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A/N: Sooo heres the prologue for the new story I want to write... It's gonna have almost the same storyline as UD (That's the reason why I'm deleting it) but with a huge plot twist... The main characther (Sahra) is muslim... Tell me what you think! Should I continue this story and delete the other??

..."Have you ever thought about how all these rules just restrict you, Sahra? Or are you just too good to even notice it!" Harry yelled at her, the anger flushing in his blood and radiating out of his brilliant emerald eyes.

She balled her small, fragile hands up in fists as a tear made it's way down her light-brown skin.

His words stung. Mostly because of how true it was. There was no way to escape the truth. He had seen through the small cracks of her facade. He had seen her: The broken, insecure girl who hid behind a cold wall of apathy and reservation. The girl with a free, wild side she just ached to let out but never did.

He froze the second he saw the tear drip down her chin and his eyes softened, a feeling of sympathy replacing the previous anger.

"Have you ever thought about holding yourself back? Huh? Instead of living your life like that? Just flaunting around without a goal? Without any kind of structure? Life needs rules, Harry. So don't come here and tell me how to live my life when you don't know me!!" She said empathazising his name harshly.

Her dark eyes burned with renewed anger and Harry just stared at her, too lost for words to say anything. He just stared at Sahra. His polar opposite, that seemed to know more about him than anyone else did. Her beautiful caramel-colored eyes had made their way to his soul, analyzing him. Shredding his existence to pieces. She knew who he was. Maybe way better than he did himself. She understood him...

But how was that possible?

The same thought crossed their minds as they stared deeply into each others soul, no words leaving their mouths. Her eyes wandered from his never ending torso to his curly mop of hair, before they found their way back to his enchanting green eyes. He took a look at her petite frame, her clothed head that after his opinion had to hide the most beautiful hair even seen on a girl. It had to match the rest of her gorgeous self, right?

They were so different... Or was the word 'different' just an understatement?

Different but with a connection deeper than most seas... They had found each other for a reason. Like ying and yang they had to keep a balance between each other. They were meant to be. They just didn't know it yet...

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