Dad and Henry

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  (Jack's POV)
  I shut the cabin door and turned to Henry. He looked a little nervous.
  "Y'alright son? I asked. I knew that for some reason he was always nervous around me, I wanted it to end. He was family now.
  "Yes sir," he smiled. I shook my head.
"Son how many times have I told you t' call me Jack?" I grinned.
  "Sorry, I just,"
  "What's the matter son? Talk to me,"
  "No, I guess I just want to make a good impression,"
  "Henry, I've known you for years, I've known your parents for what feels like centuries, what's troublin' ya, is it Lydia?"
  "Sort of, I just don't want you to be disappointed that your daughter, who is perfect, amazing, and just......I don't know, but I don't want you to be disappointed that she has someone like me as her..."
  "Henry son, I couldn't be more proud. I think that you two were made for each other, savvy?"
  "Really?" he asked, surprised.
  "Aye, you'd never be a disappointment, you're family, and Lydia loves you,"
  "Thank you Jack," he smiled.
  I patted his shoulder and ruffled his hair. He chuckled.
  "C'mon, Lydia 'll be wondering what's goin on," I smiled, standing up. We walked out on deck together and Lydia instantly came over to us.
  "Is everything alright Dad?" she asked.
  "Aye, it's all fine love, say, fancy a game of liars dice, just the three of us?"
  "Aye," they both nodded. We walked back in the cabin and sat around the table.

  An hour or so later, it came to the point where I had got Henry out, to which he was disappointed in himself. Me and my Daughter kept our poker faces, with the occasional smirk. Henry watched intently. I had two dice, Lydia had one, all I had to do was catch her lying, I had it in the bag.
  "One one," she claimed.
  "Liar," I laughed.
  "What!?!" she yelled.
  I chuckled.
  "You expect me to believe that every single go, you start with one one, unless it was someone else's choice, and that the odds that you have one one, I mean what else would you have done in the situation, given the real number, then it'd be obvious what you had, and could be called a liar next go, you you used the most strategic strategy to make it the lowest possible number with the lowest possible abundance, to see if I would believe it, so we'll played Darlin'," I explained.
  "Dad, it confuses me, sometimes you can be the most intellectual person to ever exist, but other times you can be nothing but a drunkass, lying pirate," she laughed.
  "Ahh yes, but your drunkass, lying, pirate Father, savvy?"
  "Savvy!" she grinned.
  "I'll never understand you two," Henry chuckled.
  "One day son, one day," I smirked.
  (Lydia's POV)
  After that game of liars dice, which I am still salty about, I went back to the cabin and sat on the bed. I started to think about what life might be like if we do find Mamá. Dad loves her, she loves Dad, and I love them both with all my heart.
  I can imagine, all three of us sat together, my Dad's arm around me, Mamá holding my hand, my head on Dad's shoulder.
  I smiled, reliving some of the memories about my Mum, wondering what happened between her and Dad. I know that they met when they were very young, and they separated, I think Dad left her. Then they met again in search for the fountain of youth, and he left her on an island, pregnant with me. It made me smile looking at my necklace, it had once belonged to Dad, then Mamá, and now me, and it was the most special thing that I owned, along with the sword that my Dad gave me. I unsheathed it and smiled, running my hand against the shining blade, a tear escaped my eyes. I looked at the handle where 'Sparrow' was engraved.
  "I'm so proud of you," a low, familiar voice came from the other side of the room. I whipped my head around to see Dad stood there grinning.
  "Papá? Qué estás hacienda aquí?" I spoke, startled.
  He laughed and shook his head, sitting next to me.
  "Mi cabino no es" he chuckled. He said 'my cabin is it not' because I asked him 'what are you doing here?'
  "Angelica taught you Spanish?" I smiled.
  "Your Mum taught me a lot of things, Spanish was not one of them however. I just picked things up from when she was angry. Whenever she was angry, she'd yell at me in Spanish, and then beg for my forgiveness the next day," he smiled, looking down and twiddling his thumbs.
  "Really?" I smiled, sniffling as I was crying a little.
"Yeah," she sniffed, crying as well.
"I'm sorry, if I, errr...speak Spanish, sometimes, I was just thinking about Mamá, and --- you know, she she umm, spoke Spanish to me, as a child,"
  "I know Darlin', I may not understand everything you say, it's been a while, I haven't seen your Mother in nearly eighteen years, and, if we are indeed on course, we should see her again, if we can find her, in five days," he looked me in the eyes.
  I jumped into my Dad's arms, he chuckled and rubbed my back.
  "It's all gonna be ok love, we will find her," he whispered.
  "I know Dad, your compass will, do you think she's alright, what do you think happened to her?"
  "I don't know, if we find her, she'll tell us,"
  "Aye," I smiled.
  Dad looked at the sword on my lap.
  "You still have the sword," he smiled.
  "Of course, it means so much to me, it even says Sparrow on the handle, and it's from you Dad,"
  "Aye, I love you so much sweetheart," he whispered.
  "I love you too Papá."

Jack Sparrow's Daughter Part 2Where stories live. Discover now