Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kaylnne (POV)

I was waiting on Nathan to get back from the bathroom, so I went to pick up the bar and I really did, I was so proud of myself because he gave me this proud smirk, so I started before nathan got back any way, he showed me how to do squats, you put the weight- bar on your shoulders and squat down then back up lifting the weight up above you head, but anyway right after he told me that I was pretty much caught up with the rest of the team and we could play Friday, I love that because  I was putting the bar over my head my hand slipped and the bard fell and I felt pain and someone shook me, a tall figure sweaty shiny black that Nathan's hair is, “Nathan…” I start.

“You are going to be ok just breathe and stay awake. There are people on the way.”

“Nathan I'm ok just….” then I saw black dots, I could feel someone lifting me up with strong arms then nothing,  everything is black I can't even lift open my eyelids.


I woke up in a white room, this must be a hospital, I was in a hospital bed with Nathan asleep in the chair and my mom on the coach so I quietly got up and got dressed without making a sound I just wanted to get out of there… I got the IV out of my arm and walked toward the door then at the first creak Nathan woke up. Dang it!!

“What in the world do you think your doing?” He asked

“Going to theeee um bathroom.” I am so good

“Really like the one right there” he pointed over towards the rooms bathroom.
“Well yes I did not know there was one in here….”

“And why are you back in your clothes from practice, I put I in the hospital dress when you got here.”


“You mean to tell me that you saw me in my underwear then…”

“What no of course not I put the dress on you then took off your clothes once you were covered!” Why does he always interrupt me.

“Shhhhh don't wake up mom and where's dad?” I ask

“I asked her last night after meeting with the doctor, she said something about him being to demanding with her and he he never showed.”

“Really are you for sure that's what she said?” I ask

“I think but I was more worried about you. Back to bed mrs try to leave us at the hospital.”

As soon as I got back in the hospital dress, which btw I had Nathan turn around when I got it back on. The doctor came in with a clipboard. As if on cue my mother sits up.

“Nathan why did u not wake me my daughter is awake!!”  she said. She had something on her mind but I don't know what I couldn't tell.

“Sorry Mrs….. Jen, sorry” Wait what Nathan and mom are on first name terms.

The doctor look me over and wrote some things down on a clipboard,  then asked my mom to talk outside.

Nathan was just standing there and he knew something. “Pst….pst..” I'm trying to get him.

“I can hear you so pst….what?” He said

“What else do you know?”

“Nothing….well… no not nothing….I know a little like 2+2 = 4…..” why does he make me ask so much.

“Not that you idiot what do you know about anything relevant like I don't know maybe someone who is missing in the..” interrupting me again I see.

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