My 600 lb Life Part 4 Hard Work

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For a moment before she opened her eyes, Fiona thought she'd fallen asleep on a waterbed. Her body was pressed into something big and warm, gentle waves moving beneath her slim figure.
"Fiona?" She blinked her eyes open. "Fiona, I'm hungry."
The pretty girl smiled as she remembered where she was. "I know, sweetie. I'll grab you a snack."

Fiona slid her hands out from between her boyfriend's heavy rolls, wiggling her fingers to get sensation back.
She quickly grabbed him a plate of cinnamon rolls, tucking a box of white chocolates under one arm, and a two litre carton of cream under the other.
"Here you go, baby." She said soothingly, setting the snack on her boyfriend's growing belly. It was still surprising to her. Eight hundred pounds. She marvelled. How is that even possible?

She watched Will dig into his snack, smiling at his round body. He'd definitely grown.
His belly had swollen to past his knees when he sat, soft and stretch marked, gaining so fast his skin could barely keep up.
His moobs were soft and full, so heavy they forced the fat under them to curve into swelling rolls that were almost as sweet as the cinnamon rolls he'd already finished.

His upper arms were enormous, sagging heavily onto his love handles, so large they'd slow his meals down if Fiona didn't help. Recently Fiona had noticed that even when Will lifted his flabby arms up so his girlfriend could clean him, his upper arms were so blubbery that they didn't actually lift off of his love handles until his arms were almost straight up in the air. But when they were down his fat made an adorable dimpled roll at both elbow and wrist.

His legs were so swollen that walking was difficult. His thigh fat sagged over his dimpled knees, and his cankles were so big they made shoes impossible to wear. When sitting, his legs stretched wide to make room for his growing belly. And all of this was on display because Will had outgrown his clothes the day before. Again.

"I'm still hungry."
"Of course you are." Fiona said indulgently. "You had a busy day yesterday." She caressed one of his heavier rolls. "If you're really hungry, it's still technically your cheat day, sweetie. I mean, it's only fair that you get a full twenty four hours."

She smiled as Will's eyes lit up, and before his empty little tummy could grumble she'd piled fattening food on his belly and on the couch beside him. There's not as much room on the couch anymore. Fiona realized as she tucked a bucket of fried chicken in between Will's swelling love handles and the arm of the couch. But, she thought cheerfully. That just means more room on top of Will.

She let the big man gorge himself until four pm, her small hands massaging extra room into his growing belly even as he stuffed himself.
"Okay, honey." She said, promptly at four. "Times up. It's been twenty four hours."
Will looked surprised. "But...."

"I know. I don't like to be the bad guy, but if you want to lose weight I have to be strict with you." Fiona insisted, squeezing his enormous belly roll as she leaned across the ottoman to kiss him. "Finish up what you have and then you're back to your diet!"
Will begrudgingly finished the bucket of ice cream, the pan of lasagna, and the burgers and fries he still had left. He knew Fiona was right. But dieting was so hard.

"Okay, sweetie." Fiona said, her voice softer as she cleaned him up. "Into the shower and then we'll start your diet food."
Will wrapped his arms as far around his gut as he could reach and lifted. Fiona smiled as his huge moobs squished right into his face and then she pulled the ottoman out from under his swollen belly.

When he released his blubber the weight almost pulled him to the floor, but he used the momentum to heft himself unsteadily to his feet.
"Let's get you clean." Fiona said, smiling as the heavy belly swung towards her. Will shifted his leg forward and he braced himself against the wall as he swung his belly back the other way to bring his other leg forward. As he reached the hallway Fiona couldn't help but laugh. "Good thing you're going to start losing weight soon." She teased as she watched her boyfriend waddle down the hall. "If your belly swings any more you're going to start taking out walls."

Will laughed too, feeling his heavy apron of fat bump the wall on each side as he waddled down the hallway. "You're not going to be laughing when I lose the weight." He told her, but although she couldn't see his face she could tell he was smiling.
Will paused as he reached the bathroom door, mentally preparing himself for the inevitable tight squeeze. "Fi?" He asked as he wedged himself in. Despite his diet the doorframe seemed a little tighter than usual.

"I've got it, sweetie." Fiona said reassuringly. She went to one side of the door, shoving rolls of adipose through the frame, surprised at how tight his blubber felt against it. She moved to his other side, surprised to find the same tightness. "I'll go around on the other side of the door." Fiona told him as she went through the bedroom and into the bathroom through there.

But to her surprise things didn't look much better from the front. Fat bulged several inches around each part of the door frame, soft dough expanding in the confined space. One of Will's arms and part of his belly was through the frame, but the rest of his swelling stomach was still on the other side, an arm and one sagging breast still waiting to get through the door.

"I don't think this is going to work, sweetie." Fiona said sympathetically, trying to push against his fat to see how close he was to getting through. "Can you back out?"
The two of them worked together to push his bulk out of the doorframe and then Will squeezed around in the tight hallway to make it back to the living room. He lumbered to the couch, collapsing in exhaustion from having to move his body all the way across the room.
"What are we going to do?" Will asked once he'd caught his breath.

Fiona examined her boyfriend's swollen body, contemplating their options. The bathroom was out of the question. Somehow, despite all of Will's hard work he'd outgrown the bathroom door.
But cleanliness was important. Will got sweaty and dirty when he ate, and if they didn't clean him he could get rashes between his rolls. Plus, Fiona really liked helping Will bathe. He was so sweet and his skin was so soft. And often bathing led to sex, which Fiona couldn't get enough of.

"Maybe we can wash you in the backyard?" Fiona suggested cautiously. Will's face fell so she went on quickly. "It'll be fun." She insisted, forcing a smile. "We won't have to worry about making a mess or getting water everywhere, plus the yard is fenced in, so if we get frisky...."

Will still didn't look convinced so Fiona curled up next to him. "I know it doesn't sound like fun, baby, but you're getting so big." She said, her voice soothing. She gave his swollen belly a playful tickle to try to make him laugh. "Only you could outgrow entire rooms." She teased, kissing his fat cheek.
Will forced a smile, but Fiona could see that he was still upset so she rubbed one of his heavy moobs. "If you let me give you a bath outside I'll let you have a real dessert tonight." She promised.

"Not a diet dessert?" Will asked, perking up.
"You still have to eat your diet food," Fiona told him, not wanting to cave in completely. "But after you finish it you can have some chocolate cake."

Will's eyes lit up so Fiona knew she had won him over. After some hefting and some heavy lumbering, they managed to get Will outside and onto a reinforced loveseat. Fiona remembered when they'd first bought it she could fit beside him on it. Now even Will by himself overflowed it, his full lovehandles spilling over the arms, swollen belly jiggling just inches above the ground. Fiona gave Will a couple of chocolate bars to tide him over while she filled two buckets with warm water and turned on the hose.

"Finish those quickly." Fiona advised as she brought her supplies closer to the immense man. "This might get messy."
While Will finished his snack Fiona got him wet all over, glad it was so warm out. Then, when his snack was devoured she began soaping him up, her hands making big circles in his expanding flesh.

Will helped as needed, lifting various rolls and leaning to give her easier access. But his belly proved to be too difficult of an obstacle. No longer able to reach all the way around his midsection, Will couldn't lift the heavy fat high enough for Fiona to get under it properly. Will leaned back as far as he could, lifting his heavy apron of fat. The loveseat creaked beneath his girth and Fiona stretched as far as she could, amazed to find her boyfriend hard under all that blubber.

Will closed his eyes as her hand cleaned and stimulated him. He couldn't believe how good it felt to have all of that weight pressing down on him. It was even a turn on to know that despite how huge he was his girlfriend still wanted to please him. He was so immense it was almost impossible for Fiona to get to his penis, but here she was, struggling against his flab, beneath all of his heavy blubber, trying to get him off. It was lucky that the thought turned him on so much because Fiona could just barely reach him. And with several hundred pounds of lard crushing down on her arm and shoulder she couldn't move much either, but she used her other hand to jiggle his fat and within minutes he'd climaxed. Sated for the moment, Will let himself relax in the sun while his girlfriend cleaned him up.

"You're losing so much weight it's getting hard to lift your excess skin." Fiona told him as she finished.
"I know." Will admitted. "Thank you." He paused. "I mean, I couldn't do this without you, Fi."
Fiona leaned across his belly, one hand cupping his swollen right breast. "Well, I'll always be here, baby." She told him lovingly. She smiled. "I'm so proud of you. And I know Doctor Now is going to be amazed at your weight."

Will smiled, excited by the idea.
"Now, lets get you inside." Fiona said, her voice suddenly all business. "You have an entire days worth of diet food to eat."
"Plus a real dessert." Will reminded her.
Fiona laughed. "After you finish all your diet food and diet dessert." She added.

Will nodded, chins jiggling. Dieting is hard work!

My 600 Lb Life: Will And FionaWhere stories live. Discover now