session seven

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Things became more complicated as Winnie helped Edward lift Faye off the bar floor. She was back in the same spinning stool, her hands were clasped under her chin and Edward was bouncing up on her toes.
"Edward is so happy to see faye-faye!" She exclaimed and Winnie giggled from behind the counter, her slender hand pressed against her pillowy lips.

She caught Faye's strained look, "What's wrong Valentine ?" The violet haired woman shook her head, "Does she live with you?"
Winnie nodded, "Up above this is a small room, we share— is everything okay?"

Faye let out a breath of relief, Edward probably wouldn't expect to go back to the bebop if she was already settled which made things easier. She didn't want the kid to see Spike dying, or recovering — she didn't know at this point.

Her eyes drifted to the window seeing the streets lit up with sunlight, a few groups of people walked past, some young and some old. It was like any old city.

"I'm gonna go, " She muttered and Winnie came around the bar quickly, "Oh no you aren't! You're far too gone to get home safe, where are you coming from anyway?"

Faye closed her eyes, "I've been worse."

Winnie prodded again and Faye grumbled, "I'm staying on Mars." 

"Alrightie, I've flown a few crafts in my life I can drive you there,"

Faye laughed, "and how do you expect to get back here? No one on that ship has it in them to give favors."

Winnie frowned realizing she was losing her argument, "I don't think its a good idea…"

Faye shook her head gracing her with a final smile. "You don't know me all that well, don't miss me too much." She gently squeezed Winnie's arm with endearment and pushed up on her long legs to walk out to the door.

Faye was still pretty incoherent and her eyes were tired. "Faye-Faye," Ed called from the middle of the empty bar and Faye turned to watch her. She looked sad, and it was something that she never saw on her before.

"Can Edward go with you?"

Faye grimaced, "Ed you— you left to find your dad, you belong somewhere I can't—"

Winnie frowned but stayed out've the conversation and Edward rushed forward.

"Faye-Faye," She whimpered tugging on the ends of her banana colored shorts. Faye sighed and looked away, "Things aren't the same Ed I can't —"

The younger girl looked heart broken, "Edward can help, Edward promises!" she tugged again and this time Faye leaned over and took Ed's tiny hands in her own.

Jade eyes against warm caramel, a pleading gaze against a unsure one. Faye gave her a gentle smile; "I'll bring you; but if Jet asks im gonna lie and say you followed, got it?"

Edward nodded enthusiastically, yanking her hands from Faye doing an awkward little dance around her and Winnie.

She rushed into the back of the store to grab her things and Faye locked eyes with the bartender one last time, "Sorry for stealing her."

Winnie laughed, "It's not stealing if she's going home."

Faye nodded. It was strange, a place so full of despair. Yet the pieces were falling back into place again. The only thing missing was the incapacitated man she couldn't seem to get her mind off of.

Edward came storming forward, launching herself onto Faye with a hearty cry.

"Take Edward to bebop!" A low yelp sounded at her feet and Faye looked down to see Ein.

She shook her head feeling tears bubbling up, "That damn dog."

Edward ignored her mumbles her legs wrapped around Faye's torso as the older woman carried her.

They waved goodbye to Winnie as she wiped the counter, and she smiled greatly.

"Fly safe cow girl."

Faye laughed, her head tilted back as she headed out into the world again, the afternoon sun beating down onto her.

going, going, gone ♡ ( fin. )Where stories live. Discover now