Chapter Six

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A cheerful looking plump man watch intensly at Kate's actions. She seemed to be just fine, knowing that Lizzy was right in front of her... But not really. The girl that Kate was seeing was merely one of Japan's famous holograms. After a few more seconds the man turned off the hologram and sat back in his chair, flipping on the intercom.

"Surprising Kaye, huh?" He chuckled. "One of the newest modles in technology of hologram making! I know you fancy that." Suddenly a back wall became see through where the plump man sit smugly. There was bunches of other doctors and nurses around. But one person stuck out the most: Owen.

Kate did not understand. Were they testing her, or something? It didn't matter though. Kate looked behind her to where the man's voice originated from. She turned around and looked at them.

Kate only recognized on of them. What was his name? Kate couldn't remember but she stared at him intently.

Owen looked down at Kate sympetetically too bad that she would be seeing Lizzy soon. He was having his own fun watching the girl he began to love, life his life with out craziness in her life. Now they would be united again... But not in the way Kate would think. Soon she would transfered into the psyco she was meant to be... And Lizzy would be all his in her own new beautiful form. Kate wouldnt get in the way anymore... Her crazy side would reck her. Owen smirked at Kate, watching her confusion was most satisfying to him. The only differences between Owen and Kate was that while the girl was clearly unstable meantally, so was Owen. But he could be psyco and keep it hidden.

"So some good news for you." The plump man sitting next to Owen stated. "Would you like to hear it my dear?"

"Y-yes." Kate said. Her voice was creaky like a rusty door hinge that hadn't been used in a long time. Kate never took her eyes off of Owen though.

Wait... Was he... Smirking at her? This confused Kate even more. She decided that what she thought had been a smirk had actually been just a weird smile. So Kate dismissed it.

"Good then. Remember our dear friend Lizzy?" The man spoke confidently as a projected image popped up on the see through wall. The room Kate was in now had dimmed and a small spot light surrounded her.

The image of Lizzy was when the sun was out and shining, her face was cheerful and full of life. The total opposite of how Kate last saw her. She was in a plain white spring dress, and her hair was whipped around in her face. To be honest in the picture her face was reddening like the shot had be taken while she had been embarrased.

Owen looked at Kate's mixed face emotion. Half being hopeful, which Owen was disgusted by, and the other deeply confused, in which he found joy seeing her that dazed.

"Lizzy?!" Kate exclaimed. She couldn't believe it. Was this actually Lizzy?! But... Wasn't Lizzy dead? If she was how had she come back?!

This didn't matter to Kate all that mattered was that Lizzy was ALIVE. Kate ran up to her in an attempt to embrace her but she just ran into a glass wall. Kate fingered all over the wall in an attempt to feel Lizzy. At least just touch her hair!

It soon became painfully obvious this was not Lizzy and it was just some form of trickery. Kate grew extremely frustrated but that was quickly replaced with an overwhelming sadness.

Kate fell to her knees and started sobbing. What was the point of this?! To torment her even more?!

"My darling please!" The man exclaimed. "Nothing to get worked up over. Lizzy is very much alive... There was much confusion on the day of your 'accident'." He smiled sympathetically as he clasp his hands. "But you see... In order to see her again, you will need to work extremly hard. Your still not qualified as semi-sane. Meaning you mustn't see anyone until that is cleared. What do you say? I already know Lizzy is just dying to see you once again."

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