New Home

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Emma's (POV)
I'm Emma Swan I'm 16 and I was put in the foster system after my parents died in a car accident. I just got out of an old foster home and I'm headed to my new foster home. We pulled up to a house that was really nice compared to some of my other foster homes. I grabbed my bag and I put it around my shoulder. I walked up to the door with my social worker Bill in front of me he knocked on the door and a lady with blonde hair opened the door. "Stef this is Emma" Bill said. "Hi Emma I'm Stef" she said holding out her hand for me to shake. I hesitated a little but then I shook her hand. "Thanks Bill I can take it from here" Stef said. "Ok" Bill said. Bill walked out the front door and Stef took me into the kitchen where I saw many other people. "Emma this is Lena my wife" she said. Lena stuck her hand out and I shook it. "These are our kids Brandon Mariana Jesus and Jude" Stef said pointing at each as she went through the names. "It's nice to meet you guys" I said. "We're just about to eat dinner so why don't you have a seat wherever you'd like" Lena said. I sat down next to Stef and they started passing food around and when it got to me I got a little and passed it on. We ate and talked for a while and as soon as we were done they showed me where my room was and I was sharing a room with Mariana. I put my stuff away and I decided to lay down for a while. My phone started ringing and it was my best friend Ruby. I went downstairs and outside and answered the phone. "Hey" I said. "Hey I'm so glad your out" she said. "Me too" I said. "You wanna go to the bar with me and Belle" she asked. "Umm I would have to sneak out but yeah" I said. "Umm well the bar we wanna go to though is in LA" she said. "LA. Why so far" I asked. "We just like it there it's more fun there's more people" she said. "Fine" I said. "K we'll meet you at 8" she said. I gave Ruby the address and I hung up the phone I went upstairs and I grabbed my jacket and I decided to lay on the bed. I saw it was 7:50 and I went downstairs I went by the door and waited for Ruby's text. Ten minutes later I got a text from Ruby saying that they were here. I opened the door and closed it quietly so Stef and Lena wouldn't hear me leave I got in the back seat of the car and we drove two hours to LA as soon as we got there we got out of the car and Belle looked at me and spoke. "Here I kept this for you" she said handing me my fake ID. "Thanks" I said. They got out their fake ID's and then we go in line to get in the bar.

Stef's (POV)
Lena and I were getting ready to go to sleep and after we changed and stuff we went to say goodnight to the kids. We walked into Brandon's room and he was listening to music. I took his headphones off and he opened his eyes. "Hey B" I said. "Hey Moms" he said. "You ok" Lena asked. "Yeah" he said. "Okay well we just came to say goodnight" I said. "Okay" he said. We kissed his forehead and left the room. We walked into Jude and Jesus's room and and they were already asleep so we just kissed their foreheads and left. We went into Mariana and Emma's room and I saw Mariana on her phone. "Hey Ms Thang" Lena said. "Hi moms" she said. "Who you texting" I asked. "No one I was on instagram" she said. "Oh okay. Where's Emma" I asked. "Umm I just saw her go downstairs but she didn't say anything" she said. "Okay we will go find her" I said. "Ok" Mariana said. "Goodnight" Lena said. "Goodnight moms" Mariana said. She gave us a hug and we went downstairs to find Emma. We looked in the kitchen she wasn't there. We looked in the living room she wasn't there. We looked in the dining room she wasn't there. We went out to the back yard and the front and she wasn't there. "Lena where is she" I said. "I don't know" she said. "Oh my god" I said. "What do we do" Lena asked. "I don't I can't track her phone so I have no way of finding her" I said. We went upstairs to Mariana's room and we looked in Emma's drawers and all her stuff was still there. "Her stuff is here so maybe she just took a walk" Lena said. "This is more than just a walk Lena" I said. I went downstairs and I made coffee and sat in the kitchen. "What are you doing" Lena asked. "I'm gonna wait up for her" I said. "Babe we don't know if she's even coming back tonight" Lena said. "I can't just go to bed knowing that our foster daughter is out on her own" I said. "If she's not back by tomorrow morning then we call Bill" Lena said. "Okay" I said. We went upstairs to our bedroom and we went to sleep.

Emma's (POV)
We've been at the bar for a long time and it's now 2:30 in the morning and it's closing time at the bar Ruby was making out with a random dude and Belle was in the Bathroom I saw a girl cleaning up around the bar and I went over to talk to her. "Hey" I said. "Hey she said looking up. She was literally so beautiful and I got lost in her chocolate brown eyes. "Was there something you needed" she said. "You look young to be a bar tender" I said. "Yeah that's why I'm not a bar tender" she said. "Oh really" I said. "Yeah my dad owns this bar so I just clean up at closing time" she said. "Oh cool" I said. "Yeah" she said. She came around the bar and she was trying to put up a glass but she couldn't. "Need some help" I asked. "No I got it" she said. She got on top of one of the stools and put the glass up as she was getting down her foot slipped and she almost fell but I caught her bridal style in my arms. She looked at me for a minute and smiled "thanks" she said. "No problem" I said. I held her for a minute and she spoke. "You can put me down now" she said. "Give me your number first" I said. "No I barely know you" she said. "Then I guess your gonna stay in my arms then" I said. She tried to get down and I held her closer to me with a tighter grip. "Fine" she said. I put her down and she tried to walk away. I pulled her back by her wrist and I held her by her waist. "I believe you said you'd give me something" I whispered in her ear I saw her close her eyes and I loved that I had this affect on her. I pulled my phone out of my pocket leaving my other hand on her waist. I gave her my phone and while she was typing the number I ran my hand up her thighs and I could hear her breathing heavy. She gave me my phone back and I smirked at her. "I never got your name" I said. "Spencer" she said. "Cool" I said. I was about to walk away and she pulled me back. "Hey whoa you don't get my name and number without telling me your name" she said. "Emma" I said. She smiled lightly at me and I walked away. Ruby and Belle were sitting at a table and when I walked over there they were smiling at me. "What" I said. "Someone's in love" Belle said. "I'm not in love Okay I just got her number" I said. "Whatever" Ruby said. "Are you staying with us or are we dropping you off" Belle asked. I pulled out my phone and saw it was now 3:00. "Yeah I'll come with you guys" I said. We left the bar and I went home with Ruby.

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