Chapter 1

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I let out a sigh as I collected my things and headed towards my crappy car.

'This day couldn't get any worse.' I thought.

Oh how I was wrong.

I put my box of supplies down on the hood of my car and got out my keys. Then I noticed a tiny pink slip on the windowshield.

"Shit." I said taking the parking ticket and sticking it in my purse.

I opened the door to my car, stuck the box inside and got in.

I put the key in and turned it. It didn't start. Again. Didn't start. I hit the steering wheel in anger and frustration then got out of my car.

I only have 10 bucks so I can't afford a cab and I don't know anyone who could drive me home. Looks like I'm walking. I sighed and started walking.

After about 20 minutes of walking, my feet start to hurt so I sat down on a bench to take a break. I sighed and laid my head back then closed my eyes.

I felt a drop of water on my cheek and looked up at the sky. Dark grey clouds filled the sky.

I heard a loud rumble of thunder. Suddenly the rain started coming down in sheets.


I hurried across the street towards a deserted gas station, attemting to sheild myself from the rain.

By the time I reached the gas station I was soaked and shivering.

I looked around, trying to find a place where I could change into some dry clothes and get my shit together.

I saw a Starbucks with few cars across the street and decided to go there. I grabbed my things and got prepared to run.

I checked to see if there was any traffic and quickly sprinted across the street, while being pelted by rain. I slowed down as I got closer.

Exhausted, wet, and freezing, I walked into the Starbucks.

Only three people were here.

A lady, around forty, looked up from her phone and smiled at me sympathetically. I returned the favor with a weary and tired smile.

The second person I noticed was a young teenage boy who was texting someone and drinking his large cappuccino not even bothering to look up.

The next person caught my eye. A tall, muscular man, around twenty, with a neatly trimmed, but short, beard sat in the corner of the Starbucks.

He was staring out the window, obviously deep in thought. He only looked away from the window when he heard the bell on the door ring when I walked in.

He shot me a worried and kind look. I pretended not to notice and walked into the bathroom and locked the door.
I changed and fixed my hair the best I could.

I knew my naturaly curly hair would become a tangled mess by the time it dried. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom.

The woman was gone and the teenager was walking out the door. Only the man remain, who went back to staring out the window.

I walked to a booth in the opposite corner of the Starbucks and sat down, gathering my things up.

When I looked up, a girl around my age with short black hair with red streaks in it and way too much mascara on was standing in front of me with an annoyed look on her face.

She sighed. "Ma'am, if you are going to use our restrooms you have to order something. We do not provide public restrooms." she said very slowly as if I was a child.

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