the morning"

R: "okayyyyy bye-bye fovvssss"

A: "bye Ryepie *smile* "

   *facetime call has been ended*

Andy's POV

I smiled to myself as I got off the phone with Rye I was happy that he was safe and wasn't in any danger he looks so fucking cute while he's drunk
I giggled and then drifted off to sleep thinking about cute drunk Rye.

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