My 600 lb Life Part 3 Cheat Day

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*return from commercial break*

When Will woke up the next morning the cameras were there and Fiona had already brought out a big plate of food. "Morning, sleepy head." She said playfully, setting the plate of cinnamon rolls on his swollen belly. "We're officially starting your diet today!"
Will was hungry, so he was halfway through his eighth cinnamon roll before he responded, licking the icing from his lips. "Are cinnamon rolls on Dr. Now's diet plan?"

"Oh, well, I haven't really looked at it, baby." Fiona admitted, exchanging his empty cinnamon roll plate for one with bacon and eggs on it. "But I did some research. Spices speed up your metabolism, so we'll start the morning with cinnamon rolls." She smiled as Will began eating. "And that omelet has onion and green pepper, which are good for you. And that's turkey bacon!"

She looked so pleased with herself that Will couldn't help but smile. "Maybe dieting won't be so bad after all."
"You're going to do a great job!" Fiona predicted. "Now, you can't eat everything you used to." She said seriously. "No more cake except ice cream cake or cheesecake."

Will felt momentarily deflated, but he decided to look on the bright side. "I can have cheese cake and ice cream cake?"
Fiona nodded, putting a new plate of omelets and bacon on his belly. "Yes, they're both made with milk and milk's good for you."

Will thought that sounded good and he barely had any cravings all day. Although he missed cakes and cookies, he was so dedicated to his diet that he didn't complain at all. Fiona is trying so hard to make me happy. He thought, gulping down the cream she'd brought him. But dieting is hard!
"And you need to eat more frequently." Fiona informed him. "It stimulates your metabolism."

Will nodded. "Well, at least I won't go hungry, even if I can't have my favourite foods."
Vegatarian pizza, pasta with blush sauce, vegetarian lasagna, cinnamon cookies, cheesecake, ice cream cake. Fiona let Will have as much of everything as he wanted, figuring they'd work on portion control another day.

Day one of a diet is always hard. She thought, watching him waddle to the bathroom after the cameras had left.
"Are you feeling hungry?" She asked sympathetically as he collapsed onto the reinforced chair in the shower.
Will nodded, his entire body still jiggling from exertion. "Can I still—have—my shower chocolate?" He asked hopefully in between breaths.
"Only white chocolate." She said, setting two king sized bars on his swollen belly.

Will resigned himself to his diet food while his girlfriend got to work. I wonder if I've already lost weight. He though, feeling her hands lifting his heavy rolls. He didn't feel thinner yet, but after dieting all day he wished he could see the results already.
He saw Fiona's eyes over his huge belly, feeling her hands under his heavy apron of fat. "Since the cameras are gone I thought maybe we could...?"
Will shrugged, sending ripples through his breasts. "I don't know. I'm just feeling a little down."

Fiona slid her hands up his stretched marked belly as she stood. "Well, maybe I could give you some dessert?" She suggested hopefully.
"Diet dessert?" He asked, looking doubtful.
"No, I mean a real dessert." Fiona explained. "I have a chocolate cake I was saving to reward you with for sticking to your diet."

Will looked excited, and Fiona helped him to his feet, his belly bumping against the wall as he got up. "You have to eat the diet dessert first though." She warned him as he waddled to the bed room on obese legs. "You can't cheat on the first day."
Will nodded. With great effort he hefted himself onto the bed, sending waves through his blubber. After a long struggle he managed to roll over and into a sitting position. He wrapped his arms around his gut and lifted, spreading his legs further to make more room for his growing belly.

He ate the apple crisp piled with whipped cream and caramel sauce with more gusto than he would normally have felt for diet food, excited to get to the cake.
"Good job." Fiona said lovingly as he finished his diet dessert. She reached her hand under his blubber, feeling that despite all the heavy fat crushing down on it, he was already hard. "You're so big already."

"I'll get bigger." Will said through a mouthful of chocolate cake.
When he finished the cake they both worked to get him onto his back, and then he pulled his blubbery belly away from his legs and she positioned herself under all of his decadent fat. Fiona thought it felt a little tighter under his soft, swelling adipose, but it still felt amazing. He was so enormous that all he needed to do was slap one fat hand on his growing belly and she could ride the undulating waves to ecstasy.

As they both climaxed she collapsed onto the huge pillow of his belly, gasping.
"You're amazing." Fiona told him, squeezing a handful of soft breast tissue.
Will shifted slightly and his entire body jiggled. He smiled as he watched his girlfriend rising and falling on the waves of his belly. "It's only going to get better." He reminded her. He shook a handful of flesh. "Once I lose some of this weight my fat pad will shrink and my penis will seem even bigger."

Fiona's eyes lit up. "You're going to be huge, baby." She said, pulling her handful of breast closer to her face so she could kiss it. "I can't wait to see how immense you get."
"It'll be even better because you'll know I'm getting bigger and bigger just for you."

Fiona was suddenly wet again and she could tell Will was turned on by the idea of getting a bigger penis too. "I'm going to make you so huge I'll be able to see you swelling bigger and bigger every day." She promised, biting her lip as she felt his erection.
It was a good thing Will could jiggle his belly so easily because the second time around he was way too lazy to move much, but Fiona didn't mind. I'm going to make him so big he bursts out of his clothes! She thought as she cleaned him up. It's going to be so hot!

The next month passed in a similar manner. Will struggled to be content with the diet food, but it was hard. Fiona tried to make it easier for him to suffer through vegatarian pizzas, milkshakes, veggie lasagnas, cheesecakes, and pasta by making the portions huge and keeping him full all the time. If he's full he won't have as much time to miss his favourite foods. Fiona reasoned as she forced Will to have another midnight snack. We need to keep his cravings at bay.

Fiona did cheat a bit on his diet
Occasionally she rewarded him for sticking to his diet for a whole day, ordering him fast food as a reward for his hard work. And if she was feeling frisky she'd let him eat a cake or two, figuring he'd burn the calories during sex anyway.

Despite Will's diet, however, he didn't seem to be getting smaller. In fact, he was overflowing the reinforced shower chair on both sides, and his belly was getting surprisingly close to the floor when he sat.
By the end of the month most of his clothes were too tight to wear, but Fiona just chalked it up to the way his loose skin was filling out his wardrobe.

"I think it's just because you've lost weight, sweetie." Fiona said, rubbing his distended gut as Will leaned against the wall. "Your skin is sagging because you're losing weight."
Will liked that idea. He'd thought he'd been gaining because his clothes were getting tighter, it was getting harder to do things, and his belly swelled even below his knees when standing now. Plus he actually felt physically bigger, his stomach filling more space between his legs, his love handles bulging even further than usual. But Fiona's explanation made a lot of sense.

"I'm so proud of you." Fiona said as she helped him squeeze through the doorway into Dr. Now's clinic, her small hands forcing dozens of pounds of blubber through the extra wide door frame. "You've been working so hard."

They were a little late due to Will's slow waddle so the nurse let them in right away. Will took a deep breath before shifting his body to one side, swaying the pendulous belly to the right so his left leg could move forward. He swayed back the other way, feeling how huge and heavy his belly was getting, his right leg moving forward in a slow, lumbersome waddle. He willed his heart to slow down as he stepped on the scale, exhausted from all the exercise. He couldn't wait to find out how much he'd lost. Dieting had been hard these past few weeks!

"Seven hundred and ninety six." The nurse told them.
"I gained." Will said, feeling his cheeks heat up. He pushed against the railing on the wall and pushed his left leg forward against the heavy belly, feeling the fat slide to the right as he moved. "I'm still gaining, Fi."

"It's just a little weight, baby." Fiona insisted, wrapping one arm around his belly. She couldnt lift the whole thing, but she could cradle some of his fat in her arms, relieving some of the weight.
"A hundred pounds." Will said, already exhausted. He moved his right leg forward, feeling the heavy apron of fat sway into his girlfriend's slim form. "It's a lot."

"It's less than one seventh of your weight, sweetie." Fiona reminded him as he collapsed into a chair. She knelt down to grab two armfuls of fat up so Will could make more room for his belly. "A seven percent gain is not that much, Will. It's like me gaining seven pounds so it's not that much. Besides I insisted that we eat a big meal on the way here, so it's my fault."
She sat besides him, caressing his overflowing love handles. "It's not a big deal, baby. I promise."

Will felt a little better.
"Plus, there have been people twice your size so you're not that big." Fiona said playfully, making him smile.
"I guess you're right." Will agreed. "But Dr. Now isn't going to be happy."

Fiona shook her head. "No, he's going to love this." She predicted. "You've seen the show. This is how weight loss works. Your body is trying to conserve calories at first, so you gain weight, and then the diet starts to work and you lose."
"Really?" Will asked hopefully.

"Yes, and no matter what Dr. Now says, he'll be happy you are gaining because it makes for good TV." Fiona said, cupping one of his overflowing moobs as she kissed him. "If you play along with the doctor I'll let you have a cheat day today." She said playfully, letting her hand slide down the swollen arc of his belly.

Will perked up at the idea and then Dr. Now was there. And he was not happy, but now that Will knew it was good for the show, Will could tell that the doctor was secretly happy about Will's weight gain, so he played along.
"Will, you haven't been sticking to your diet." The doctor accused him.

Will looked at Fiona helplessly. "We've been sticking to the diet." Fiona told him. "Will's been doing such a good job."
As Dr. Now and Fiona debated how well he'd stuck to his diet, Will couldn't help but feel uncomfortable on the chair. Although it was designed for obese patients, Will knew that at four pounds shy of eight hundred pounds he was a little bigger than most people. But Fiona is right. He thought, feeling his back rolls spilling over the chair back as he leaned back to counterbalance the heavy belly pulling him forwards. There have been people twice my size so I'm not even that big. Somewhere, unconsciously, his mind added the word yet to the end of that sentence....

"Dr. Now, we're going to do better about the diet." Will promised, thinking about his promised cheat day. "We've been easing ourselves into it, but weight loss is what we're here for, and we're going to take it more seriously."
"You need to get below six hundred pounds, Will." The doctor told him.

"This was a wake up call." Will told him, so focused on his cheat day he wasn't thinking about the two hundred pounds he now needed to lose.
When Dr. Now seemed satisfied, he left them, and Fiona helped Will struggle to his feet. "You did great, baby." Fiona told him, helping him squeeze through the doorway. "But we really do need to get more serious about this thing."
Will suddenly turned in the hallway, his huge belly accidentally pressing Fiona against the wall as he struggled to face her. "I still get my cheat day, right?"

Fiona slipped her hands under his moobs through his shirt, rubbing him soothingly. "Of course, sweetie. You deserve a cheat day."
Satisfied, Will began the slow, lumbering waddle to the car, his heavy apron of fat swaying with every step.
He was exhausted by the time they made it to the back of the SUV, but Will was motivated by his cheat day, so he didn't complain.

Sometime over the past month he'd gotten just a little too big for the front seat, so he'd taken to riding in the cargo space, which suited him. It gave him a little more room to spread his legs, and enough space that his doughy arms weren't slowed down as he ate the fast food Fiona inevitably bought him when they drove somewhere.

That day, however, Will knew they weren't just going to get a snack, but whatever he wanted. And he didn't disappoint.
Knowing he was going to have to go back on his diet the next day, Will really let himself go.
McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, Burger King, pizza, Wendy's, Dairy Queen... they stopped at every fast food place on the way home, ordering obscene amounts of food at every venue.

Every few stops they'd have to pull over. Not only did they need to get rid of the garbage to make space for more food, but Will needed a belly rub. He was gorging himself so heavily that his stomach was visibly distended, but he wouldn't stop eating, not even as his girlfriend tried to rub away the tightness in his expanding flesh.

"There you go, good job." Fiona said soothingly as she rubbed his adipose. "Cheat days help you stimulate your metabolism, baby, you're doing a great job. I'm so proud of you."
With Fiona's support Will gorged himself into a food coma by the time they got home.

When Fiona got out of the car she inspected the damage. Although the SUV was new she could see that the shocks were already crushed beneath Will's immense weight, but she just smiled lovingly as she opened the back hatch. He's so sweet. She thought, looking at the snoring man filling the cargo space. His shirt had bunched up around his moobs and his stomach was covered in new stretch marks, but to Fiona he was beautiful.

And he's working so hard. She thought, watching his belly ripple as he adjusted his arm. His hand landed on his distended gut, indenting the swollen flesh with its weight. He's going to be so cute when he's thin. She thought, pulling out her phone. And he deserves the weight loss surgery after all of his hard work.

She ordered a couple of pizzas with all the sides for when Will woke up and just to be safe she called a burger joint and placed a large order for delivery there too.
By the time she was done ordering, Will's eyes were fluttering open.
"There you are." Fiona said cheerfully. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

Will shook his head. "No. It's so tight in here." He complained, trying to shift his overflowing body forward.
"I know it is, baby." Fiona said sympathetically. "I ordered you some food so why don't we get you settled inside before it gets here?"
Will shifted himself forward, eager to eat even more. As his marshmallow belly curved over the edge of the SUV he used gravity to pull himself forward and to his feet. Underneath all of his soft blubber and swelling moobs he could feel that his stomach was rock hard from gorging himself already. But more than that, further below, his penis was even harder at the thought of gorging himself even more.

Even with the extra wide front door Will felt his love handles brush the frame on both sides, but he was focussed on getting to the couch and eating. By the time he collapsed on the couch his soft underbelly was hurting from the friction of having to slide back and forth as he walked. It didn't help that gravity was pulling his belly down over the edge of the couch, but Fiona always knew what he needed, and even as the doorbell was ringing she was sliding the ottoman over in front of him. "Lift up."

Will obeyed, feeling the weight relieved as he let himself spill across the big stool.
Fiona brought the delivery back to the couch, admiring her boyfriend as he dug in. He makes eight hundred pounds look good. She thought, smiling at how focused he was. He's so hungry he hasn't even noticed he outgrew his shirt. She settled herself in front of Will, alternating feeding him and rubbing his belly. Although she wasn't specifically into fat men, she'd always been impressed by Will's appetite. Given the chance he could eat all day and all night, and Fiona didn't mind indulging him once in a while.

Especially since he did such a good job at the doctors office. Fiona thought, bringing him in a chocolate cake and a couple of boxes of twinkies. One day of indulgence won't make a difference.
Around two in the morning Will passed out from overexertion, his blubbery arms resting on his enormous love handles, head propped upright by his fat neck and multiple chins.

Fiona was exhausted too, so she sank her hands in between two of his rolls on either side and rested her head against his swollen belly. She wanted to be close by if he woke up hungry, plus the sounds of his gut trying to digest tens of thousands of calories was so familiar to her it was almost like hearing the ocean.
A little indulgence never hurt anyone.....

My 600 Lb Life: Will And FionaWhere stories live. Discover now