Chapter 5 "Rule no# 1: Don't Mess With The Hearbreaker"

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Sahra's P.O.V

It felt like I was trapped in one of those nightmares where it's all about escaping: Take heels and just run off before you got caught up with. But what was it exactly I fled from? Simple answer: Everything but mostly... Harry Styles.

It was one of those nightmares where I would run, my feet moving at a rapid speed and my lungs desperate for oxygen as I would keep going for the sake of my life but obviously not going anywhere. Frustration and anger seemed to overwhelm me along with the piercing feeling of fear that seemed to haunt me every hour day of the day. What if I got caught? I mean... My parents. They weren't supposed to know anything. If they found out that I had a secret life apart from them. A life where I was only one step away from my dreams, my passion. If that ever happened... then what were I supposed to do? Die?

I was stuck. Simply stuck and locked up in my fear and frustration as time kept ticking away, silently telling me to do something. To react.  

He was spinning around in my head... Harry. The thought of his warm lips pressed against mine made me dizzy, stupid butterflies circling my stomach and I cursed myself for letting him see through the cracks in my facade in the beginning. I cursed him and the way his charming smile had melted away all my defenses. I cursed my heart for being so naive... I couldn't fall in love with him. I couldn't fall in love with his musky scent that had me intoxiciated just after a single breath. I couldn't fall in love with his bright emerald eyes that shone with a kindness and love I just couldn't resist. I couldn't fall in love with the feeling of his warm curls brushing against my skin or his lips pressed ever so softly to mine... It  just wasn't right. Harry just wasn't right...

Harry was the type of guy every girl could fall in love with. He was charming and handsome, not to  mention cheeky and quite dangerous. He could have every girl swooning with just one smouldering look or one flip of his luscious curls. He just wasn't my type, I guess. He was the exact opposite, being the extrovert charmer when I was just socially awkward and pretty shy.

Then why was it that I couldn't let go of this? Of my stupid, crazy feelings for him?

 "Sah, are you alive back there?" Niall teased as he sat down at the chair next to me, the wide smile never leaving his face. 

"Umm..Yeah... I'm okay" I said and surpressed the relieved sigh that were about to escape my lips when Niall simply nodded instead of asking me why exactly I had been zoning out again. That was the huge difference between him and Zayn. Where Zayn would normally be very curious, pratically squeezing the information out of me, Niall was much more calm and collected, brushing everything off with a shrug of his shoulders. I couldn't be any more thankful for his friendship...

"Good! Zayn and I were starting to get worried about you" He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder as he would always do when he was in his cuddly mood. He was such a sweetheart. There was something about his energy, bubbly personality and laugh that made me really happy to know him. He was the type of person who could instantly make you smile when you were down. He was such good friend... He made me feel like I had known him for years.

"Aw! Good to know that people actually care about me" I winked and ran my fingers through his bleached locks the way I knew he loved it. He melted into my touch, moving his head to the crook of my neck, urging me to continue these pleasing movements.

"Mmm... Not funny! You know we looove you, Sah" He smiled, pressing an innocent kiss to my cheek. Sah... Niall was the only one to call me that. Neither Zayn or Harry that I was also rather close with, seemed to love that nickname as much as Niall did.

"Love you too, Ni" I said, a blush creeping on my face as I saw Harry steal a glance at me from his spot in the recording booth. We hadn't talked nor looked at each other since... the kiss. I guess it was just pretty awkward for the both of us. But what exactly was it I had seen in his eyes? What did the raging darkness in the normally bright green eyes mean? Was... Was he jealous? He couldn't be... My mind was simply playing tricks on me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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