My 600 lb Life Part 1 Will and Fiona

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A story about Will and Fiona who are searching for weight loss options for Will. They both want him to lose weight but they're also codependent and in denial about how much Will eats or how weight loss works.
All health or math errors are purposefully put in as the characters find ways to justify Will's habits and weight gain. I'm sticking roughly to the template that M6lbL follows, but not completely.

My 600 lb Life

Flash forwards: Close up of a jiggly belly swinging back and forth a foot above the ground while one tree trunk like calf rolls around another tree trunk calf, as an immense man slowly waddles forward. An exasperated male voice can be heard: "I don't know how I gained weight, Dr. Now. I've been sticking to the diet!"
The camera switches to the same obese man overflowing a hospital bed with soft blubber. A voice with a thick accent is heard: "You can't be sticking to the diet, Will. You can't gain this much weight on the diet I gave you. You have to be getting calories from somewhere."

The camera switches to the same man taking up most of a couch, one heavy moob spilling through the armhole of a stretched and shredded tank top. The camera pans in on a woman leaning into the cellulite ridden rolls of the obese man. "It's okay, sweetie. I know how hungry you are." She says, pouring a huge milkshake into his mouth. "This is just like milk and that's one of the four food groups so it must be healthy."

The camera zooms out so the viewer can see that although his fat is spilling over the coffee table it still pours down between the couch and the table resting heavily on the floor.
"I think you're losing weight, honey." The female voice says supportively. "You're doing such a good job on your diet!"

*voice over*
"Sometimes in life you have to balance what you're losing with what you're gaining."

Will, 24, Dallas, Texas, weight: 604 lbs

Will watched his girlfriend, feeling the anticipation build up as she cooked. He was a little self conscious with the cameras rolling, but he suspected this would be the best part of filming. He'd seen enough episodes of My 600 lb Life to know how it worked. They started off showing him over eating, and then they gave him surgery so he'd lose weight. Although he was looking forward to losing about four hundred pounds, if he was honest, he was most excited for the over eating.

"You can eat what you want now, honey." His girlfriend had reassured him before the cameras were turned on. "You're going to want to indulge now while you can, because after the surgery you're going to need to cut back." She smiled. "But for now you can put on a good show. You know the viewers like to pretend obese people are always overeating. Plus you'll seem even more amazing when the weight starts coming off."

Will had wrapped one arm around her as she rested her head on his moob.
"You're going to look so good, Will." She promised him, rubbing his huge belly. Will had smiled and squeezed her, feeling his upper arm overflowing onto her back. "Not that you don't always look good." She had reassured him, stretching up to kiss him as the camera crew did a sound check.

"I made you all of your favourites." Fiona said, bringing an immense tray over to him when the camera rolled.
"Thanks, Fi." Will said, watching as she put the tray down. He reached his heavy arms out to grab the plate she handed him. He deposited it on his distended gut and dug in as the camera men got their shots.

Pancakes drenched in syrup. Waffles and whipped cream. Eggs hollandaise, bacon, toast, hashbrowns. All washed down with heavy cream. And all of it in obscene portions.
"This is great." Will told Fiona as he ate. "Do we have anything sweet to go with this?"
"Of course. Anything you want." Fiona said indulgently, grabbing a cake and setting in on the table in front of him. She grabbed his glass and refilled it.

Will had to smile. No doubt the viewers would think she was playing things up for the cameras, but he knew differently. His girlfriend really was this sweet and accommodating. Although she'd been hesitant to date him in the first place due to his weight, now that they were together she never hesitated to meet his every need.

"More pancakes?" Fiona asked, bringing over a stack of buttered, syrupy pancakes with whipped cream.
"More everything." Will said through a mouthful of cake. He was definitely playing it up for the cameras, but he was also enjoying himself. At just over six hundred pounds, he knew he had a bit of an appetite, but not as much as people might think.
"Whatever you want." Fiona promised, adding a stack of toast to his plate. "We've got a big day ahead of us."

"My name is Will." Will said later, tugging his shirt down to cover his belly. "I'm twenty four years old. I live in Dallas, Texas, and I weigh six hundred and four pounds."
The camera zoomed out to show his full body, his thighs spilling over his calves as he moved his legs outward, making more room. As he moved his belly surged forward between his legs, a few stretch marks peeking out beneath his shirt.

"I've always struggled with my weight." Will admitted as the camera showed him as a pudgy, dimpled baby, and then as a roly poly toddler with a bloated belly beneath his double chin.
"I weighed eleven pounds at birth and I always loved to eat." The camera showed eighty pound Will at five, easily the fattest kid in his kindergarten class. "My mom loved to cook new recipes, and I was her favourite guinea pig." The camera showed seven year old Will on the lower end of a seesaw, three other children in the air, their faces gleeful.

"By the time I was ten I weighed over two hundred pounds." Will explained as the camera showed a bloated, shirtless Will on the edge of swimming pool, his overflowing belly already spilling between his legs. "By the time I started high school I weighed more than three hundred pounds, but I couldn't seem to stop eating." The camera showed Will at his high school prom, where he'd eaten so much he'd busted right through his dress shirt, his gut stretching his undershirt to the breaking point. "I just kept eating and gaining." He went on. "And by the time I went to University I weighed four hundred and twenty pounds. That's when I met Fiona."

The camera showed a picture of the two of them together on a couch, his belly literally overflowing onto her lap. "At first she was hesitant to date me."
The camera cut to Fiona's slim figure still cooking in the kitchen. "I was a little nervous to date him." She admitted, piling bacon onto a plate. "I'd never even met someone Will's size, but here was this bigger than life man flirting with me at the end of class every day." Fiona
laughed, her eyes lighting up her beautiful face. "But he was so sweet and so funny, that soon I didn't mind how heavy he was."

The camera cut back to Will. "For me it was love at first sight, but I needed to convince her." He laughed and the camera spliced in several candid shots of the couple together. In every one Will took up most of the frame, and in most of them some part of Will was busting through his clothes.
"It wasn't long before he grew on me." Fiona admitted, smiling fondly. "But then once we were a serious couple he really did start to grow on me, literally." The camera cut to an image of a shirtless Will on the beach, stretch marked fat swelling in every direction. His love handles and belly completely obscured his swim trunks, making him look naked. "I know he's been trying to lose weight." Fiona admitted, her eyes suddenly sad. "But he's been gaining heavily for the past four years."

The camera cut to Fiona in the present, trying to help Will rock himself enough to get the momentum to get up. "There you go, sweetie." Fiona said indulgently. She leaned into his soft body, sinking into his fat. "Lift up and we'll get you clean." She said, struggling to pull his shirt up over his saggy, beach ball sized arms. The camera followed Will as he waddled to the bathroom, but Fiona's voice over could be heard as she helped him walk.

"Everything has been getting harder for Will." Her voice said as she helped her boyfriend into the oversized walk in shower. "Walking is harder, driving is getting to be a chore. And now I even need to help Will bathe."
Will sat heavily on the reinforced chair in the walk in shower and Fiona turned on the water. Will lifted up various rolls and bulges so his girlfriend could clean him as her voiceover continued.

"He's really ballooned lately." She explained, sudsing up his hefty moobs. "But he actually doesn't eat that much."
The camera zoomed out to capture Will's wet quivering belly in all its fullness as Fiona handed him a litre of pop. "At his size he needs a lot of calories just to keep himself going." As Fiona turned the water off she pushed a king sized chocolate bar into his fat hand and began towelling him off in the shower. "Drying him can take a lot of time." Fiona admitted as she squeezed her toweled hand between his many rolls. "But it's really important that we take care of his skin because he can get rashes in between his rolls if we leave moisture under them for too long."

She handed her boyfriend another oversized chocolate bar as she hefted up his belly to get under it. Will paused in eating long enough to help her lift, but even with the two of them lifting it was a chore.
"There we go. All clean." Fiona said cheerfully, grabbing one of his hands as he began rocking himself. As he got the momentum she pulled back with her full weight but even then they barely got the huge man to his feet.

The camera followed them as Will lumbered to the bedroom behind Fiona, his love handles jiggling over his butt as he moved. When they got to the room Will collapsed heavily onto the bed, out of breath. "I know." Fiona said soothingly, hearing his laboured breath. "You're doing a great job, honey." She handed him a box of donuts while she set about the task of moisturizing and powdering him. It was kind of a nice job for Fiona. She loved the intimacy of it; up close, touching, lifting, kissing.

"There are parts that Will can't quite reach now." Fiona explained as she lifted an overflowing handful of blubber. "He's gotten so big he can't reach around his belly, so it's nice to be here for him." She let go of his flab and his huge belly jiggled as the heavy roll flopped back down.
"He's put on almost two hundred pounds since we started dating." She went on, pushing up one of his man boobs with both hands as she rubbed under there. Will shifted to one side to help alleviate some of the weight. "So every month or so there have been more and more things he's needed help with."

Just as she let go of his hefty breast Will shifted his centre of gravity back towards her and he accidentally sent a cascade of blubber surging into her so they both laughed and then she kissed him.
Fiona put her hands under the heavy apron of fat at the front. "He carries so much weight in his belly it's already getting hard to get under there." She admitted, her fingers sending jiggles through his flesh. "But it's never really slowed us down. We just adjust accordingly every time he gets too heavy for something."

Will smiled, one hand on Fiona's waist. "We just have to get creative sometimes." He admitted.
"He was a big guy when we first got together." Fiona's said, grabbing a tent sized shirt and pulling it over his head. "So even back then we encountered obstacles."

"On our first anniversary we went on vacation together and I had to buy two seats just for me." The camera showed a picture of the happy couple on a tropical vacation as Will spoke. He was fully dressed in the picture but his belly was spilling out of his shirt and his love handles were stretching his shirt to the limit.

"We went for three weeks." Fiona explained as the camera came back to the present where she was tugging his shirt down. "But he must have gained thirty pounds while we were there. Even with our three seats it was a tight squeeze on the way back." She sat on the bed next to him, one hand massaging his belly. "Not that I minded."

Fiona slipped Will's boxers around his swollen ankles, and Will slid forward on the bed so that gravity pulled against his belly. He used the momentum and Fiona's hand to get himself up. Fiona knelt in front of him, grabbing his boxer shorts and smiling up at him. She could barely see his eyes over his huge overhang so she gave his belly a quick rub so he'd know how much she loved him. "These are getting tight." She observed as she pulled the boxers up. She could feel them biting into his soft skin so she massaged him gently. "If I didn't know you were going to lose the weight soon I'd say we need to get you a bigger size."

Will smiled as his girlfriend slipped her arms around his waist, fingers sinking into his blubbery love handles. "I can't wait to be thin." He admitted, fat fingers on her slim waist.
"Plus, once you have the surgery you can eat what you want and not gain weight." Fiona pointed out, kissing the soft roll beneath his man boobs. "I know my big guy has a healthy appetite." She said playfully.

Will laughed, sending jiggles through his entire body. He was looking forward to that too. This surgery was a godsend for someone who loved eating. Not that Will even ate all that much.

Once Fiona squeezed Will into his pants the cameras followed him on his slow waddle to the car. They filmed as Fiona helped to get him into the car, shocks buckling as his weight settled, and the cameramen watched as Fiona helped squeeze his many rolls and folds into the car, his belly pressed right against the dashboard.
"Do you want to stop before or after?" Fiona asked as she set three chocolate bars on the shelf of his belly.

Will opened one of the bars figuring he should eat them before they melted or got stuck between his rolls. "Can we do both?" He asked. He lowered his voice so the sound guy wouldn't hear him. "I mean, I may as well indulge now while I can."
Fiona leaned over and kissed him, one hand rubbing his left moob. "Whatever you want, sweetie."

"You're supposed to shop on a full stomach." Fiona explained to the camera after they'd gone through a drive thru. She handed Will his fourth burger. "It's going to be very different after Will has the surgery."
"After the surgery I'll get full faster." Will said, picking up another supersized fries. "So I'll be able to eat less."

Fiona rubbed his overflowing upper arm. "Not that you eat that much now anyway." She pointed out. "Genetics play a big role in ones weight."
When they finally pulled up to the grocery store Will was full and happy. He opened the car door, feeling the relief of his love handles not being confined anymore, while Fiona went up to get his mobility scooter. Since the grocery store was really the only place Will needed to get around a lot they'd made an agreement with the store owner that Will could keep it there.

"I have a special scooter." Will said to the camera. "My old one was a tight squeeze on my belly, and then I just got too heavy for it. I would weight it down so much the frame crushed the wheels so I knew I needed a new one. It was only a lightweight one anyway. It was for people under five hundred pounds."

He put one giant leg on the asphalt, hefting his considerable weight to that leg. Fiona parked his scooter and grabbed his belly against the dashboard. She pulled hard, feeling his rolls burst free, spilling out the door. "This scooter." Will said as he pulled himself unsteady to his feet. "Is for people up to eight hundred pounds." He waddled the couple of feet to the scooter before collapsing onto it. "I wanted one I wouldn't outgrow."

"He's only gained a hundred pounds since we got this one." Fiona said brightly as she helped him centre his weight on the chair by rearranging his heavy rolls. "He's been watching what he eats a bit more lately, but it's nice to know we have a little wiggle room if he gains a couple of pounds or so." She gave his belly a reassuring rub and they headed into the grocery store.

Fiona let Will pick out whatever he wanted, giving him a pack of cookies to snack on while they shopped. "He's not a big eater." Fiona explained as she tried to squeeze a party sized frozen pizza onto their overflowing cart. "But he definitely likes his food."
The camera rolled as the cart piled high and the couple made Their way to the checkout.

"Will and Fiona have been coming in for years." The grocery store manager said in a separate scene. "They're great customers, coming three or four times a week, but we've had some challenges." The camera showed Will on his scooter trying to get out through an extra wide pathway, his huge love handles squishing against either side. "Will's old scooter quit a couple months back and it took him almost three hours to get out on his own two feet. Fiona kept plying him with snacks, insisting he needed the energy."

The camera cut back to the manager. "He must've eaten three hundred dollars worth of food just in leaving the building, but they just added it to their usual grocery bill."
The camera followed Will and Fiona to their car where they started the arduous process of getting the obese man back into the car.

"What do you want on the way home?" Fiona asked as she started the car.
"Pizza." Will answered promptly. "And fried chicken."
When they got home and the camera crew turned off the cameras Will smiled at Fiona. It was kind if fun playing things up for the camera, making it seem as if Will ate so much, when really, he only ate what other people ate. Well, maybe a bit more. Will conceded as Fiona brought him a pre-dinner snack. But not much more.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Fiona asked that night after the cameras were gone.
"Yeah." Will admitted. "I can't wait to have the operation."
"It's going to be great." Fiona promised, rubbing his huge belly as she slipped into bed beside him. "I bet you'll lose weight as fast as you usually gain it, sweetie."

"I hope so." Will told her. "But I'll miss this part of it." He admitted, smiling as he gently jiggled his overfull belly. "It's been really nice playing things up and eating so much."
Fiona laughed and slid her fingers along his many folds of fat. "I know, but once you get the operation you can eat to your heart's content."

"Yeah." Will agreed happily. "I'll be able to eat and eat and eat and not gain anything." He smiled as he felt Fiona's hand sliding down the arc of his belly and squeezing under his heavy apron.
"You're getting so big!" Fiona said, her eyes wide as she felt how heavy he was on her arm. "Just think. Someday you'll be thin enough that I don't need to lift you to get under here." Her eyes sparkled at the idea but she didn't seem put off by the effort required to reach him, and before Will knew it she was sliding a cloth under him to clean him up.

"And I'll be able to clean myself too." Will added, trying to help her out by lifting his belly.
"Someday you'll be so thin you'll be able to get off without getting it all over your tummy." Fiona predicted, kissing him indulgently. "You'll look amazing."
"I'll feel amazing." Will added, playing with his fat.
"And I'll be here every step of the way to help you." Fiona promised.

Will fell asleep with her hands rubbing his swollen belly, dreaming of living in a land of chocolate where he could eat what he wanted and never gain weight.
The next morning the camera crew arrived to film Will's endless breakfast and then his slow waddle to the car. "I went to the doctor's a couple months ago." Will explained once he was squeezed in the front seat. "She said I was perfectly healthy, just a little overweight."

"Well, not a little, sweetie." Fiona reminded him as she pushed one of his rolls off of the gear shift. "You weigh 604 pounds, so... you're quite a bit overweight. The doctor said... obese." Her voice was apologetic. She gave his third chin a squeeze as she kissed him, hoping to soften her criticism. "I mean, doctors can be wrong, honey. And you're a big guy, so you can carry a lot of weight."
Will looked a little deflated at her words so Fiona smiled. "We can grab some snacks for the car ride if you like."

Will nodded, pacified for the moment. Once he had a bag of snacks, however, he forgot her words.
"Once you have the operation everything will be so much easier, Will." Fiona predicted as she pulled into the parking lot. "You'll even be able to put your snacks on your lap."

"It won't be such a tight squeeze in here, either." Will complained as his girlfriend came around the side of the SUV."
"Well, that's my fault, baby." Fiona insisted as Will's fat spilled out the open door. "I should have gotten a bigger car. This one's so tiny."
Feeling the relief of pressure from having the door open, Will got out of the car and waddled stiffly to the building. "Let me get that for you, sweetie." Fiona said, opening the door as wide as it would go. It was a tight squeeze, but Will managed to get inside on his own will power.

"Hi, we need you to sign in, please." An efficient sounding nurse told them.
"You sit." Fiona told Will, helping him collapse into a heavily reinforced seat. "I'll sign you in."
Will pulled out a chocolate bar and ate while his girlfriend signed him in, wondering what the doctor was going to say.

"Okay, sweetie." Fiona said, handing Will a bag of chips and a drink as she sat next to him. "The nurse said it'll just be a few minutes and then they'll take you in and weigh you, and then the doctor will see you."
Will nodded, digging into the chips as Fiona rubbed his side, eyeing up the other patients. Will was actually surprised that no one else seemed as heavy as he was. Sure, there were a lot of fatties, but he seemed to be the biggest by far. He shifted his legs outward to relieve some of the pressure his belly put on them, feeling the reassuring surge of fat against his junk.

"Just a little while longer and you'll be starting your weight loss journey." Fiona predicted, her voice comforting. "I'm so proud of you for coming so far already."
Will smiled at her, but before he could respond a male nurse was calling his name.

"One, two, three--" On the countdown Will hefted his body up as Fiona pulled his arm, but he only got his oversized ass up a few inches before he came crashing down again. Trying to use his jiggling body to his own benefit, Will shifted back and forth a few times, feeling his weight surge back and forth, and then he was yanking on Fiona's arm, pulling himself up, and then he was on his feet. "Good job, baby. I knew you could do it." Fiona said supportively, her fingers sinking into his blubber as she squeezed him.

"I got this." Will wheezed as he headed to the door the nurse indicated. After another tight squeeze he was into the next room, facing an oversized scale.

Fiona's voice over: It's been years since Will outgrew our scale." She admitted. "But we had him weighed last time we were at the doctors, and he's in perfect health." The camera panned out as Will stepped one bulky foot onto the scales, his belly quivering at the bottom of his shirt. "We know he weighs six hundred and four because the doctor just weighed him, but Dr. Now wants his own measurements."

Will shifted to one side, his apron of fat bulging in that direction so he could move his other leg forward without being hampered by the heavy layer of fat.
As Will turned around to wait for the number to come up on the screen, his cheeks turned pink. "I hope I haven't gained too much weight."

Will stared at the scales nervously, steadying himself against the wall.
"Six hundred and eighty eight." The nurse told them.
Will looked at his girlfriend, seeing his surprise mirrored there. "I guess I gained more than I thought." He said, feeling embarrassed.

*Commercial Break*

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