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A/N: There's some words that have different meanings! So, I created this dictionary to help you understand what is what!


- Nemis is the world who is habited by many unique people. Ruled over by a King and his Ten Holders.

Ten Holders
- Ten chosen Creators to serve the King.

- Creators are beings who create worlds to live in. Only reaches up 10% of the population in Nemis

- Creations are the said worlds that certain people make. Rare to get in, often saved for a back up plan if Nemis gets destroyed.

- Symbols are people who help Creators out, they often present a certain trait. Often can summon weapons, or have some sort of magic. Only reaches up 20% of the population in Nemis

- Nothings takes up 70% of the world if Nemis. They are normal human being wandering around, often know the tricks of magic and spells.

- Keys are ways Symbols/Creators travel. Its like opening a door to a new place. Only used to go into a different world, or to leave or go into a white box. Symbols use them more than Creators do.

White Box
- White box is where a Creator are only allowed to be in, its where they make their own creations. A white box is just a blank space with nothing.

- A word that is combined by two words, Creations and Books. Creatiks are books that hold that worlds that a Creator has made.

Solo Rooms
- Solo Rooms where made by the Ten Holders, they are rooms specifically for Symbols and Creators, need a key to summon the door.

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