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"Whatever I really need to increase my pace. I'm losing precious time that I could spend on stealing from other girls who are richer than her." Jackson mumbled to himself.

"Cheng Xiao, I need her number." Jackson shouted towards the manager's door.

"Oh her name card is here on my table. Take it, I already have her number saved in my phone." Cheng Xiao nonchalantly answered Jackson. He took the name card and went to the back of the cafe.

He keyed the phone number into the phone and gave it a call. It was picked up within three rings.

"Hello?" Y/n's sweet voice rung through from the other side of the phone. For a moment, it stunned Jackson that he forgot to speak into the phone.

"Oh, uh hello, I'm Jackson from the café you frequent. I got your number from Cheng Xiao." He answered finally, stuttering here and there.

"Oh hey, what are you calling for? Do you need any help?" She asked. How can anyone sound so sweet?

"Oh yea, we could hang out sometime and bond, I mean since we are probably going to work together right? The project? Cheng Xiao told me that I'll be the model." Jackson asked, sounding as sincere as he possibly could.

"Ahhh yes the project, yes you will be the model and I guess we could find time to hang out sometime."

"Hmm how about this weekend, there is this new movie that is coming out and people are already going crazy about the teasers. We could watch it together." He suggested.

It was his way of easing into the trust of the unsuspecting girls. He would definitely get his way this time as well.

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