Chapter 5: Explanations and Dance

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Everyone in Team JNPR's dorm room was silent until Pyrrha said, "Well, I'm waiting."

Jaune sighed and said, "The story begins over 20 millennia ago, in the year 1998."

"That long ago?" Yang asked with wide eyes, and Jaune ignored her before continuing, "In a hospital in a city called New York, a woman gave birth to a child with raven black hair, and sea green eyes. This woman was known as many things to the Greek World, Aunt Sally, Ms. Jackson, Sal, and lastly, Mom. She named her child after one of the only Heroes of Greek Mythology to ever have a happy ending hoping that he'd have one too: Perseus."

Jaune then moved to the window that somehow had the docks in view and said, "12 years later, in 2010, Zeus the Lord of the Skies and King of the Gods' Master Bolt went missing and Percy was blamed for it..."

"Master Bolt?" Nora interrupted as Jaune, Ruby and Sun all looked at Nora with wide eyes that were filled with fear.

"NO!" Ruby shouted. "The Master Bolt is so powerful, that it makes mortal hydrogen dust bombs look like firecrackers!"

Everyone's eyes widened and Jaune said, "The night Percy got to camp was the night he fought the Minotaur for the first time and he defeated it with his bare hands. After that, he was unconscious for 3 days before waking up and being introduced to the Camp Leaders, Chiron and Dionysus, the God of Wine and Madness. Not long after that, he participated in his first game of Capture the Flag where he defeated 5 or 6 Children of Ares, granted. He was then claimed as a Son of Poseidon. Not long after that, he was chosen to go look for the Master Bolt and he then went to meet the Oracle of Delphi."

"Rachel?" Sun asked as he didn't know about the Oracle before Rachel.

"No," Jaune replied. "A corpse that was cursed by Hades the Lord of the Underworld."

Jaune then continued with his story, "She told him his first prophecy and it goes like this: You shall go west, and face the god who has turned, you shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned, You shall be betrayed by one who calls you friend, And fail to save what matters most in the end. Of course, everything worked out in the end, the war still begun with the traitor and Percy's destiny truly began."

Jaune then went on to tell them about the next quests until the one about the Great Prophecy where he paused and Weiss asked, "Are you okay?"

"A child of the eldest gods, shall reach 16 against all the odds, shall see the world in endless sleep, a hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap, a single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raze," Jaune stated as everyone, apart from Ruby, looked at him with wide eyes. "That was the Great Prophecy told before Percy's birth and the one where all of his quests lead to... The final showdown between the Son of Poseidon and Kronos the Titan of Time."

So Jaune told them about the Second Titan War then he got to the beginning of the Second Giant War.

"I'll take over, Jaune," Sun replied as he rolled up his sleeves and everyone saw a tattoo on his arm that said: SPQR. It had a bolt of lightning above it with a few lines and Sun said, "This means that I am part of the Roman Legion. Right after the Second Titan War, there was a new prophecy and it goes as such: 7 Half-Bloods shall answer the call, to storm or fire, the world must fall, an oath to keep with a final breath, and foes bear arms to the Doors of Death."

Sun then told them about the quest to defeat Gaea, but when he got to Tartarus, he looked at Jaune and said, "What do you want to tell them about Tartarus?"

"That it was hell," Jaune replied. "Literal hell. Percy and Annabeth journeyed through Tartarus and barely survived it."

Sun then went on to talk about the battle against Gaea and her children, before saying, "Not long after that, Jason and Piper broke up and Jason died, but Percy and Annabeth, Leo and Calypso, and Hazel and Frank all got married one month after the other, before dying of old age and going on to being reincarnated two more times before getting into the Isle of the Blessed."

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