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"Okay, not everyone at once, please. Be patient." Eve advises the kids to enter the new orphanage slowly as they all have tried to push their way through. Judging her face, she actually seems at ease and not too much in pain for once until a little boy pulls at the sleeve of her uniform. He is blonde, blue-eyed and reminds Bucky of the small Steve before the serum. Eve and Bucky have probably been the only people in this world who will always prefer the little kid from Brooklyn. Now it's just Bucky.

She kneels down on the boy's height to show him that they're equal and not strangers, a little comforting smile appears on her lips. "What's wrong, Cole?"

"Are my parents really gone?" His question breaks Eve's heart and also Bucky's chest tightens just by watching and listening. She inhales deeply, pulling herself together.

"Nobody is ever really gone." Eve answers gently and points at his chest. "The people we love live on here, in our hearts and memories. We are the ones who keep them alive. You know, I lost people, too, Cole. But I will always remember them, so nobody will ever be forgotten."

"It still feels lonely." The orphan mumbles, fidgeting with his hands.

"Yeah, I know." She admits, sadness edging her eyes. Bucky can already tell from her face that she's thinking of him. Suddenly, the sound of raindrops hitting the roof arises and Eve looks out, watching how the drizzle outside turns into a rain. "You see that, Cole?"

"It's raining." He states and she nods confirming.

"Whenever you feel lonely, just think of the rain. Because the raindrops are the sky's tears. The sky is crying with you, Cole. You're not alone anymore."

Her words make him smile and the orphan boy nods eagerly. "Thank you so much, Eve! You are my hero!"

He hugs her briefly and a light smile graces her lips. Then, the two head back into the orphanage with the other kids and Bucky looks longingly after her, his heart aching. Tony and Steve stand beside him. They, too, miss her.

"You know, you could technically just settle down with this version of hers. It's still her, after all. You would create an alternative timeline where you and her are happy." Tony suggests. "You could probably take her with you to our timeline if we get her a time travel suit. We still have hers."

"Strange said there was one out of fourteen million. And if I took her with me, this universe would go down." Bucky objects and he smiles sadly at Tony. "Trust me, I would love to do it. I would tear worlds apart for her, I would do it in a heartbeat."

"I know you would, Buck." Steve says softly and without a doubt. "But I also know you won't for exactly the same reason."

Bucky presses his lips together because Steve is right. "If I did it, it would be incredibly selfish of me. I would dishonor her sacrifice and not respect her choice. It's like I wouldn't love the version of her that we know because of her decision and will correct her for my comfort with her past version. And that's just wrong. Even though it hurt me that she sacrificed herself, I still love her unconditionally. And she wouldn't want me to let this world go down on her behalf." He pauses shortly. "Besides, I can't take this Eve away from the Bucky of this timeline."

Tony and Steve just share a meaningful glance, respecting Bucky for his selfless choice. The billionaire then pats his shoulder, sending a comforting smile. "Your call, Bucky. And I respect you for that."

"You can always count on us." Steve nods agreeing. "We're with you till the end of the line, pal."

"Thanks, guys." Bucky manages a half smile and turns around as he hears steps. Eve has left the orphanage and looks at the sky.

"Shall we go home?" Tony asks if they should return to their time now, but Bucky stops him.

"Just... just give me a minute." He requests lowly and stares at Eve who stays in the rain. He knows that their goodbye was a long time ago, but he needed to see her one last time. Just once. Steve and Tony only wait patiently and silently, aware that this is important to him. The three loved her so much, each in different ways, so saying the final goodbye is difficult.

Eve is watching how the tears of heaven meet the earth and she closes her eyes to listen to the rain. The only thing that comes into Bucky Farrell Barnes' mind is how beautiful she looks, so incredibly beautiful.

And God, how much he loved her and he always will. His girl under the crying sky.

Farewell, Canary.

The End

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