Chapter Nine

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Straining her neck in complete agony, Lizzy looked into the bright lights on the ceiling and tried focusing her pain their. Maybe it would work... As time passed and this pain never lessened Lizzy began to feel oddly different. She struggled to look down at her feet, and to her horrific horror they simply began to pixilate away.

Kate opened her eyes. She was still in extreme pain but she layed completely still. Kate blinked her eyes a few times trying to figure out just where she was and more importantly was Lizzy there with her.

Kate was still cross at Lizzy but Kate still cared for her.

"O-Owen! What's happening?!" Lizzy screamed out in tremendous agony.

Owen ignored Lizzy, trying to concentrate fully. Sure this was painful... But it was worth it. To be with Lizzy for the rest of their lives with out such a nuisance as Kate there... It would be a perfect world!

As Owen drown in his own fantasies and thoughts, Lizzy was screaming at the top of her lung, along with many others. She kept looking down, seeing her body virtually disapear. This was impossible... Who could even come up with the technology to do this?!

Suddenly, Lizzy felt a jolt of her body, as if she had glitched. And to her great horror she had. To make it even worse, she saw a flash of pink and gold during that second. Pale legs also became visible through that, but then it went away just as quickly.

Just then a voice came on, barley understandable through the panicking screams and massed confusion.

"Ten percent change completed..."

Kate clenched her jaw and closed her eyes to help cope with the pain. It didn't really help but it at least gave her something to focus on. Through all the screams and moans of pain Kate hadn't heard Lizzy call for Owen... Which was probably a good thing.

Kate could hear the voice and she strained to open one of her eyes. What did that mean by change?

"Twenty percent change complete." Said the voice again. Lizzy struggled and thrashed, wanting to die right then and there. This was the most horrible intense pain she had ever felt.

"Make it stop!" Lizzy groaned through clenched teeth. If this program was sent up for percentage rating... What happened when it got to one hundred percent complete?

Kate was getting sick of this. She had dealt with pain before but NOTHING like this. Kate wondered if Lizzy was going through this. And what the hell was going to happen when this "change" was over?!

By now the voice had reached nearly fifty percent, and it kept climbing higher, not slowing down. Lizzy suddenly began to feel numb... Like her limbs weren't there. But then she remembered they were pixelating. Now that half her body was nearly gone, the pain was lessening, but not by much. She gasp and cry out in pain, constantly looking over at the large computer in the center of the room. The numbers constantly rose higher and the room began to spin. Lizzy felt dizzy and sick to her stomach as images started to scatter around in her brain. But then she realized something. These weren't images... They were memories! Multiple different people kept reoccurring, but Lizzy had no idea who they were at all. Suddenly, each body flashed certain colors. She had no idea what to make of this, but one thing was surely for certain: Cassie's mind spew was definatly making sense now.

The voice was at the half way point now and slowly increased the number. Kate was flustered as random memories popped into her mind.

She saw the first time she met Lizzy. When Kate developed feelings for her. Kate's dog playing around and other misc. things.

There was however one thing that kept reoccurring in Kate's mind. It was a shadow of a person Kate had never seen before. If it was even a person at all. If it was a person Kate couldn't tell what gender the person even was.

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