The Dance

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  (Lydia's POV)

  I sat below deck, singing the song Dad taught me.
  We're devils we're black sheep we're really bad eggs
  Drink up me hearties yo ho!
  But we're loved by our mommies and dads.
  Drink up me hearties yo ho!
  Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me.
  "You sing like an angel," Henry smiled from behind me.
  "Jesus, Henry you scared me," I gasped.
  "Sorry, but I've never heard anyone sing more beautifully,"
  "Your Mother has a beautiful voice," I countered.
  "Yes, she does, but not like you,"
  "Henry I'm flattered," I joked. He shook his head, grinning. He took my hand.
  "C'mon, there's something on deck that I want you to see,"
  "What is it?" I laughed while getting dragged up the stairs.
  "It's a surprise," he chuckled.
  When we reached the top of the stairs, Henry opened the stairs and Will, Scrum, Lizzie, Gibbs, Pintel, Rigetti, Grandad and Dad were stood there.
  "What's going on?" I asked, confused.
  Henry cleared his throat, and Scrum began strumming his Mandolin.
  "Lydia, will you give me the honour of this dance?" he smiled.
  "Of course, but why? I mean, why tonight?" I asked.
  Why tonight, I wondered, it was nobodies birthday, so what was the occasion.
  "First moon of the summer love, it'll be wonderful, trust me Darlin'," Dad smirked. I grinned and Henry took my hand. Dad sat out, hebalways told me he hated dancing, but when we swapped, I was determined to get him to dance with me. Will and Elizabeth danced together and I even saw Pintel and Rigetti dancing together, which made me snicker.
  Henry put his hand on my shoulder and other on my waist. I put my arm around his neck.
  "This is amazing," I smiled.
  "It is, isn't it, I can't dance to save my life," he laughed, a little embarrassed.
  "My Mother taught me when I was younger, she's amazing, but I'm still God awful," I laughed.
  "Much better than me," he chuckled.
  I looked over to see Will and Lizzie dance, Will was almost as bad as Henry, but Lizzie was very good. I kind of figured she would be. She was raised as the governors' daughter, and would have been taught to be sophisticated. Me and Henry continued to laugh and smile to the slow beat, slow dancing in small circles.
  "Lydia, thank you for everything, you have changed my life so much, and I've loved every second that I've spent with you, I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that, I love you, it's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I'll always love you," he smiled, going a subtle shade of red.
  "I'm sorry if....."
  I cut off by pressing my lips against his, he melted into the kiss and put his  hand on the side of my face. When we pulled away, he smiled and looked into my eyes. He caressed my cheek before continuing to dance. I saw my Dad smirk.
  "I love you too, Henry, I have ever since I first met you," I explained.
  "I'll always love you Lydia,"
  "And I'll always love you Henry," I grinned. He kissed my cheek again before Gibbs yelled.
  "Alright everyone let's switch it up a little, find a new partner!"
  I gave Henry a short hug before walking over to my Dad, who was still smirking.
  "Get that stupid grin off your face and come dance with me!" I laughed.
  "Bugger," he groaned, standing up.
  "Just so you know love, the only time I've ever danced, was with yer Mother, and even she thought I was stupid," he mumbled.
  "I'm sure your not that bad, no worse than me,"
  "You'd be surprised love," he decided.
  He put his arm on my lower back, and his other on my shoulder.
  He began swaying to the music, in my opinion, he was great at dancing. He was always very humble when it came to stuff like this, or to me anyway.
  "So, what did Henry say to ye love?" he smirked.
  "And what is it any of your business Captain?" I teased.
  "Oh come on love, I saw that kiss, and the look in his eyes. You of course, had your back turned to me, so I couldn't see your reaction,"
  "He told me he loves me," I smiled fondly.
  "And what did you say back?" he grinned.
  "Ok ok I'll stop.....but seriously, what did you say?"
  "I said that I love him too," I looked down, embarrassed.
  "Well done love, I'm so proud of you,"
  "Thanks Papá. You know, you aren't that bad at dancing. I've seen much worse, for example, Henry," I laughed.
  Dad glanced over at him and stifled a laugh.
  "I see what you mean love, is he going to propose soon?" he smirked.
  "Just sayin' love, I think that it'd be perfect, as Captain, I could in fact, perform a marriage, right here, right now," he teased.
  "Dad, I swear to the goddess Calypso herself....."
  "I'm only joking with ye Darlin', I don't want you getting married yet, you're only seventeen,"
  "Good, because I will not be doing so any time soon, mark me words!" I exclaimed.
  "Darlin', you're growing up so fast," he smiled sadly, looking at the floor, continuing dancing in circles.
  "Don't worry Dad, I'll always be the same, always Lydia-Rose Sparrow, always your daughter,"
  "Always my treasure," he whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.
  "Aye, and you'll always be my Captain, Dad, no matter how old you get," I giggled.
  "Hmmm, don't you dare tell anyone my age Darlin', or I'll have to lock you in my Cabin for a few days," he glared.
  "Not so bad, you'll have to do better than that,"
  "Do you even know my age love, or are you bluffing?"
  I leaned closer to his ear and whispered.
  "Fifty Five Dad,"
  His eyes widened.
  "My eyesight's just as good as ever, just so you know, and I'm just as bent as ever, hellishly so even!" he defended.
  "It's alright Dad, you're all the same to me," I laughed.
  "Good! I swear to Calypso, and trust me I know Calypso personally, that if you tell a soul, you will regret it!" he warned. I laughed and looked him in the eyes, smiling.
  "Don't worry Papá, your secret's safe with me,"
  "I should hope so, my dear,"
  Then Gibbs began to shout again.
  Me and Dad both ran down to the rum stock, pushing and shoving eachother in order to get ahead, laughing if one of us fell behind.
  When we both reached the crate, we rambled in there until we both grabbed a bottle.
  "Mine!" he spoke, pulling it to himself.
  "Mine!" I countered.
  "Mine!!" I yelled, fully snatching it and guzzling it down in a heartbeat.
  Dad looked utterly perplexed.
  "I did not raise you to be like this. I taught you that if ol' Dad wants rum, he gets rum," he glared, upset.
  "Well, that's too bad, savvy?" I joked.
  "Now believe me my child, I always savvy, if someone does not savvy, I wonder who hurt them, savvy? However in this unfortunate circumstance, I do not savvy, savvy? Reason being, is that should've been my rum, savvy, not your rum," he explained.
  "Ahh, well you see, dearest Papá, I got the rum fair and square, meaning that it was in fact, MY rum, savvy?"
  He snatched the bottle back and gulped down the remains of the rum.
  He ruffled my hair and chuckled.
  "Not anymore," he grinned, waking back upstairs, leaving me rummaging for another bottle of rum desperately.
  "Just like your Dad," the voice of Grandad spoke. I whirled around and smirked as he handed me a bottle, I popped the cork and began to drink.

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