Opening up

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Emma's (POV)
I woke up the next morning with a really bad headache I got up and went to the kitchen to find some Advil I eventually found some and I grabbed some water and took it. I went back to the living room and I checked the time on my phone it was 6:00 in the morning. I ran upstairs to wake up Ruby so that she could take me back to my foster house. We got in the car and made the two hour drive. We pulled up to the house and I got out of the car and I thanked Ruby for a fun night. I walked up to the door and I opened it and I turned around to close it quietly and I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and there was Stef and Lena. "Stef Lena" I said. "Where were you last night" Stef asked sternly. "I didn't go anywhere" I said. "Then why did you just walk in the front door Emma" Stef said. "I got a call from a friend and I didn't wanna wake up Mariana so I went outside to answer" I said. "Well you weren't in your bed last night either so don't try and lie to me" Stef said. "Fine I left" I said. "Where did you go" Stef asked. "I went to the bar with some friends" I said. "You went to a bar" Lena asked. "Yeah" I said. "How old are you again" Stef asked. "Sixteen" I said. "Right so you're not even old enough to step foot in a bar so do you have a fake ID" Stef asked. "Yeah" I said. "Give it to me" she said sternly. "I don't have it with me" I said. "Where is it" she asked. "I left it with my friends" I said. "You're grounded" Stef said. "What you can't ground me" I said. "Yes we can. You live in this house and we are gonna treat you like we treat every other teenager in this house. When our kids do something bad they get grounded therefore you're grounded" Stef said. "Fine" I said. I went out the back door and I sat in one of the chairs that was out there I put my earbuds in and I put music on and put my head on the table. Until I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I felt so much pain. "Ahhhh" I screamed. I pulled my earbuds out and got out of the chair holding my shoulder. "Whoa hey what's going on" Lena asked. "I just have a bruise on my shoulder and it hurts" I said. "Let me see" Stef said. "No it's fine" I said. "Come on Emma just show me" Stef said. I hesitated a little but I pulled off my jacket leaving me in a tank top I turned around and showed her my shoulder. "Oh my god Emma" she said. "That is not just a bruise" Lena said. "What happened" Stef asked. I looked down not wanting to say anything.

Stef's (POV)
I asked Emma what happened to her shoulder and she just looked down. "Emma" I said. She looked up a little and I spoke. "You can talk to us" I said. Lena and I grabbed to chairs and put them in front of her. "What happened" I asked again being really concerned. "When I was in my old foster home I was with a guy named James he..." she stopped mid sentence and looked down. We went over and sat next to her and she looked at Lena and I. "He what love" I asked. "He would go out and get super drunk and when he came home he would just get so mad and the other night he came home he took off his belt and he hit me with his belt buckle over and over" she said. I felt my heart break into a million pieces when she said that. "I got tired of him hitting me so I called Bill and told him what was happening and he pulled me out of that house" she said. "How long were you in that house Emma" I asked. "A month" she said. "Why didn't you say anything before" I asked. "I had I called the cops but every time they came he would say that I went crazy and he was just defending himself" she said. "Well I'm glad you're out of there" I said. "Me too" She said. "I want you to know that you're always safe here" I said. "Thanks" she said. Lena went inside and grabbed an ice pack and came back out with it. "Here put this on your shoulder honey" she said. Emma took it and put it on her shoulder. "So if you don't mind me asking Emma how did you get into the system" Lena said. "Umm my parents died in a car accident a year ago" I said. "I'm sorry Emma" I said. She smiled at me lightly and she took the ice pack off her shoulder. She put her jacket back on and she stood up. "Thank you" she said hugging Lena. She came over to me and she hugged me as well. "I'm gonna go eat something" she said. She went inside and I smiled at Lena. "She's sweet" Lena said. "Yeah but I can tell she has a bit of a temper by the way she walked away from us earlier" I said. "Yeah she reminds me of you" Lena said. "Hey" I said. I pecked her lips and we went inside and we found all the kids in the kitchen eating cereal. After the kids ate they went to bed and Lena and I did to. "I'm glad Emma opened up a little" I said. "Yeah me too" she said. She cuddled up next to me and put her face in my neck I rubbed her back and I heard her breathing get steady and I knew she was asleep a few minutes later I fell asleep as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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