Chapter Four

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Back in the cabin, we head upstairs where Bryce cleans up my cut since he seems to be more of an expert on first aid. I explain the whole situation with Will and his weird mood. Bryce puts alcohol over the wound making me wince and I grab his forearm, "Sorry." I say, letting go.

"It's okay. There you go, you're done, all packed up." He says, giving a bright smile.

"Thank you."

I get up and put my winter accessories together on the desk. I take a deep breath, "Byrce, are you our friend?" I ask in a serious tone.

Bryce looks up between me and Charlie and then back at me, nodding. "Yeah, I mean I consider ourselves friends even though I really haven't known you two all that long."

"Okay, good. While I was walking I thought somebody was following me and I could have sworn that there was something along the moutains." I say, shakily because I am sort of scared that there is someone on the mountain with us.

"It may be from hitting your head, Scar." Charlie tries to reason and tries to reassure me. 

I close my eyes and nod but I am still sure that I saw something. "Okay, I think I am going to start documenting some stuff about the mountain, for the contest." I say, trying to keep myself together.

"No, you need to rest and lay down while we get you some food." Bryce says, standing up.

I frown as I look up at him, "What do you mean? I'm not hungry." I say clearing my throat.

"Your blood sugar is low. Your hands are shaking and you look pale, which are signs of low blood sugar." He informs looking at me full of concern.

"Scarlett, have you been...have you been doing it again?" Charlie asks, full of hurt, which pains me but I just shake my head.

"Listen, I'm fine. I'm just cold, that's all it is." I say stressed and I look up at Charlie and he doesn't seem to be buying it. "Really, I'm fine." 

"Hey, Scarlett, did you make it back up here okay?" Will asks, walking into the room and then stops looking between Charlie and Bryce.

"I'm fine." I say short.

"Scarlett, I am not letting this go." Charlie says, strongly, standing his ground which sends a chill down my back.

"What's going on?" Will asks stepping beside Charlie, who is taller.

"Fine, it's happening again! I have an eating disorder, okay!" I blurt out, feeling suffocated and then I just stop and look at Will, his eyes are wide. "Will, you do not say anything to them down there." I demand.

"You can trust me." He says with a straight face, raising his hands. "Oh and Bryce, Caylee wanted to see you for some reason." Bryce frowns at Will and gives him a evil glare that make me curious as to what their history is. "Scarlett, can I please talk to you?"

"Listen, Scar, Bryce and I are going to go downstairs to fix you something. We will talk when I get back." Charlie says in a disappointing tone, which makes my heart hurt because I know how bad it had gotten before.

They both walk out the room, leaving me and Will alone, "Will, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask, putting my hand on top of my head.

"A scholarship." He responds, smiling.

"I mean here with me in my room." I explain further.

"Oh, right. Look," He begins saying and he take my hand and drags me to my bed where we sit down. "I do care about and trust me I know I have been a real asshole sometimes but I am tired of hiding my feelings, like back in middle school when you recieved that note by your secret admirer that was me." I remember that note. I thought someone was just trying to pull a prank on me or something. "Just think about it." He whispers as he leans in close to my face and then pulls back, leaving the room.

I sit on my bed thinking about what he said but there is no possible way it could ever work between us. He must have lost a bet and is only trying to play with my emotions; I can't get hurt again. "Scarlett?" Charlie calls out coming in the room with a plate full of food, such as a sandwich, jello, and some juice; he shuts the door as Bryce walks in. "Here." He says sorrowful.

As he sits on the bed and the food is in my lap, I slide back and lean against the bedpost. "Did you hear all that?"

"Yeah...It's your choice." Charlie says, giving a weak smile.

"Don't trust him. Scarlett, he's a liar." Bryce says sitting on the other side of the bed. Charlie and I look at him. "He sort of hurt somebody I cared about once. Trust me he is nothing but a face."

"He came up with that letter?" Charlie asks turning back to me and I can only manage to shrug.

"What letter?" Bryce asks, clearing his throat.

"There was this letter that I got in my locker in middle school and it was the sweetest letter I have ever recieved and it was inspirational and really moved me. I never found who wrote it. Listen, I don't have time to worry about him right now. Charlie hand me my bag." As he does I immediately get my laptop and open it up.

"Whoa, first food." I look down and sigh.

"Fine, but I am telling you that I am fine." I say, picking the sandwich up and begin to type on Microsoft Word. I begin to type about how there is already a strange feeling with being on the mountain. I take a bite from my sandwich and put it back on the tray. I look up to see Charlie and Bryce staring at me, frowning. "What?"

"I think your computer needs a break." Bryce suggests, scoffing along with Charlie.

"Yeah. It is going to be a really long month." I sigh and suddenly my phone vibrates. I look down and it's my mom texting me, wondering if I was safe. I responded back, saying everything is fine. 

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