Chapter 4

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Ignore the creepy picture. this is the song that Tamaki plays at the end of this chapter!


Senpai's sister looked a lot like him. I could tell he was going to go all "my daughter" on her too... Even though they're siblings.

During club today Ollie said she'd help with my debt. She's really sweet. I think she's a lot like Senpai in a way. they both have that kind of dramatic look to them. although he's really selfish and oblivious ollie's just the opposite. she's selfless and totally aware of everything around her. I feel like she can read my mind. She always knows what people are feeling and when they're lying or not telling the whole truth. she knows that I really don't mind being in the host club. I actually like it there. everyone is nice and gets along really well.

Anyway, I really like Ollie. she knows I'm a girl but doesn't really acknowledge it. I think we will get along well.


"Hey Ollie wanna-"

"Come over to-"

"Our house tonight?"

Kaoru and I asked Ollie. She was really cute and we wanted to make Boss mad by hanging with his sister.

"Uh. why?"

"I don't know, FUN?"



"Fun is where you enjoy yourself." now the whole host club and all of the guests were gathered around us.

"I know what it means I've just never.... done it." a couple idiotic girls started crying and Honey Senpai jumped on her.


"Um.. I've never had it before...."

Oh god.

How did she survive?


I had only heard of cake through the other girls in the protection program. they had all done things as a kid. why hadn't i? what made ME so different? Maybe it was the protection program. we never ate anything that was sugary or greasy and had lots of veggies. I've never had French fries or hamburgers either. we never played games or laughed and giggled. I've never played truth or dare. We never read any books, most of us didn't know how. like me. instead we sat silently in our bunks, waiting for the armed guard to come in and tell us that another one of our roommates would never return from whatever they were sent to do. some got released and were instantly killed. why, you ask? Well, we are all in the protection program for a reason. it wasn't like we were there because we wanted to be. apparently a couple people held grudges against me. especially the people who were the almost-murderers who shot me when I tried to protect people.

"Olli-san? Are you coming?" Honey asked cutely. I didn't move. I couldn't. SHOOT OLIVER WHY DID YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THAT NOW?! I stood there, taking in my surroundings as I was taught. The twins were standing about 6.34 feet away from me. now closer, 5.62 . Even closer, and closer until the distance was at a mere 5.12 ft away.

"HIKARU, KAORU DONT TOUCH HER!" I heard my baby brother scream at the two approaching boys. They must have been shocked, he never called them by their actual names.

Tamato (AN- Her nickname for Tamaki) knew what was going to happen. they would break the 3.78ft barrier and invade my space.

If you're wondering what the hell is going on I'll explain.

Whenever I think about, talk about, dream about, etc, people getting hurt or people wanting to hurt my brother or anyone else I freeze. don't touch me. i will murder you. Often times it happens when a stranger touches me or anything of that sort too. Don't remind me of getting shot, stabbed, beat up, tortured, or hurt in anyway. I'll freeze. pain washed through me as I remember what it was like. the knife in my shoulder, the pain like a pin-prick and spreading through my whole body. the gun shot, hearing the loud BANG as I slowly felt dark red liquid seep from my stomach. Those boys are going to hurt me. they're going to stab me again and again when they asked why I stepped in front of the gun that was supposed to shoot someone else. why I didn't just let fate happen. and I never answered. because I never knew why.

I closed my eyes and smiled. I won't hurt them. I won't hurt them. I won't hurt them.

"I'm serious don't step inside the circle!" the two brothers then looked at my brother in surprise.

"How far is it again Oliver? I must have forgotten." he said slowly. even though I know he didn't forget. My eyes snapped open I replied, sounding like a robot.

"3.78ft radius."

"How are we supposed to know how far that is?!" those shady twins asked.

"Don't get any closer than 5 steps more." Tama knows me so well.

"How come she didn't freak out when Takashi picked her up the day?"

"Her records say that whenever she is reminded of or thinks about her pain for being tortured, shot, stabbed, hit by a car, she freezes. She won't let anyone in her 'circle' as she calls it." Kyouya read.

Then I heard foot steps. but not foot steps that made me clench up and freeze and out, but very soft, rhythmic footsteps. the only person who ever had rhythmic foot steps was Tama-


Suddenly I was embraced in a hug.

"Oliver. What can I do?"

"It hurts!" I whined feeling pain all over.

"I know I'm sorry but what can I do?"

"It hurts it hurts!! Please make it stop!!" Pain coursed through my body like venom, pulsing in and out of my blood stream. I thrashed about, trying to release Tamakis hold on me.
"Oliver. What should I do? I need to know. You have to calm down, and tell me what to do to make it stop. Remember how to make it stop." I was positive that Tamaki knew what to do, he always did. But I stopped fighting it and sunk down onto the floor.


Tamato played the piano like an angel. but I soon realized that I couldn't hug him and have him play at the same time. oops.

"Mori-Senpai will you hold her for me?" Tama said quietly.

i heard a grunt. slow footsteps. I was tense at first. shaking when he walked closer. Dont. hurt. him. I screamed as he broke the barrier. clutching my head as I writhed on the floor. he stopped. "keep walking Mori-Senapai she'll be okay." I heard my baby brother say shakily. slowly but surely I heard the footsteps again. sweat and tears streaming down my face. "don't hurt him please!" I pleaded. they're gonna hurt him. they're going to torture Tamaki. and then I heard the piano. soft at first, but then louder and louder. My favourite song played By my favourite person. I was swiftly picked up by strong arms and I quit crying. I felt cool hands brush against my face and wipe away my tears. I closed my eyes. nobody can hurt him. he's okay. my brothers okay, Jenny's okay, everyone is okay..... and that's all that matters......

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