My 600 Lb Life Part 5 Water Weight

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Will leaned back, partly in satisfaction at a good meal, and partly to counterbalance the heavy blubber that was threatening to pull him off of his chair. "That was good." Will observed, downing a milkshake as he looked at the remains of his breakfast.

"I knew that once you got used to it you'd like the diet." His girlfriend said cheerfully, clearing off the table. "Now, you eat some diet dessert while I clean up and then we'll go." She advised, putting a big pan of apple crisp in front of her oversized boyfriend.

While Will made short work of the apple crisp Fiona cleaned up the mess from the vegetarian omelettes, the bacon, the sausage, and the hash browns, all fried in lard. Lots of protein. Fiona observed as she filled the dish washer. And plenty of vegetables, plus his dessert is made with apples. Will is going to be thin in no time!

In no time, however, Will finished his platter of apple crisp and Fiona brought a wet towel over to clean him up. "Good job, baby." She said, observing the empty pan as she slid the towel between his rolls. His swollen breasts seemed bigger than before but Fiona chalked it up to the effects of sagging now that he was obviously losing weight. "Dr. Now is going to be proud of your progress."

Fiona grabbed the biggest shirt Will owned and slipped it over his head.
"It's getting tight." Will complained as the fabric gripped his swelling manboobs. "I need a bigger one."
Fiona struggled to pull the shirt down but it only made it part of the way down his immense belly, more than a foot of flab still spilling out the bottom. "You'll be fine when you stand up." She predicted, leaning over his gargantuan gut to kiss him on his fat cheek.

Getting Will to his feet was not as easily done as she'd made it sound. When he'd been merely five or six hundred pounds Will had gotten up by shifting his considerable bulk back and forth until he got the momentum to get himself up.
But now, with a couple hundred more pounds filling him out, Will had to be careful about shifting his weight too far forward too fast. With so much blubber in his belly too much forward momentum would tip him over, pinning him to the ground with his own adipose. And that would mean getting an entire crew of men in to lift him. Again.

Now, getting to his feet was a major event. First, Fiona had to bring his walker over to him. It had been specially made just for Will. Not only was it heavily reinforced to hold a man of his stature, but it was extra wide to make room for his ever growing stomach. It had wheels to make movements easier, and easily accessed brakes for when he needed them. And best of all, it had a special shelf built in to hold his belly, taking some of its weight from Will's already stressed frame. 

The challenge was getting his belly onto the shelf in the first place.
"Okay, sweetie." Fiona said, getting the walker into place and standing in front of it. "On the count of three?"

Will nodded, getting his arms as far around his growing tummy as possible. Fiona leaned over the front bar on the walker, her hands ready to guide his belly into place as she pushed the walker forward. On the count of three Will heaved his gut up and Fiona pushed the walker while grabbing his sagging flesh. 

"There we go!" Fiona said brightly, rubbing the mountain of lard that filled up all of the space in the walker. She set the brakes on the walker and went around behind Will. The chair he was in was automatic, so as Will pressed a button designed to help him up, Fiona rubbed his love handles supportively.

"Okay." Will groaned, leaning forward ever so slightly. Hearing her cue, Fiona squeezed onto the chair behind him as it reached its highest position. This was the hardest part because it was the most dangerous for her. "Go!"

At the word, Will heaved himself upwards and Fiona pushed with all of her strength. For a split second it looked like Will was going to come crashing back down on her, crushing her beneath a tidal wave of blubber, but then he got his balance and he was on his feet, leaning heavily on the walker.

"I'm so proud of you!" Fiona said, wrapping her arms around him from behind. He was so wide that her arms only just made it to either side of him, but she could feel her arms squishing in between his rolls like a welcome hug. "You did such a great job, Will!"

She came around to the front of him for a kiss. "You're so cute." She teased, feeling his heavy breasts spill over her hands on the bars of the walker as he leaned towards her. She kissed him lovingly and rubbed his moobs. "My big guy is getting so sexy on this diet."
Will smiled proudly as he felt his girlfriend's hands sliding down his gut.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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