SOUL } 4

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"I'm going out! Be safe! No fucking!" Dae yells before the door slams. I shake my head. "That boy I swear to god." I murmur as Hoseok's thumb rubs the back of my hand. "You'll have a harder time with Hye, I presume." I say thoughtfully and he chuckles. "I'll live." He hums playfully. "Your sister's adorable." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, okay." I mutter, standing up. 

"Jealous?" He asks playfully. I shoot him a look to drop it. He slides his hand up to my side. "M'sorry." He hums. I turn to him. "Are you?" I chuckle, and he scrunches his nose. I giggle as his phone rings. "Another member call?" I ask as he pulls out his phone from his onesie pocket. He nods, and answers the call. He puts it on speaker. "Hoseok's phone!" I chime in, and I hear a few chuckles. "Good morning Ara. Did you sleep well?" I hear the soft voice of Taehyung. He's the only one I got introduced to, formally. 

"Probably the best sleep I've ever had. How did you sleep, Taehyung?" I ask, and he speaks back quickly. "I slept very well actually, thank you." He hums. "Anyways, how is Hoseok?" Asks another voice. The one I recognize as Yoongi's. "I'm great actually." Hoseok says, and I hear the grin in the next voice. "How did you sleep, Hyung?" I hear, and the sound makes me grin. "I'm going to have to ditto Ara's statement. Best sleep ever." He says.

"Be original." I say, and we laugh together. "Look, I'm gonna talk to you all later?" He asks, his cheerfulness pulling through. "Sure"s and "Bye"s are shouted, before they hang up. "Taehyung's nice." I hum. "Yeah right." He chuckles, and I stick my tongue out at him. "I should wash your clothes." I say, and I grab the hand that's on my side. "Come on." I say, and I pull Hoseok to my room. 

I gather his clothes from the laundry bin that he threw them in. I drop his hand, making him whine. "You have to hold my hand, Ara!" He whines, grabbing my hand again. I giggle as I pull him to the laundry room. I start the batch before I dance my way back to my bedroom. I let go of Hoseok's hand, and giggle as I run to the bedroom door. I try to shut it before he get's in, but he stops it. "Yah!" He laughs as he picks me up and holds me out of the reach of the door. I burst into laughter when he drops me on my rug.

He extends his hand to me, and I giggle as I let him help me up. Another ring from his phone and another groan from him. He pulls out his phone to show a picture of a soft, chubby cheeked boy. Is there anything cuter than this image? Who knows? His eyes are shut in joy, a grin filling his face. He's wearing a large orange jumper, hair dark brown and both hands up, waving. "Jimin's trying to facetime me." He says, and looks to me for a reaction. I shrug, and he answers it. The boy from the picture shows up and he waves, sending off waves of aegyo that hit me straight on. He's in a loose blue striped t-shirt. I try to stay out of the shot until Hoseok just extends his arm so I'm in it. The image freezes, and I think it's our WiFi before another boy appears in frame.

He's taller than Jimin, and tanner. His eyes kind of hit me and I almost feel the wind being knocked out of me, as weird as it sounds. He's just hot. He's in a long-sleeved brown jumper, which I'd think is literally disgusting on most other people. But the caramel color just brings out his eyes and I bite my lip hesitantly.

"Holy shit, she's gorgeous." I hear from the second boy, and I recognize the other deep voice (the one that's not Taehyung's). I hear my heart pound as my face turns pink. Obviously, I don't take compliments well. Especially not from attractive men. And nobody is attractive to me. Literally. 

"She is, isn't she? I thought it was just me." Hoseok says softly, complimenting me. "It's just you Hoseok, I'm not attractive." I say, defending myself from these false claims of being attractive. "No no, you're very very pretty." I hear, and look back to the screen to see Jimin talking. I turn to Hoseok. "Well I mean you are." He says, and I feel my lower lip jut out in a pout. 

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